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Publication Date: 
December 14, 1953
Approved for Release: 2019/07/17 C05718080 1�11 CLASSIRCATION :3P41517, NUMINUTOWUnia.Ad CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Military - H Bomb HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Cairo DATE PUBLISHED 23 Aug 1953 LANGUAGE French Tr.11. DOCTarlorT COIslalITS ioTrOmr�ToOls sr. IC T !sit T. %AT .0%., Ot !!!!! 01 Trl LIT/ TIO STATES. sir...ix Tog larsIsO Or TITsit IS. SteliT�S 1/01 Siorl MI, OF TTTr U.S. COOS. AS serLITO10. ITS s�AsSITISSIO.� OF Frs. LATIOso OF ITS CIPITTITTI TO Cr SIM, Ss A,. LITAST.041t1II FESSOIT IS TIO SF LITT. O� �s., aOror SOURCE Le Journal d'Egypte DATE OF INFORMATION 1930 - 1953 DATE DIST. /44 Dec 1953 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CAIRO PAPER '3 ACCOUNT OF DEVELOF=2 OF U5SR H Bola The 1936 edition of the Soviet encyclopedia contains references to pitch- blende mines in two provinces of Central Asia which border on Afghanistan, and information on mines in Sararkand in the Uzbek 5SR and in the Kirgiz SM. This inforration is missing from later editions. By order of Nikolay Bukharin2 research on radioactive mines was started in 1930 in Central Asia, principally in the Pamirs- A report published in 1935 in Leningrad by Professor I. Y. Bachizlov tells of these e:Tlorations and stresses the importance of the deposit at Tiniya on the northern slope of the Altay Mountains in Soviet Turkestan, southwest of the city of Osh and 100 kilonnters from Fedchenko on the Central Asia railroad line gedchenko is on the Tashkent Railroad SysteM7. The uranium found in this deposit is known as "Tiniya- Munionite" ft-yuyarramite?7. In 1946, a Ipecial committee under the Personal leadership of Stalin established the Sterlitamak research center, directei by the atomic scientist Kapitsa, and Atomuad I, II, and III in Asia. Atomgrad I is in the Kuznetsk basin in southern Siberia, and Kapitsa established his headquarters there. This basin Lay be considered the Lain Soviet atomic stronghold. Large buildings were constructed, each having an atom bold) shelter several floors below ground level and each being eql,ipped with all modern conveniences. Atos;2rad II is a few hundred kilometer:. away on the banks of the Angara Siver near Lake Baykal. The river is famol..: for th2 force of its current, which would rake it an ideal source of electric power for atomic plants. Atomgrad III is on the edge of Outer Mongolia. The entire region of she Atomgrads aas been transformed into an immense factory and laboratory with hundreds of scientists and thousands of workers. A large number are Russians, although many are Germane and other foreigners from the Satellites. Atomic research has been aided by leaks from the US, which have enabled ;'%e USSR to develop the H Bomb, thus making the two countries almost equal. SEE LAST PAGE FOR SUBJECT Eg AREA Cy.Bi � 1 M57162o CLASSIFICATION roved for Release: 2019/07/17 C0571 �!�� (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/17 C05718080 (b)(3) The USSR atomic bomb would have the following features: an active mass enclosing the elements destined to react each against the other, such as hydrogen and lithium, a powerful electromagnet, and an electric genera cor to furnish the igniting spark. The H borab is cumbersome, but much less expensive than the atom bomb. - E N D - RES roved for Release: 2019/07/17