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Document Release Date: 
March 31, 2016
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Publication Date: 
August 6, 1985
PDF icon TARIQ MIKHAIL AZIZ[14650462].pdf49.35 KB
Approved for Release: 2016/02/10 C05730257 Tariq Mikhail `AZIZ IRAQ (Phonetic: ultZEEZ) Deputy Prime Minister; Member, Revolutionary Command Council; Minister of Foreign Affairs Addressed as: Mr. Deputy Prime Minister Tariq 'Aziz is one of President Saddam Husayn's most trusted advisers and is among the four most powerful men in Iraq. He has been a member of the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), Iraq's highest governing body, since September 1977; Deputy Prime Minister since July 1979; and Foreign Minister since January 1983. 'Aziz also serves as the RCC's foreign affairs director. He is the regime's prime formulator of foreign policy, the government's chief external affairs spokesman, and Iraq's primary contact with high-ranking Western and Arab officials. We believe that he enjoys more freedom in his relationship with Saddam than do other advisers, who may harbor presidential ambitions. (A Christian, 'Aziz is unlikely ever to accede to the presidency of Muslim-dominated Iraq.) He was a major proponent of resuming tun diplomatic relations between his country and the United States (a goal that was realized in early 1985). He continues to encourage expanded government-to-government ties and the participation of US industry in Iraq's development program. `Aziz has publicly applauded US efforts to stem the flow of Western arms to Iran but believes this country could do more to end the Iran-Iraq war. In a government known in the past for its harsh stance, he tends to be a moderate on the Arab-Israeli issue. We doubt that he would oppose a negotiated settlement that led to Arab recognition of Israel within permanent boundaries. After receiving a B.A. degree in English from the University of Baghdad in 1958, 'Aziz began serving is a propagandist for the Beth Party. In the late 1950s and early 1960s he edited three different party papers, and during 1968-70 he was editor in chief of al-Thawra, the official party organ. Elected a candidate member of the party's ruling body, the Regional Command, in 1974, he became a full member three years later. He served as Minister of Information during 1974-77. During the past year he has made official visits to London, Paris, Tokyo, Cairo, Rabat, Moscow, and Washington. 'Aziz. who is ab7ut 49 He enjoys Cuban cigars. He speaks excellent, almost elegant English. He and his wife, Violette, have at least two children. CR M 85-14173 6 August 1985 Approved for Release: 2016/02/10 C05730257