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Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 from WILLIAM H. MERRILL to 1f74 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Misc. lahneuts (rov) QUESTION #12 - What do we know of Science Security Associates and one of its principals, A. J. Woolston-Smith? ANSWER - On 3 October 1972, the Federal Bureau of Investigation requested name traces on Mr. A. J. Woolston-Smith and Science Security Associates. The Director of Security replied by memorandum of 4 October 1972, a copy of which is attached. We have no record on Science Security Associates. Mr. Arthur James Woolston-Smith came to the attention of this Agency in December 1954, when he was interviewed during the course of a routine investigation of an individual who was of interest to this Agency in the Boston, Massachusetts area. During the course of this interview, Mr. Woolston-Smith identified himself as a representative of the Canadian Intelligence Service. (b)(1) (b)(3) we refer you to the FBI for other information in our files concerning Mr. Woolston-Smith. Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DOCUMENT RECEIPT NOTICE TO RECIPIENT Sign and Return as Shown on Reverse Side COURIER REC. NO. - DATE SENT SENDER OF DOCUMENT(S) Howard J. Osborn D/Security ROOM BLDG. Hqs. DATE DOCUMENT(S) SENT 10/4/72 DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT(S) SENT CIA NO. DOCUMENT DATE COPIES DOCUMENT TITLE (IN BR)EF) ATTACHMENTS CLASS I , 1 0/4/ 72 Orig & 1 Arthur J. Woolston-Srnith Science Security Associates None ,. RECIPIENT ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT The Acting Director I Federal Bureau of Investigation I Attention: Mr. Arnold L. Parham SIGNATURE (AC OwLEDGING RECEIPT OF ABOVE DOCUMENT(S)) 'f L4e OFFICE DATE OF RECEIPT E---C--.. 7L-� 4: i FORM /15 10-70 U USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 SECRET OCT 1972 MEMC_RANDUM FOR: The A ztimg Director Federal Bureau. of Investigation ATTL.."NTION SUBJ1'...*CT Mr. Arnold L. Parham Arthur James Woolston-Smith Science Security Associates 1, Reference 'Is made to your request of 3 Cctober 1972 for inforzrtadon concerning the Subjects. 2. Arthur James Woolston-Smith first carne to the a.ttention of the Central Intelligence _Agency in late 1954, at which. time he claimed to be A Security Cificer of the International Students' Center, Elarvard University, and claimed a connection with the Canadian Intelligence Service. We have in our files copies of investigations of Mr. Woolston-Sraith conducted by your Bures.0 in 1956 and 1957. 3. In November 1970, this Agency received a file check request -43arding Mr. . Wocaston- Smith from the Washington 171.e/c1 _Activities Support Center of the Llepartnnent of Defense, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The request reflected that Mr. Wool -Smith was then a private investigator, employed as Vice President, Science Security Associates, 520 5th Avenue, New York, New York. }Rs residence was listed as unknown. n (ume, en4ert date or event) ctAssr,wr) F:y 011696 I. DECIA53iFICATiON SCA.: t � il "�-� . . . LIN Date Impossible to Determine Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 SCrl"�'-7 }-c L. 7 4. This information is provided in confidence, and Dbould not be disseminated outside of your 13ureau. "Please refer any correspondence on this matter to the attention of the Director of Security. FOR T1-11S. DIRECTCR CT er,z4TRAL INTELLIOZNCS: � d'07.7.,;-2.4:-_, llowa.rd S. ..rsoorn Director of Security Distribution: Orig. & 1 - Adse � 3 - Subject files 1 - fl/Security j (4 October 1972) sEgRET (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DOCUMENT RECEIPT NOTICE TO RECIPIENT Sign and Return as Shown on Reverse Side COURIER REC. NO. DATE SENT SENDER OF DOCUMENT(S) Howard J. Osborn D/Security ROOM BLDG. Hqs. DATE DOCUMENT(S) SENT 10/4/72 (ID`, DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT(S) SENT CIA NO. DOCUMENT DATE COPIES DOCUMENT TITLE (IN BRIEF) . ATTACHMENTS CLASS , i f , 10/4/72 Orig & 1 Robert S� Oliver, Sr. Robert S. Oliver, Jr. Robert Oliver Assoc. Washington, D. C. Association of Dem. None tate Chairmen S RECIPIENT ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT The Acting Director Federal Bureau of Investigaticn SIGNATURE (NOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF AB:1,200CUMENT(S)) ,L ,,,, : C i (-7, --f f r � ' OFFICE ,-k-7r i Attention: Mr. Arnold L. ParharriC. /. i -- - l--- 6 e 14, _A- DATE OF RECEIPT (c_d_.74: �-- FORM 10-70 01 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS (3) Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 13k;-1. Z72 MEM011ANDUM FOR: The Acting Director Federal Bureau of Inve.stigation ATTENT/ON : Mr. Arnold L. Parham . SUBJECT : Robert Spencer Oliver, Sr. Robert Spencer Oliver, Jr. (1 No-vember 1 937) Robert Oliver Associates, Washington, D. C. Association of Democratic State Chairmen 1. Refezextca is made to your request of 3 October 1 972 for informaticzet concerning the Subjects. � 2. Records of the Central Intelligence Agency reflect that azi individual identified as R. Spencer Oliver, E:r.ecutive Secretary of the American Council of Young Political Leaders, was one of two leaders of a 19 member American delegation which arrived In Moscow on 29 July 1972 for a 15 day visit to the Soviet Union. The group was organized under the 1972 American/Russian Cultural Exchanges Agreement, and consisted of nearly equal numbers of young Republicans and Democrats. It. Spencer Qiver was identified as a Democrat from Maryland. Mr. Oliver left unexpectedly on 5 August 1972 to return to Washington, D. C. 3. The Washington Star and Daily News of 6 September 1972 reported that Spencer Oliver, Executive Director of the State Chairmen's Association (of the Democratic National Committee) was to testify in the $1 million invasion of privacy suit brought by Lawrence O'Brien, Senator ItvicGovern's Campaign Manager, against the Committee to Re-elect the President, and the five Watergate suspects. The Wa.shineton Post reported on 14 September 1 972, that listening device- had been found inside the telephone of R. Spencer Oliver at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters. t CLASS:FF.2 L 011696Y J.i - Date Impossible to Determine (unleis or event) Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425 4. Piles of this Agency contain a Dun and Bradstreet report of 31 C.,Ictober 1969, reflecting that a Robert Oliver was then a Legislative Consultant. He was Chief ...1.'mecutive of Robert Oliver and As ociate$, Suite 706, 400 First Street N. W. Washington, D. C., 20001 - telephone: (202) EX3-6993. The firm was shown to have one employee, with sales of $100,000 and a worth of $250,000. There was no mention of the terms -*Sr." or -3r.* with respect to the narno of Robert Oliver, but it may be that this person is one of the Subjects of your inquiry. 5. Cur records contain no information regarding the Association of Democratic State Chairmen except as noted in paragraph 2 above. 6. This information is provided in confidence, and should not be dissernirtnted outside of your Bureau. Please direct any correspondence on this matter to the attention of the Director of Security. FOB VIP: DIRECTOR OF CENT2,AL INTELLIGENCE: Howard J. Goborn Director of Security Distribution: Orig. & 1 - Adse 1- D/Security 1 - Chrono 4 - Watergate File :jna (4 October 1972) f), I Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 C05672425