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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 10, 2021
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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1966
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Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751381 0544471-4N, , 4 '114b. mary 1966 L Secretarii'called to advise that had with Dr. Wheelon today and that the canoz contract will be awarded to LTV. Also the Navy will be included in the support operations for the CHIGOE development. 2. A position paper from OM wfll e eirod regarding the first P2V system an4L, n paper will be required with plans' r'OSA fhllinrl.Ote-air- ersft4' 11-nean,s is that we will be required to iaie up with a Iano provide support for tbo:� ..pgy aircraft. Sometime before the development act,theist system is completed, we will need a plan for ,.0SA utilization of this capability in an appro- iiate. aiafi. As Pert of this plan, OSA should decide 01 aircraft will be the most efficient for our _ itz� 3. I was also requested to contact Commander Richard Warren and advise him of the following facts: a. We will use JCS/US Navy channels for support of CHIGOE. b. will call Cdr. Warren on Monday and advise him of the details of the proposed Navy agreement procedure. c. Cmdr. Warren should prepare to get involved in the CHIGOE program. d. Cmdr. Warren should immediately identify key US Navy people whom we can contact to arrange support. C. would like to meet with the Navy during the week 14-18 February if possible. Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751381 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751381 f. Cad. Warren should check with 440.4..; .f he has any doubts � This apparently 4itlert nnary clearance pro- Cedures before we proceed with CRIGOR. 4. I contacted. Cdr. Warren and relayed this data on P:ridayl 4 febrear 064. . 7f2A-1. t a t t 1.XF , tifh' ULLIAN A. =WARD, JR. .0001, - ; -; :12j. QC W1U � ;1.',V,.4 CD/0641 03/08A s _ 6 . 1.1c. Tr- Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751381