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April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
July 8, 2005
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578163
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 27 June-8 July 2005
Executive Summary
Future Planning Calendar
(U//A4440) 19 July 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons meeting
at NARA in Washington, DC.
(U//A+1344 26 July 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(U//A4430) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Two Weeks
(U/A111173) HRP Holds Semi-Annual Meeting
(U//ktfler) The CIA/HRP (Historical Review Panel) convened its semi-annual meeting on 20-21 June 2005. The
panel, under the chairmanship of Dr. Robert Jervis of Columbia University, consists of seven distinguished
historians and academicians the D/CIA appointed to serve a three-year term. On 20 June, the panel held an all-day
session to discuss projects and clans of CSI/History Staff and IMS review and release nroierts
(11//2iffVf)) FOIA Requests
(UHAJW) Request on Noted Entertainer
(U//fir1.14e) A requester from Germany seeks information on "the American singer and actor Dean Cyril Reed--he
temporarily lived in Argentina, Chile, Italy and in the former Soviet Union. In the fall of 1978, he was involved in
an anti-powerline protest action and was hereupon tried in Wright County District Court in Buffalo together with
several others. The jury acquitted the indicted. Later, he was rumored to work for [the] East German secret police
STASI. His death was suicide (by drowning)."
� The FOIA case manager located seven responsive documents on Mr. Reed from the MORI database of
previously released material, and sent them to the requester.
(U//Altft) Seeking Information on Mali National
(U//14143Q) A Tennessee requester seeks information concerning "Foutanga dit Babani Sissoko [who] is a native of
Mali. In 1996, he was charged with attempted bribery of a Federal Customs official and, in January 1997, he
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578163
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578163
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pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of authorizing an illegal gratuity in the Federal District Court in Miami, Florida.
Mr. Sissoko was also involved in a highly publicized scandal involving the reported embezzlement of nearly a
quarter-of-a-billion dollars from the Bank of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates."
(UHATITJTCIA Declassification Center
(UHAIU0) From the Archives:
(U/ALL,Q) One Man's View of Problems Regarding Declassification
(U-In an April 1970 memorandum to the DCI, Legislative Counsel John Maury opposed the idea of
declassifying the fact of satellite photography, arguing that it would create problems with Congress and possibly
complicate SALT talks with the Soviets. Maury wrote that the Agency had emphasized to Congress that satellite
photography was our "most precious remaining secret" and that "if it is surfaced now to serve a 'partisan' purpose,
the one who does so may be exposed to charges of playing fast and loose with vital security information." He said,
"at the same time, the Agency may be vulnerable to charges of excessive and unnecessary secrecy in trying to keep
the lid on in the past. . . and the obvious lesson which many will draw is that the most sensitive 'sources and
methods' are expendable whenever the political or policy stakes are high enough." He then noted that "it will be hard
to hold the line after the first act of the striptease--the audience with its whetted appetite may be expected to cry for
more and yet still more in the days ahead." Offering his view of the likely Soviet reaction to a disclosure, Maury
said that the Soviets "considered secrecy perhaps their most important strategic weapon. .. designed as much to
cover up weaknesses and failures as to conceal strength . . . to the Russian mind the foreigner who attempts to tear
away this secrecy and advertise his success in doing so, is not seeking an accommodation, but an advantage. So I
fear that one of the most unfortunate ramifications of the actions proposed might concern the SALT talks."
(U//041443) Where's the Beef?
(Ullitlif+a) An article from a November 1978 Economic Intelligence Weekly Review discusses the issue of meat
shortages in the USSR. Meat shortages remain a major source of dissatisfaction among the Soviet populace. The
most severe shortages began early in 1976 and continued through at least the fall of 1977. Supplies were not only
diminished; there were periods of two to three weeks at a time when no meat was available in the state stores. Beef
was in the shortest supply. When asked to explain the cause of the shortages, one Soviet citizen stated that
"Brezhnev took it for his brothers" -- meaning supplies were being diverted to Soviet officials. Another stated that in
his city newspaper photos of Brezhnev had been posted in train stations next to mug shots of criminals with the
subtitle, "He stole our meat."
This is a record.
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578163