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February 18, 2005
PDF icon INFORMATION REVIEW & RELE[15598797].pdf103.66 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578288 ADMINICTIZATIVE INTERNAL USE PRY Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 7-18 February 2005 Executive Summary Future Planning Calendar (UP7t11113) 16 February 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting at NARA in Washington, DC. (IMAIThi+). 8 March 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals' meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC. (U//4)././J0)- 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended. Overview of IRR Activities--Last Two Weeks (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(3) (U/A11344) FOIA Requests (U / / .1447314) BASIC Focuses on Intel Reporting on Iraq (Ullitrttr) The British-American Security Information Council (BASIC) is requesting an 18 January 2005 CIA report titled "Iraq: No Large-Scale Chemical Warfare Efforts Since Early 1990s." Citing the Los Angeles Times , the requester adds that this is "the second in a 'retrospective series that addresses our post-Operation Iraqi Freedom understanding of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and delivery system programs." � The FOIA case manager accepted the request/ Editor: The referenced 1 February 2005 news article " CIA Corrects Itself on Arms" asserts that "The classified report states that this is the first instance that the CIA has recanted its actions for going to war with Iraq under the assumption of weapons of mass destruction, and that production of these weapons stopped in 1991. "7 NIDKAINIST Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578288 Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578288 Ate�Po1i++10T-IT-E'RflAt (U/hocteft) Agreement on Space Radar Program (U//271777Frequent requester, Jeffrey T. Richelson, wants a copy of the "agreement between the CIA and the Department of Defense, reportedly signed by Porter Goss and Donald Rumsfeld in late January 2005, designating the Space Radar Program as the replacement for the radar segment of the Future Imagery Architecture." (b)(5) (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(3) (b)(3) � The FOIA case manager accepted this request. along with another i Richelson request/ or "Any videos prepared for the 40th anniversary celebration of the Directorate of Science and Technology." Editor: Mr. Richelson is the author of numerous publications including: America's Space Sentinels: DSP Satellites and National Security (University Press of Kansas, 1999); and, America's Secret Eyes in Space (Harper & Row, 1990). (UHAtUty) fhe Archive Request on Iraq and al-Qaida (U/frkftItl) The National Security Archive is requesting three documents which it references from the 7 July 2004 Senate Intelligence Committee's Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq : 1) DCl/CTC, Iraqi Support for Terrorism , September 2002; 2) DCl/CTC, Iraqi Support for Terrorism , January 2003; and 3) CIA, Iraq and al-Qaida: Interpreting a Murky Relationship ,June 2002. � The FOIA case manager accepted this request/ (U,4444LID) CIA Declassification Center (U// Connectivity Established at NARA (U//t149-The Agency established secure connectivit between CDC NARA 0 erations and the ADSN A enc I. ervice Network (UHAttlef) From the Archives: (UHAW4)-Welcoming the CIA to Langley, VA (UHAIU ) A 1955 leather-bound proposal from Fairfax County�Fairfax County Welcomes the CIA"�points out the many advantages the CIA would gain if it were to decide to locate its new building in Langley, VA. It contains letters of welcome and acceptance from such organizations as the Chamber of Commerce, the Board of Supervisors, The Providence Journal , and Great Falls Grange No. 738, as well as maps of the proposed CIA site, water mains, sewer lines, and current and proposed transportation routes. Among the many advantages of siting the CIA in Langley, is this one: "NEAR BUT NOT TOO NEAR�Far enough out to abate bombing hazards during enemy raids in wartime�near enough now and always for speedy transportation in and out of Washington.' (UHATIOn) World Population Projections�Then and Now (u/rAttie.) An April 1979 Directorate of Intelligence article examining World population growth states: "A decline in the rate of global population growth has helped to reduce global concern with the population explosion. Recent data suggest that the world's population will rise from approximately 4-billion in 1975 to 6-billion in 2000, rather than to 8-billion as earlier predicted." However, it cautions: ". . . the working-age population in many developing countries may grow too fast for the economies to absorb, with consequent problems for political stability. On the other hand, if a significant number of the economies of developing countries do grow rapidly enough to employ the increased population effectively, they will present a steadily growing challenge to the economic dominance of the developed countries." (b)(3) (b)(3) RN& UJt ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578288 Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578288 ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY � Comment : The US Census Bureau website indicates that the revised population projection held true. Bureau estimates total midyear population for the world in the year 2000 at 6.079 billion, and it currently projects that world population will not hit 8 billion until approximately the year 2027. (U///e14,1Q) The Trouble with Haiti... (U//A1441i3j-From the Nixon Library comes a January 1970 State Department memo to the National Security Council (NSC) in support of a policy study on Haiti for National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 70. The first section is an assessment of the current situation and most likely future developments. It begins with a quotation from a recent study by the Office of National Estimates (ONE): "The Trouble with Haiti is that it cannot reasonably be considered a member of the hemispheric community, and yet there it is, right in the middle of the Caribbean. The trouble with Haiti is that its leadership has been a succession of scoundrels, each of whom has driven the country further into darkness and desolation. The trouble with Haiti is that it is barely a country, yet it's resident and expatriate would-be elites demand that it be treated like one. The trouble with Haiti is that it won't respond to anybody's therapy. Even if Haiti's trouble should be compounded by violence and an uncertain succession after Duvalier passes from the scene, its hemispheric neighbors would be little tempted to press for intervention. And no matter who succeeds Duvalier, Haiti's troubles are not likely to be relieved." (U///tItiO) Gone Without a Trace (UllibrIlleri From the Carter Library comes a White House "Evening Report" memo from William Odom to [National Security Advisor] Zbigniew Brzezinski. In the June 1977 report Odom wrote, "I trust you did not miss [Soviet Foreign Minister] Gromyko's line to [German Foreign Minister] Genscher: 'Politics in the [Soviet] Politburo is like the Bermuda Triangle--occasionally someone disappeared [sic] and is never heard from again." CC: (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ALJMINI I KH I IV - I Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578288