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Publication Date: 
March 25, 1957
PDF icon DR. ROBERT E. SOBLE, WITH[16098975].pdf166.52 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C05661879 - .1 2. 2 0 z CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. NE2IORANDIR4 FOR: Director Federal, Bureau of Investigation ATTENTION : Er. Sam J. Papi SUBJECT : Drj2le. with aliases e 100-3 3799 ESPIONAGE:- R tt100, otAeo 2 5 MAR 1957 de/ Reference is made .to your memorandum dated 13 Match 1957 subject as above, in which you requested further information concerning thipAgency's.use of'Johanna Beker. Attached is a summary of this Agency's utilization of Johanna Beker in 1953. Also attached is a copy of a Quit- claim, that Johanna Beker and her mother, Martha Koenen signed on 26 August 1953.. in addition, there is a copy of a state- ment which Johanna Beker signed on 27 August 1953.. The above is furnished for, your information and iS not to be disseminated outside of your Bureau. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: RECORDED-6 c itatat, atc_c_a INDEXED � 2 Nreata."...4- Fii,7-craR 291951 OK aatict,�2_) Dire of SecuritY /5(3 35-3 f 475 46.7t, t Attachments: (3r14N011133- g 14'4 S' ek� eb 61-JV 411 Oka pfr I. a J 4.) :Podelkt10/307.-694.(4/011 4 AU- FBI INE:07117iON COItTAINED IY010/Zia HEREIN ISIS,. DA70:141.8$_61.09414 (461373 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C05661879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C05661879 4_7 A 0 %BIC -%., 9 (aka Istalasycleaktasf3 ' YAM INFORMATION CONTAINED 'gado?. ' SUBJECT: BEIER, Johanna :11151EIN IS UNCLASSIFIED oupla)ma_BY im4.0 The following is a summary of this Agency's use of Johanna Beker in 1953: Johanna Bdker's father, � has been active in the Communist Party in Germany since 1907. As ottgringrirezmmmy he was a member of the Centr bommitiee; Chairman, Secretariet of'the.National Front; and meMber of the Presid- ium of the National Council of the National Front, as .well as other lesser positions. In the spring of 1953, Wilhelm Koenen fell into disrepute, was dismissed from his positions, and there were indications that he was possibly being purged by the Ehet German Communist Party. Since Wilhelm Koepen's laxwledge of Communist activities was extensive, it was felt that the time.was ripe, to attempt his defection. Johanna Beker's mother,. although separated from her husband, was living in Belle, last Germany. In 1950, Johanna Beker traveled to East Germany to induce her mother to move to West Germany, but her efforts were fruitless. It was thought that since Johanna Beker had previoUsIy attempted to bring her mother out of East Germany she would be the logical choice now to defect her: father. It was therefore planned to contact Johanna Beker to see if she would go to Germany to attempt to induce- both her father and mother to flea to� Wet Germany, where they could seek political asylum. In a memorandum dated 29 Juhe 1953 this plan was outlined to the FBI, and on 1 July 1953 the FBI notified this Agency that they had no objection to our approaching Beker to eee if she would aeeist in the plan. On 3,0 July 1953 Beker was contacted in New York City by arepresentative.of. this Age/ley-who. used a pseudonym throughout the operation. After a series Of -meetings. with Johanna Beker held on 10 through 12 July, she agreed to undertake the assignment. She further agreed to maintain complete secrecy abOult-it even vis-a-vis her husband, who Was then on a business trip to Turkey. Beker was to receive no remuneration but was assured that-expenses incurred by her while.ae- sisting us would be defrayed. She was promised that if she wee successful in defecting her father and mother, assistance would be given her in their resettle- ment and maintenance for a given period. Johanna Beker departed -for Germany on 20 July 1953-. On 28 July, after all arrangements were completed, she went to West Berlin. Beker first contacted her mother, who soon came to Vest Berlin: Repeated attempts were made to contact her father, but it soon became apparent that either her father was under house arrest or else had personally decided to weather out, the storm in an-attempt to get back ,,into good grapes of the East German Communist Party.