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Publication Date: 
January 11, 1966
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Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587 EU HET IDEALI CHIGOi BYE-3184-65 Copy/ 11 January 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Security Staff, OSA SUBJECT: CHIGOE Security Control 1. This memorandum makes a matter of record the recommended security control system for CHIGOE which is a new joint ORD/OSA project under development. Because of its basic intended use and its developmental connection with other similarly oriented systems, it should be seriously considered for control within the BYEMAN system at some future date. 2. CHIGOE is a multi-sensor aircraft intended for specialized reconnaissance to c011ect intelligence data by means of infrared and photographic sersors. Further develop- ment will include this platform for .:(i,llection by means of a magnetometer. While the Agency is wholly responsible to develop and prove this concept and vehicle, including sensor systems, the CHIGOE capability will undoubtedly have some tactical value for the military services. With this in mind, the Agency development and its reconnaissance role must be compartmented and controlled very rigidly and very early in its life. 3. While CHIGOE is under development, it could be controlled in normal Agency security channels were it not for the interrelationship between some of its sensors and some of the sensors in the IDEALIST Program. On the other hand, when and if this aircraft, or a similar one, becomes operational, its reason for being seems clearly to be defined as a BYEMAN security requirement because its task is defined as collection of intelligence by means of an aircraft flying over denied territory. For illustration, the following pros and cons will be listed. a. CHIGOE is, at present, a purely Agency task, fully funded by Agency funds. b. If CHIGOE is included in the BYEMAN system, it will be exposed to some NRO levels. It is premature to assign CHIGOE to an NRO program at this time. c. Some of the contractors who will contribute equipment to the CHIGOE Program are already under Office of Logistics contract and security guidance. d. The SP2H aircraft, formerly called P2V7, has so far been associated with Office of Logistics contracts and specifically with SOD operations. DUP 1 I Excluded from automatic downg cling and IDEAL ST/CHIGOE HANDLE VIA BYEMAN SE ET CONTROL SYSTEM Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587 IDEALIST/CHIG, BYE 3184-65 Page 2 e. ORD, which normally uses Office of Logistics contracting, is designated to provide the Program Manager. 5. Factors which recommend that CHIGOE be included in the BYEMAN system are as follows: a. The definition of the primary objective of CHIGOE is clearly a typical NRO overflight task. CHIGOE is designed and intended to collect intelligence by means of infrared sensors primarily carried on an aerodynamic vehicle. b. It is intended that the operational model of this CHIGOE system will be operated as an overflight vehicle by OSA. Its ultimate use by OSA demands that strict security control be established early in its life to protect not only Agency involvement but also its operational employment. c. Secure communications between Project Headquarters and at least the prime contractors is necessary for successful conclusion of this project. It is a practical necessity to use BYEMAN or similar security standards and control to establish the typical communications links which we enjoy in other projects. d. When an operational unit is finally established, it must budget through NRO and presumably Program B. By definition, Program B operates the Agency overflight program using aerodynamic vehicles. e. For the latter part of the development program, specifically the flight testing period, we will probably need the support of AFRDR at the Pentagon. This will require coordination for the use of military bases overseas. f. Some, if not all, of the contracting will be done by Contracts Division, OSA. These black contracting methods must be protected and compartmented from other similar projects in OSA. g. Rather than establish an entirely new project to operate this aircraft, it seems only logical to attempt to integrate this relatively small unit into a current OSA project. Assuming that it would be integrated into the IDEALIST program for reasons of economy, if none else, BYEMAN security rules and standards should be observed. IDEALIST/CHIGOE HANDLE VIA BYEMAN SECRET CONTROL SYSTEM Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587 SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGGL BYE-3184-65 Page 3 h. Some of the equipment, such as infrared sensors, defensive equipment and warning equipment have an inevitable cross-reference into other projects such as IDEALIST. The infrared equipment designed for the CHIGOE Program, while totally different in application and form, is derived from the equipment originally designed for the IDEALIST Program. 'Subsequent develop- ments in second generation improvements to the IR sensors for this program will also build on existing technology used in the IDEALIST Program. 6. The following actions are recommended: a. Retain CHIGOE security control within the Agency during the development and test phases, but conform to the specialized standards of the BYEMAN system, b. Include the CHIGOE Program in the BYEMAN system when and if it becomes an OSA operational program. c. OSA Security Staff should be responsible for establishing security guidance and control for Project CHIGOE. d. Project CHIGOE knowledge should be restricted from distribution outside the Agency except for necessary cleared coordination with DOD until such time as the final data is offered to DOD for their use. WILLIAM A. SEWARD, JR. Lt. Colonel USAF Plans/FA/OSA CONCUR: 4I1GOE Program Manager, ORD IDEALIST/CHIGOE HANDLE VIA BYEMAN SECRET CONTROL SYSTEM Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587 SECRET . IDEALIST/CHIGOE BYE-3184-65 Plans/FA/OSA/WASEWARD:lem (30 Dec 65) Distribution: 1 - SS/OSA 2 - DD/SA 3 - ORD/Dr. Brewer 4 - PS/OSA 5 - D/FA/OSA 6 - Plans/FA/OSA 7 - RB/OSA IDEALIST/CHIGOE HANDLE VIA BYEMAN SECRET CONTROL SYSTEM � Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752587