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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
June 7, 2002
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578238
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 3 - 7 June 2002
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(Whiette) 12 June 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting
at Crystal City.
Future Plannink Calendar:
(UHA1491(+) 26-27 June 2002: Historical Review Panel: Next meeting at
(Ullieltt)) 20 August 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting, site to be determined.
(1.164414:141) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(U//41.1.4a) Litigation
(UlleielUC) FOIA Requests
(W/Ageia) Author Expresses Gratitude; Asks for More Info
(U//7177 Author Jeannette Remak sent in the acknowledgement page of her recently published book A-12
Blackbird Declassified in which she thanked the "Freedom of Information Act Office of the Central Intelligence
Agency" for its support in writing the book. Ms. Remak then segued her words of praise into a new FOIA request
for the logbook entries of pilots Jack Weeks and Frank Murray for the January 1968 Mission 8X6847.
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(U/MrItt) California Requester Wants Information on Haight Ashbury Clinic
(UHA1ti414.-Last week, a requester from Venice, California submitted 32 requests on a myriad of subjects, including
the Amphetamine Research Project at the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic in 1968-1969. The requester claims
much of the pharmacology research in the 1960s was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
� The FOIA case manager referred the requester to the Department of Health and Human Services for
information on the Haight Ashbury requests and tasked or suspended for additional information the
remaining requests.
(U//4144.0) A Prisoner Pays His Debt and Quotes Robert Frost
(UHAltret Last week, a frequent requester who is incarcerated in a Colorado prison paid the CIA an outstanding
$100 debt for previous FOIA services. Along with his payment, the requester submitted a new request for "Foreign
Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat Through 2015." He closed his request with a line from
Robert Frost, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."
(U/A4.1421 National Security Archive Interested in Former Military Officials in Rwanda
(W/A443e7T The National Security Archive submitted a request for "all records from 1980 to 1994 on four former
military officials of the Republic of Rwanda."
(UHAILIGI) South Carolina High School Students Want MKULTRA Information for History Project
(U/Wiellege) Two high school students from South Carolina who are working on a National History Day project
requested information concerning "MKULTRA, LSD and any other available information about government testing
on subjects through the use of drugs or narcotics."
� The FOIA case manager advised the students of the exhaustive searches and reviews on human behavior
conducted over the years resulting in over 20,000 pages of documents on this general subject. The FOIA
case manager provided the students with a list, by title, of declassfied documents on the subject, pointing
out that, "the most concise and comprehensive document available on MKULTRA is a 172-page transcript
of the CIA testimony at a joint hearing in 1977 before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the
Subcommittee ... (that) ... includes all recallable aspects of the Agency's involvement in research in
behavior control during the 1950s and 1960s " Lastly, the FOIA case manager wished the students
"good luck" on their project.
(U//fietIgei CIA Declassification Center
(U//A441D) From the Archives -- Results of 1966 Gallup Poll About CIA
(uuRree) In 1966 the Agency commissioned the Gallup public opinion surveyors to determine the public's
perception of the CIA. The survey sample was supposedly representative of the US adult population. The results
are interesting if not always flattering:
(U//k14914), Only 54% "say they have heard or read about the Central Intelligence Agency." About 25% said they
had read or heard about CIA, but were not sure what we did, while about 33% "said that the Agency is a 'spy outfit'
that obtains vital information about other countries."
(U/aWhen individuals who claimed to be familiar with the Agency were asked "whether the Agency is
responsible to the President or is free to act on its own," about half said CIA was responsible to the President, while
around 20% thought CIA could act on its own. Roughly one half said we were doing a good job while 8 % said we
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578238
were doing a poor job.
(U/715nrerWhen asked whether they would like their son ('daughter' option wasn't offered) to work for CIA, the
respondents, in "some typical volunteered comments," stated
"It's too dangerous; only if compulsory."
"It would be an honor."
"Pays good money."
"Too much sneakiness is necessary no choice of location."
"No government job is desirable."
"A thankless job."
"It is an honorable profession but dangerous."
This is a record.
Sent on 11 June 2002 at 01:14:18 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578238