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Document Creation Date: 
February 24, 2023
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February 24, 2023
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Publication Date: 
February 19, 1986
Approved for Release: 2017/11/16 C05673148 - 19 February 1986 MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: 19 February 1986 HPSCI Briefing CIA Briefers Congressmen Present Staffers Present ADDI Helger son Dwyer, McHugh, Brown, Daniel, Kastenmeier, Hamilton, Stump, Ireland, Hyde, Cheney, Livingston Latimer, O'Niel, Andrews, Faga, Giza, Raimo, Keliher, Berry, Addington (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) Subjects Briefed by ADDI Philippines Libya (both Chad and 6th Fleet aspects) Iran-Iraq Central America (government changes in Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica) Questions Answered by ADDI Hyde We expect Marcos to stay in power? Will Aquino remain a strong force? Have you estimated the impact of an aid cutoff to the Philippines? Kastenmeier Is the Commission report on the Philippines election similar to your assessment? Are the insurgent groups in the south of Nicaragua weaker? Yes. At least through May elections. Doing work on economic fall out of elections, which aid cutoff would worsen. Do not have the Commission report, but I believe we are reporting a lot of the same phenomena. Yes. 1161 _S-FreitET Approved for Release: 2017/11/16 C05673148 CL BY SIGNER DECL OADR Approved for Release: 2017/11/16 C05673148 -8�E-CRE'r SUBJECT: 19 February 1986 HPSCI Briefing Kastenmeier What military contingencies Referred to DoD. are we planning in the Mediterranean vis-a-vis Libya? Ireland Hyde Brown Cheney McHugh Has the basic situation in Angola changed? Any info on possible prisoner release in South Africa? Any home found for Baby Doc? Some leftists in Nicaragua have given up hope of negotiating with Sandinistas. Do we have any additional info on this? How much time is left for Contras if we don't step up aid? Wasn't Honduras reluctant to accept humanitarian aid intended for Contras? Won't they therefore be reluctant to broker military aid? Are these to affect debate on Nicaraguans trying the Congressional aid to the Contras? Is the Hussein peace initia- tive still alive? Has Hussein's attitude changed since the US arms deal fell through? No. Not specifically, but unconditional release of Nelson Mandela is doubtful. No, though Liberia still a possibility. No. Hard to predict, could hang on but with greatly reduced effectiveness. Yes. No. Pre-election politics and different army chief involved before. Yes, very hard. Notably, it is a more sophisticated and potentially effective effort. They are targeting particular Congressmen and committees, including this committee. Also, it's world wide. Yes, but no high hopes. Not basically, but he does talk with the British and the Soviets about arms. - 2 - SE-GRELT" Approved for Release: 2017/11/16 C05673148 Approved for Release: 2017/11/16 C05673148 -SE-eRVIr SUBJECT: 19 February 1986 HPSCI Briefing McHugh Cheney Follow up What is the prospect for escalated violence in southern Lebanon? How bad is the Mexican economic situation? What is the situation in Yemen? High. Serious. NFIB is consider- ing a SNIE on this subject in two days, so you'll soon have a thorough IC assess- ment. Described briefly. Rep. Cheney asked about the March elections in France. in EURA tasked with producing a short response. (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) Executive is s istan t /DDI Attachment: Maps handed over to committee. cc: ADDO OCA All portions classified SE4,11/rn - 3 - aF-CASTr" (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) 411. Approved for Release: 2017/11/16 C05673148