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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date: 
April 6, 2001
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578273 ADfv1lNlSTRATlVE - INTERNAL USE 01 Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 2 April - 6 April 2001 Executive Summary Immediate Calendar: (U/Attle) 24 April 2001: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting at NARA, Washington, DC. Future Plannin2 Calendar: (U/74444369-17 May 2001: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals' meeting at EOB, Washington, DC. (UNCTr(7) June 2001: Historical Review Panel (HRP): Next meeting at CIA. (U//A4430)- October 2001: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for unreviewed general material older than 25 years. (U/441444) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records. Overview of IRR Activities Last Week: (UHA4440) OIM Declassification Center (b)(3) (11//04140) ODC Embarks on Extensive Quality Assurance Effort (U/LiWeiefj Management representatives from the OIM Declassification Center (ODC) met with quality experts from Raytheon this week for the purpose of establishing a comprehensive quality program for the 25-year automatic declassification program. Chief of ODC's Declassification Review Division, told the Raytheon representatives, "Although quality has always been important in our work, recent errors have given us a real wake-up call to this aspect of our business. I expect this process to be difficult and challenging as we examine material and take steps at every level of our organization to improve, monitor and achieve and maintain the highest possible quality standard." (UHATVII) From the Archives: In 1949, DCI Says About NSC: "Sometimes The Bigshots Get a Little Sarcastic" (U/MdtiE)) In 1949, Director of Central Intelligence RADM Roscoe Hillenkoetter chaired an Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting where a proposal on handling crisis situations came up. According to the minutes of the meeting, which the DCI team at the OIM Declassification Center recently reviewed, the DCI was concerned that the NSC would respond to the proposal by saying, "my dear friend, you already have that authority, why are you bringing it here?" The DCI reportedly stated, "I feel personally, that it is not necessary that it go to the NSC. We can justify it under the implementing agreement under NSCID 1 (National Security Council Intelligence Directive).... I am going to send a letter with it when I forward it, to protect myself from a little sarcasm there from some of the boys.... Sometimes some of the bigshots get a little sarcastic and I want to be covered both ways." p_7 (U/LAIL10) FOIA Requests (UHA-I4343). 60 Minutes II Wants Reports on Downed Gulf War Pilot (U/httter) A producer at CBS Television's 60 Minutes II requested copies of two documents related to the case of LCDR Michael Scott Speicher, the US Navy pilot shot down on the first night of the 1991 Gulf war, and still listed as missing in action. The producer requested copies of the classified versions, redacted if necessary, of a joint (b)(3) ALIA41.111.414Z4T-IVE-114-TE444AL-14SE-944L-Y- Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578273 Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578273 *efdtteti3tliteritlfel-T-E-Rfebkt�beC�Ofelty- CIA/DOD Inspector General report reviewing the case of Commander Speicher, and an Intelligence Community analytical assessment of the case, which DIA prepared at the direction of the DCI. (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(3) (b)(5) (U//*IVO) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Interested in Consulate Attack (U//01341 A requester from CBC Radio-Canada seeks information on the 1999 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Toronto, including the name of the detachment and person in charge of security at the Consulate at the time, any arrests or convictions, briefing notes, meeting notes, reports, legal briefs and media lines." � The FOIA Case Officer advised the requester that US consulates are diplomatic missions under the Department of State, and that he may contact that agency for further assistance. (Di/A.1.1:K)) National Security Archive Requests Strategic Warning Report (U//ltiti.9) Frequent requester William Burr of the National Security Archive, asked for a copy of a study titled Report on Strategic Warning , dated February 1967, "prepared in response to a request from the Deputy to the Director of Central Intelligence for National Intelligence Program Evaluations." � CIA accepted the request (UI7A1110). Wall Street Journal Interested in Alleged Soviet Defectors (UHATC719) A requester with the Wall Street Journal Europe requested documents related to three alleged Soviet defectors, Imants Lesinslcis, Rasma Lesinslcis and Ieva Lesinskis. (UHALL.I.Q) Requester Seeks Cartoons Related to 1954 Guatemala Memorandum (UM/H.14Q) A requester from Texas, who attached a copy of a released 1954 memorandum about Guatemala that he found in the Popular Document Collection on CIA's FOIA website, is interested in cartoons "maintained in connection with or compiled as a result of" the memorandum. The requester listed possible themes for the cartoons, including "fat, rich ... labor leaders," and "laborers as slaves of their leaders." (b)(3) � CIA accepted the request (b)(5) (b)(5) � The requester found the released memorandum at CIA s repository of popular released documents, which is on its FOIA website on the internet at In addition to Guatemala, other popular document topics featured at the website are UFOs, Bay of Pigs, POW/MIA, Human Rights in Latin America, the Rosenbergs, Penkovsky, and Francis Gary Powers. (U11A-1434) Publications Review Board (b)(3) (b)(3) �-� Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578273 Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578273 ADMINICTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY (b)(3) (b)(5) This is a record. CC: Sent on 11 April 2001 at 07:54:38 AM (b)(3) ADMINIS ivt - IN I ER Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578273