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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1950
Approved for Release: 2018/09/24 C05713483 (b)(3) NTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY #REPORT NO. CLASSIFICATION cmFID"TIALCONF INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Military - Trobp movements HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Hong Kong DATE PUBLISHED 5 - 10 Jul 1950 LANGUAGE Chinese 11111 DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFICTINS TM NATIONAL DRAM* OF TIER UNITIC1 STATIS WITNIN Till IIITATIENO OF ISTIONASI ACT SO U. S. C.. II AND /11.All ANIMIST, ITS TRANSMISSION OR TIM IIIRMATION OF ITS CONTENTS Ill ANY TO AN UNAUTHOSIZIO PINION IS PRO. 1111111 BY LAW. RIPRODUCTION OF 11111 FORM IS FRONIIIITIO. SOURCE Newspapers as indicated. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. / Aug 1950 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CHINESE REDS PREPARE FOR WORLD WAR III; 'FOURTH:FIELD ARMY MOVING TO NT CHINESE COMMUNISTS PREPARING FOR WAR ON ALL FRONTS -- Hong Kong Kung-shang Jih-pao, 10 Jul 50 Taihoku, 9 July -- The CCF Supreme rfeadquarters is said to be expanding its war plan in preparation for a third World War, Some 60,000 Communist troops which participated in the Hainan operations .are now in Canton awPiting transfer to Ch'ang-sha and Hatkaw for eventual assign- ment in the Northeast Chu Te, it is said, is expecting that the Northeast and North China will become involved in the Korean war. It is also said that pu Te is determined to launch an invasion of Taiwan despite the US Seventh Fleet in Taiwan waters. Lin P'iao has been ordered to move 20,000 troops to-the Fukien coastal area to support Ch'en f. Liu Po-ch'eng is now concentrating his troops on the china-Viet Nam 'border. It is reported, but unconfirmed, that the Chinese Communists are now giving active military support to Ho Chi Minh in preparation for an attack. . CHINESE COMMUNIST TROOPS AIRRADY PARTICIPATTNG IN KOREAN WAR -- Hong Kong Kung- shang Jih-pao, 5 Jul 50 Tokyo, 4 July (Chung-.yang) -- A prisoner captured 8 miles east of Suwon re- vea1e4 that the Chinese Communist troops are already participating in the Korean war. He also said that the 18th Division, now garrisoning Seoul, is made up mainly of Chinese Communist troops commanded by a Chinese whose name be did not know. According to the prisoner, bbwever, almost half of the 18th Division troops have been killed or wounded by the continuous attacks of the US air force. 'HAINAN CCF TROOPS MOVED TO RANKOW -- Hong Kong Kung-shang Jih-pao, 9 Jul 50 Canton reported on 8 July 1950 that a unit of the Hainan CCF Fourth Fie14.e. Arpy, which recently returned-to Canton, was immediately transferred via rail. . to Hankow on 8-July 1950. CONFRITIAL CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL STATE MAW NSRB DISTRIBUTION ARMY AIR FBI I I 1 (b)(3) � 'roved for Release: 2018/09/24 C0571348 Approved for Release: 2018/09/24 C05713483 CONFIDENTIAL (b)(3) CONFIDENTIAL It is also reported that 18,000 troops of the CCF Fourth Field Army, which were transferrei from Hainan to the Viet Nam-Mangsi border, were ordered to proceed to Heng-yang, Hunan, to await orders for transfer to the North. The fifteenth Army Group commanded by Teng Hua was also ordered to proceed to the North. With the transfer of the Fourth Field Army to the North, the garrisoning duties of both KVangtung and Hainan are to be carried out by the local public security units. SOME OF LIN PIAO'S TROOPS HEADED FOR NORTHEAST -- Hong Kong Kung-shang Jih-pao, 9 Jul 50 A dispatch from Macao reported that approximately 20,000 troops of Lin Piao's Fourth Field Army, stationed at Chinag-men, KWangtung, after the Hainan opeiations were ordered to move to Hankow to be transferred to the Northeast within a month. A report from Shih-lung dated 6 July 1950 stated that Li Pi-han's 303d Division of the Chinese Communist forty-first Army, assigned to. guard the rail- road depots between Shih-lung and Chang-mu-to, was ordered by the fifteenth Army Group Headquarters of the Fourth Field Army to move to Canton to await further orders. ,CANTON GIVES HUGE WELCOME TO HAINAN LIBERATORS -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 5 Jill 50 Canton, 4 July -- On 4 July 1950, a great welcome was given by the people of Canton to the returning veterans of the Hainan operations. A welcoming speech was given by Depity Mayor Liang Kuang of Canton in which he thanked the troops for the part they played in the liberation of Hainan as well as of all Kwangtung. SHANGHAI REDS INCREASE ANTI-US PROPAGANDA, CCNSCREFTION -- Hong Kong Kung-shang Jik-pao, 10 Jul 50 Taihoku, 9 july -- A recent arrival from Shanghai reported that since the outbreak of the war in Korea, the Shanghai Communist authorities have been in- tensifying their anti-US propaganda in an attempt to gain, support of the masses . and the conscript additional men. It is also said that the Chinese Communist authorities issued orders to the various military districts to conscript able-bodied men throughout the area for military service. Many young men are said to be fleeing the area to evade the draft. -END - LIUMil Mon N - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL proved for Release: 2018/09/24 C05713483