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Publication Date:
May 28, 2004
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578236
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 24-28 May 2004
Executive Summary
Future Planninz Calendar
(W/Aluul 16 June 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting
at NARA in Washington, DC.
(UHX114Q) 14-15 June 2004: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting.
(UHATV(1)-31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Week
(UHAIUO) FOIA Requests
(Ullai,1434E1) Thesis Research on Angolan Civil War
(UHAIU ) A Wesleyan University student is requesting 1976-1989 documents that detail: (1) American support to
UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola), American attempts to undermine the MPLA
(Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) regime, or American coordination or collaboration with the South
African government regarding the Angolan civil war; and (2) intervention in the Angolan civil war by the Soviet
Union, Cuba, South Africa, and other nations.
� The FOIA case manager advised the requester that the CIA is not authorized to release records originated by
other government agencies, even (fit were to locate any. Hence, regarding item I, he was referred to the
Department of State. Regarding item 2, the FOIA reply included a MORI database Requester Report of
� previously released documents, from which the requester can select records of subject interest �and CIA's
FOIA Internet address.
(UHAIUO) Interest in Military Operations of Calligeris
(U/kkifn89) A College of DuPage geography instructor is requesting that CIA re-review the document "Guatemalan
Communist Personnel to be disposed of during Military Operations of Calligeris." A sanitized version of the 1952
memorandum was released in 1995. The requester asks, "Why are the names of the persons to be disposed of
through 'Executive Action' and 'persons to be disposed of through imprisonment or exile' classified?...These
imprisonments and assassinations happened more than fifty years ago."
� After locating the subject document in the Electronic Records Web Interface (ER WI), the FOIA case manager
accepted the request
Editor: The National Security Archives website��might have
sparked interest in this topic. As described by The Archives, this document (EBB4) is: "Another version of the
assassination lists compiled by the CIA and Carlos Castillo Armas (code-named 'Calligeris') in the course of
preparing for the 1954 [Guatemalan] coup. The names of the Agency's intended victims were divided into two
categories....Before releasing this document to the public, the CIA deleted every name, leaving only the rows of
numbers to indicate how many people were targeted.. .[elsewhere adding!... making it impossible to verifir that
none of them were killed during or in the aftermath of the coup."
(UHAIUO) Satisfying Public Interest in D-Day
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(UllItH40)The Sunday Telegraph (London) is requesting "access to and copies of correspondence and transcripts of
conversations between Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt relating to preparations for D-Day in 1944." The
requester notes that he is a "representative of the news media.. ..gathering information on D-Day that is of current
interest to the public because of the upcoming 60th anniversary." He asks that any applicable fees be waived, as
release of the information will contribute significantly to public understanding of government operations and
� The FOIA case manager advised the requester that material prior to 1947 would be contained in the records
of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and other predecessor organizations to the CIA; the vast majority of
CIA predecessor holdings now reside at the National Archives and Records Administration. A contact address
at NARA was included in the response.
Editor: The issue of a 'News Media' fee waiver is moot in this instance. However, representatives of the
foreign news media do not qualifi, to be placed in this fee category. Interestingly, the FOIA Branch has
received three separate requests on different topics from The Sunday Telegraph within a two-week period.
(U/ CIA Declassification Center
(U// From The Archives:
(UM*It70) Back to the Future
(13177rDrY) A 6 November 1980 "Additional Information Items" memorandum from The White House's Situation
Room to National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinslci contains an article titled "Iraq's Shia Community." It states
that "Ayatollah Khomeini and the Iranian clerics have repeatedly called for Iraq's Shia Muslims to overthrow the
Sunni-dominated government of President Saddam Hussein. The intensity of the appeals and the receptivity of Iraq's
Shia majority to them are likely to increase in mid-November, the beginning of Muharram. CIA believes this
emotional period could spark renewed Shia dissidence and believes that the principal threat to Saddam in this event
would be from his Sunni associates, who might act to replace Saddam to quell Shia restiveness."
� In September 1980, Iraq invaded Iran. After initial gains, Iranian counterattacks pressed into Iraqi border
areas. Khomeini refused to negotiate a cessation of hostilities. Yet, by mid-1988, after much destruction to
Persian Gulf port facilities and oil depots, both sides agreed to a UN Resolution ending the war. Among
Iraqis, Shi'ites comprise about 60-65 pe rent whip flip form pr-ruling Sunnis account for about 32-37 percent
according to the CIA World Factbook.
(U//n1113)-Annuitant Rehire Questions Persist
(U/AIU ) From a 5 April 1966 memorandum: A National Intelligence Program Evaluation (NIPE) staff employee,
facing retirement in three months, bemoans Agency policy that precludes his return as an annuitant to his 'current'
job. The employee points out that it is legal to rehire a former employee at his previous salary�minus retirement
income. Indeed, he claims that the Agency could save about $8.60/day�including per diem and travel expenses�if he
returned to work as an annuitant. He argues that then Executive Director/Comptroller Col. White's policy of
precluding retirees from returning to their previous job should not apply to those who were DCI staff serving in a
Community role�as he had. In light of the existing policy, he acknowledges shopping his resume around to test the
"outside" market.
� Although $8.60/day does not sound like a huge amount, it was about 10 percent of his daily wage of
$88.48/day as an employee. He estimated weekend per diem at $32/day and the cost of roundtrip expenses, to
and from his home in Cape Cod, at $70.
(U/lAIU0) "Stoops in CIA"
(U//44136) the Nixon collection at The National Archives at College Park, Maryland, comes a February 1970
memorandum from National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger to President Nixon. Adjacent to an article on "Red
China" and nuclear proliferation is a note in the margin addressed to "K" (Kissinger) that states, "Ask the stoops in
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CIA what they think. Of course they have always been wrong on this."
� The CIA's relationship with President Nixon was a rocky one. According to DCI Helms in a 1982 interview
(excerpted from the unclassified CSI publication, CIA Briefing of the Presidential Candidates 1952-1992),
"[Nixon] held the Agency responsible for his defeat in 1960. And he never forgot that and he had a barb out
for the Agency all the time because he really believed, and I think he believes to this day, [that the] Missile
Gap' question was the responsibility of the Agency and it did him in." And, according to Christopher Andrews'
For the President's Eyes Only: Shortly after the election, Nixon "denounced the CIA as a group of 'Ivy league
liberals' who had always opposed him politically.'
(U//AIU )
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