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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
June 15, 2001
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578282
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 11 June - 15 June 2001
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(UllittIlel) 17 June 2001: Historical Review Panel (HRP): Next meeting at CIA
oullktrer, 11 July 2001: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting
at NARA, Washington, DC.
Future Planninz Calendar:
(UHAIU0) 26 July 2001: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EOB, Washington, DC.
(U/hzuuty) October 2001: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed general material older than 25 years.
(U/htltilE)� April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(U//7CItiej FOIA Requests
(Ulliclirfret) Guatemalan Requester Wants CIA File on His Late Uncle
(MOM" A Guatemalan requester living in Chicago asked for records on Otto Rene Castillo, who, according to
the requester, was a Guatemalan poet and left-wing revolutionary activist. The requester states the subject is his
uncle who was "tortured and burned to death" by the Guatemalan army in 1967.
(Ullerfri7) Requester from UK Asks for Information on "Laserworks Surveillance Bugging Equipment"
(Uthsziller) A requester from East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, submitted a request for CIA information on
"laserworks surveillance bugging equipment," a subject she is interested in because she is "now entering the close
protection industry."
� The FOIA case officer informed the requester that no information on the subject was located/
(UHAI4444.) Requester from Germany Wants Copy of Intelligence: The Acme of Skill
(W/A-14344) A frequent requester from Altmittweida, Germany, asked for a copy of Intelligence: The Acme of Skill.
� The FOIA case officer performed a search of the Management of Officially Released Information (MOP])
database and found that the requested publication has been previously released. Because the publication
has fewer than 100 pages and minimal search time was expended to find it, the FOIA case officer will not
ask the requester for search and reproduction fees.
(U//. Illinois Requester Wants CIA's American Revolution File on Her Ancestor
(1)//2TIVer)- A woman from the Chicago suburbs of Illinois this week asked for CIA files on various Polish veterans
of the American Revolution, including Casimir Pulaski, who she claims is her ancestor.
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� Casimir Pulaski was a Pole who met Benjamin Franklin in Paris in 1775 and indicated an interest in
helping the Americans with their revolution against the British. Franklin gave Pulaski a letter of
recommendation for him to carry to George Washington. Pulaski arrived in America in 1777 where the
next year General Washington granted him his own legion of cavalry and light infantry. The Pulaski
Legion fought in several battles in New Jersey, South Carolina, and Georgia. During the siege of
Savannah, Georgia in 1779, Pulaski was wounded and transferred to an American ship in the harbor
where he died two days later at the age of 31. Pulaski was buried at sea.
� The FOIA case officer sent the requester a letter informing her that "... the CIA was not formed until 1947,
more than a century and a half following the end of the Revolutionary War....", and suggested the
requester mi ht seek further assistance from organizations such as the National Archives and the Library
of Congress.
(il//2444,141.01M Declassification Center
(U//it-Archivists from LBJ Library Indicate CIA's Declassification Program "Most Cooperative"
(U//firltilleo) Charline McCauley and Jennifer Cuddeback, archivists from the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential
Library, visited IM/C10 on 13 June and met with members of IM/CIO's External Referral Unit (ERU), the Public
Information Release Division (PIRD), and other groups at with whom the Library deals on a (b)(3)
regular basis. Representatives from the OIM Declassification Center provided the visitors with an overview of the
CIA's declassification process and a tour of the facilities. The visiting archivists indicated of all the agencies with
which they deal the CIA and the Department of State are the most cooperative. (b)(3)
(UllAttler) From the Archives: Employee Suggestion in 1952 - Have Convicts Translate Foreign Documents
(U//F=) In 1952, the CIA's Efficiency Awards Committee forwarded to the Office of General Counsel (OGC) an
employee's suggestion that the Agency use federal prison convicts to translate foreign documents. OGC responded
in a letter, which was recently reviewed by the DCI team at the OIM Declassification Center, that the law would
clearly seem to prohibit direct contact by representatives of the Agency with Federal Prison officials" and that OGC
doubted whether the type of linguistic service the CIA needed would be available in the prison population.
(11//Aitter7 Publications Review Board
(11/04140)- PRB Chairman Briefs Officers in Residence on Prepublication Review Obligations
(U//AIU0) This week the Chairman of the Publications Review Board (PRB) spoke with a group of Officers in
Residence (OIRs) about their prepublication review obligations. The Center for the Study of Intelligence runs the
OIR program, which provides senior Agency officers with the opportunity to become part of the academic world for
two or three years, and has an annual conference as a refresher for veterans and instruction for new participants.
OIRs are members of the faculty of their host institutions, teach courses on intelligence, and contribute to the
scholarly literature on intelligence. It is the last activity of these three that subjects the OIRs to prepublication
review, and the Board's Chairman explained the principles and process.
� The Board's history with OIRs has been uneventful. They routinely submit their work for review and abide
by the Board's decisions.
(il//A4430)- Litigation
(il//10013�1.)- Agency Wins Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit
(U//F7 The CIA has won a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by journalist Anthony Summers
concerning Agency records about the 1969 Paris Peace talks, two South Vietnamese Ambassadors, and Anna
Chennault. The US District Court for the District of Columbia granted the Agency's motion for summary judgment
after the Agency showed that it had properly Glomared -- neither confirming nor denying -- having information on
the two Ambassadors. The Agency demonstrated that it had conducted a reasonable search and had no responsive
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records on the Peace talks and Anna Chennault.
This is a record.
Sent on 20 June 2001 at 08:39:30 AM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578282