- The last attempt to meet rA"withjIlhelpmewias made on 12 August ,end when this was unsuccessful it was agreed that Subject should return to the U.S. Beker's mother was resettled with an auntof-Subject at Kiel, Vest Germany. Subject accepted po financial assist- ance and refused a payment of 6,000'Deutchliarks West to defray the cost entailed \,;, in resettling her mother from Belle to Kiel. As 06 26 August 1953, a Quitclaim was signed by Johanna Beker and her mother: Marth enen, indicating that the U.S. Government had fulfilled an. its obliggions anCThIt the relationship was then discontinued. Subject returned to the U.S. on 2 Deptember 1953, and no further contact or use has been made of Subject by this Agency. LI 41 ENOLDS1U164 1"-je7 " EGRET Approved for Release: 2022108101 005661879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C05661879 1-7,M.:1)..7.---n-r,,I.-477rno� - ,-* � -. .;:rc4-7, .... fix."' .,11-- �...:: ," - 41:-4,0171-4 ' ' Cle.-AP.,1.-1.� 4� - ...e I. , � - �!-----17.,,F; rt-4-$,-1- -�it ta - � '-'� - ^ 1-4-cr;r4e-'s -'-. . � .C.- -ie.' ., > .��� .1.� �� .. � e- � , ; �... � � � 'QUITCLAIM KNOW ASZIEN-BY THESE PRESENTSi - I � - 4 \*1.ficntetrri; - rAi� � * � � itECRES,. WHEREAS a relationship has heretofore existed between the Government of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter ca)lr' "the Government") and Martha KOENEN of Halle, Germany, a7 WHEREAS, the Government has fulfilled all of its obligations under and pursuant to its arrangements with Martha KOENEN and/or her agents, the parttr are mutually desirous of terminating their relationship;.. NOW; THEREFORE, I, Mitotha KOENEN of Halle, Germany, for good and -valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do for myself, my heirs, exacutors, administrators and assigns, hereby remise, release and forever discharge the Government, its officers, agents and employees from any and all debts, claims, compensation, benefits, demands, actions and causes of action arising out of or by aeon of my resettlement from Halle, Germany, to Kiel, Germany; ,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto- set my hand and seal at Berlin, Germany, this 26th day of August 1953. � On this 26th day of August 1953, the abovementioned. 'person, personally came )signed the foregoing instrument,, and duly aoknow� ledged the same to be his act and deed. The person who executed the foregoing instrument is personally known to me....� 610/1/PuL-4 /Wei_ (Witness) On this 26th day of August 1953, before me, an officer duly qualified to administer oaths, personally came Martha KOENEN, known by me to be the person who executed the foregoiwrinstrument, and who acknowledged the same to be his act and deed... � arra/le geitilet /0136102sASMPllia4b2- ALL FBI INFOVII- iON CONTAINED HEREIN IS pe/63.7CY 5frin-40 -su limn) � (Sigtature) df 41n id� A sEcREti o - 3j 7671- q41 laciwoLatit � .. -� � (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C05661879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C05661879 it STATEMENT MEI Major, U.S. Any, on this date offered the sum of DMW 6,000.-- (six thousand Deutsch Marks West) to Mts. Johanna BEKER, to defray the costs enteilid in the resettle- ment of h. mother, Martha KOEKEN, from Halle, Germany, to Kiel, Cermet-. Mrs. Johanna BEKER chose not to accept the abovementioned sum as she considered it an honor and a privilege to have served her country, the United States of America. She thankfully at -, copted the help of the Government in resettling her mother, Martha KOENEN, to Ki Germany, and gratefully declines any further recompense., In acknowledgement of the above statement, we have hereunto set our signatures in Berlin, Germany, on this 27th day of August, 1953. reetitikerCi3dCregit_iielifille4ve. PAC '071- '2" -5111.40-1494 4P SCRET o anna BEKER 'et Major, US Army v 9t7 - (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C05661879