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Publication Date: 
June 20, 1951
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Approved for Release: 2020/02/12 C05736390 CLASSIFICATION cow' IAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY Iran .SUBJECT Political; Sociological HCAV PUBLISHED Irregular newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Tehran DATE PUBLISHED 24 Mar, 1 May 1952 LANGUAGE Persian T1115 DOCUMINT CONTAINS INFOMMA11011 AI/ACTIN* TIPS NATIONAL DIF111011 OF TIPS UNITID $111511 AMNIA T111 ANANIAS OF I1PI0501111 ACT AO II. 5. C., II AND $1 At . ITS TRANSIIIIIION ON WU IIIVILATION OF ITS CANTINAS IN All llllll TO AN UNAUTMONIZOD FIN5011 III IRO. 11111710 IT LAW. oarsoouenms OF ANIS FOAM II 111011111TAN. SOURCE Newspapers as indicated, fl5F, co NO. � DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. 090 Jun 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION TUDEH ORGANS REPORT INCREASING PEASANT RESISTANCE, REVIEW TUDEH SUCCESSES IN 1950 STRESSES IMPORTANCE OF PEASANT-LABOR COOPERATION -- Zafar, I May 51 A union of the working class and the peasantry is the basic condition for victory in the class struggle. This victory, against internal and foreign re- actionaries, is impossible if the peasantry does not accept the leadership of the working class and if the working class does not recognize the fact that the peasantry is its full-fledged loyal supporter. History confirms the fact that the working class together with the peas- ants has been successful in breaking the cbatns of slavery and in destroying the enemy. The Jangal (Jungle) Movement and the Azerbaijar revolution graphically illustrate the growth and development of the peasant movement in Iran. The Azerbaijan revolution demonstrated the strong cooperation of the peasants with the toiler' and workers' movement. The peasants undertook formidable risks and sacrifices without conceding to th2 enemy. � At Present, the Iranian peasants are zealovnly fighting the oppression of the landlords. .In,Behbehan, the peasants are driving out the usurping 3andlords by united effort and force. In Gorgan,.. the Turkomen villagers are. defending themselves against the tractors which the usurping landlords and court nobility are using to replace tenant labor. Th Malayar, the peasants -axe -'so f.1.3hting the oppressive landowners, swearing that they will .continue � 'to fiotthem as long as they possibly can. For many years now, the owners � have been'unable to return to Malayar because of the united strength of the peasants. These and many other examples reveal that the Iranian peasantry has been awakened to the economic and political rule of the imperialists, and that its opposition to this state of affairs has been growing steadily. CLASSIFICATION loNnzal C 11#1 tOti T I Al (b)(3) roved for Release: 2020/02/12 C05736390 Approved for Release: 2020/02/12 C05736390 !ONFIDEtiTT. CONFIDENTIAL REVIEWS US-BRITISH IMPERIALIST POLICIES IN IRAN -- Mardom, 24 Mar 51 To prepare for our future struggle for national independence and peace, it is necessary to review the events of the past year and to summarize the recent successes of the Iranian people's struggle in the face of pressures and numerous obstacles presented by the Iranian ruling class and US and British imperialists. Last year was a year of many successes in the struggle of the classes against exploitation and in the struggle for freedom and democracy. The British and US imperialists resorted to various intrigues to strangle the Iranian people and create confusion. Involved in this intrigue were the Shah, the "discredited governments of Mansur, Razirsca, and. 'Ala, as well as the lower and upper houses all of them servants of the British and US imperialists. The British and Americans, by mutual consent, placed Razmara at the helm of the Iranian government, to execute their odious plans through him. These plans included, suppression of the Iranian press, dissolution of the Lower House, rat- ification of the Supplemental Oil Agreement, acceptance of a US loan, and trans- formation of Iran into an Anglo-Saxon imperialist base. The Iranian people strongly opposed the intrigues, rendering implementation of them diffinilt. Thus, raids against the press met with failure. With the formation of the Iranian Peace Partisans Society, nearly 600,000 signatures for the Stockholm Peace Petition were collected, lIn connection with the Peace Par- tisans, it was reported in War of 1 May that Ostad Behar, head of the Iranian Peace Partisans Society, died on 21 April 1951 after a prolonged illness.] The arrival of US military equipment and the intrigues of such US warmongers as Douglas were received with revulsion by the Iranian people, US uassistanca"and Truman's Point-Four Program became a joke, Dr Grady, the Lutcher of Greece, on several occasions recognized his failure. Finally, even Razmara was compelled by public opinion to prohibit the rebroadcasting of the Voice of America. The British were also unsuecessful on the oil issue. The Iranian people announced their opposition to the usurping AI OC by organizing societies and meetings in Tehran and other areas of the country and demanaing the expulsion of the company officials and the nationalization of the southern oil fields. Despite the efforts of Razmara and his Finance Minister, the defenders of the AIOC, to prolong the.rule of the greedy British, the pressure of Iranian public opinion forced the Iranian legislature unanimously to repudiate the Sup- plemental Oil Agreement and to pees the Oil Nationalization Law despite British intrigues and threatening notes, Although the Tudeh Party has been labeled 'illegal" by the Iranian ruling class and its imperialist overlords, nevertheless the Tudeh Party played sig- nificant role last year in all important Iranian political issues. Last year, the Tudeh Party succeeded not only in strengthening its ranks with peasants, laborers, intellectuals, students, and teacners, and in defending itself against the enemy's attacks, but also in striking against the enemy. The Iranian people will continue their struggle in 1951 - 1952 until nation- alization of the Southern Oil Company is achieved and until total victory is obtained. The Tudeh Party hopes that in 1951 - 1952 it will succeed in the struggle against domestic and foreign enemies and that greater efforts will be expended in this direction. All fighters for Iranian freedom must struggle continuously with ardor and zeal and must' adhere to the Tudeh Party's instructions and slogans. - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDEMPAI