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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 10, 2021
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Publication Date: 
March 9, 1966
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Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379 r Action O'rolet =GOO cc, *mesa of the SuA � -5 ketenen tiv Agency raltUensor optIea, ons--ses' A t 1 age flum the Reran of tbe fOr 1'020a:tor Vhages of this deyelonment 4411Ch eded rf 1S66. originated s =Is response to -orecnt nit tvid loon.t vss tr,parent the:t suiW' iot Viet !km " 4ato multi, wpria ativmmeat .tktig elm hgviveroxl that such stiltinmenT ilU tIMMR, 104ich giipas anall� twrtiva.sititt tarzets thA detailed' emv-zith :pattern, =Wm= of kterti rtvy -ery *ratan ItMbines- Mow- siOftnee4 cs4:Ical eb roaction =at erfectimely onr- mounts (o.;.,vzt za Loon) into a =awe flavigational,. complAtational, ozgl tIve b4re Is to 5:vrforn firmatiless " .lissal &Wits to the operators or on the Eroand. lath this display guiding ttk- system esta tnlidly *Wt. tn. ease-Init." ef prime tarezta tor tizin ; Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379 _ to =414rt snalysial, And e,t A � r 4rortaart, eddlti14 vaxa *. unique 404.4m701N! deli: :1.Aa 14Vre2 twattek443 �:3 Axr , 0Utt7 174 IA -ct .flts it 7v4Pr #1�11 t2 t . vi: rev armo mr.ritrat the tlree intelvtt; there sre quch '.!r red tted Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379 L tta 14*-tt UM& 'Ateiifabs, ra?1te*V. rate 1,,t.0ii i4i cote= tt = w_ersexite-ti to. t-h4 mut as 4 ,,.' 4 344-4,4% in arizint.41 0..ne_11 * 1uI rsvonsive t-t) Ilz 'f-ltstlxsts, ,gri4 allbirsith "t 1.001-ematea. qiffstentan 1--, f=n11. thVttLe-ravAtat -,ava sistreii- in lars tvistr. Tra, Wf prim colt-rant In entimwbfK1 t-t. 41495 million 4-4- Phase I 4;Igky 1$ tkfetWay- 'bath tO re tht , -Ma US ft , ; , rim 11.-mt vitt* thia# For se,�, �1-423_. no 7A, -or loag 11144 thea tzsot snV:;vss - bt" Waretiatice4 eft At - � - Orntot4: 0-31ittt* to: � !t_ -ivs left flit the tions e-sten or Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379 244,4-41*. pffrovsl. ea*.ti*W, ,rajeet ear- PO,f,Ni14 t3R,- Pri 4-7r. 7 , ti,,ttAttuel. mtutt4) IsVg14,1,-,VW filileffflOgz - ,assipst 47= ev_ p2trt. � ,; Chlg" Tet to PPS 1 DDS&T -. O'- 2 2 Approved for for Release: 2020/12/28 C05751379