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Publication Date:
February 7, 2003
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578136
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 3 - 7 February 2003
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
****017hrt.c ) 20 February 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting a rystal City.
Future Planninz Calendar:
(1--177;FreNe4-25 February 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
7777/11,83) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
71:77711MELFrom the Archives: In 1978, IPS Adopts Motto from Biblical Book of "Jonah"
rthae140:17 In the mid-1970s, the DDA distributed a "quarterly publication for the exchange among DDA personnel
of ideas, concepts, information, and techniques that are of common interest," titled the DDA Exchange . In the April
1978 issue, the Information and Privacy Staff (IPS, a forerunner of IMS) reported a large increase in the number of
public requests submitted under the relatively new Freedom of Information Act. IPS attributed the increase to many
things, including increased public awareness of MKULTRA, OSS, Watergate and other intelligence-related subjects.
IPS summed up, "on the wall, as you come in the main entrance to Headquarters, is the noble quotation from John,
'You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.' Upstairs, over our door, is the quotation from Jonah,
XXIX, I: 'And Jonah said unto the whale had you kept your big mouth shut, this would never have happened."'
(1:1771414441) Appeals and Litigation
-"--IMS Closes Its Oldest Appeal
(U Members of the Public Information Programs Division (PIPD) at IMS celebrated this week the closure
of its oldest appeal. In 1981, CIA received a request, and a subsequent appeal, under the FOIA for records regarding
William D. Pawley.
William D. Pawley was a "world financier and philanthropist," who served as US Ambassador to Peru
and Brazil. He allegedly was involved in several intriguing adventures during his lifetime, including a
1961 attempt to exfiltrate from Castro's Cuba two Russian colonels who would testi.6, that Russian
missiles were not removed after the Cuban missile crisis, which Mr. Pawley hoped would discredit JFK
and cause his defeat in the 1964 election. The mission purportedly involved "disgruntled CIA agents and
anti-Castro Cubans " Mr. Pawley committed suicide in Miami Beach, Florida in 1977.
117MYkattl. Publications Review Board
(1.777741, PRB Receives Near Record Number of Submissions In January
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578136
In January, the Publications Review Board (PRB) received 29 manuscripts with more than 4,400 pages. This is the
second largest monthly page count in the Board's history, exceeded only by the 6,000 pages received in July 1999.
Tr777141514) FOIA Requests
Th7771144ifi/LCIA Receives FOIA Requests About Gong Show Host
( CIA has received two requests spawned by Chuck Barris' allegation in his book Confessions of a
Dangerous Mind that he was a contract killer for the CIA at the same time he was hosting the television program The
Gong Show . The book has been made into a movie of the same name, directed by George Clooney.
� The first request was from Gentlemen's Quarterly magazine. I
The second
request was from frequent requester Michael Raynitzky of American Lawyer Media, who asked for "any
memos, notes, reviews, papers, correspondence, letters or other records concerning ... the film ... (and) ...
any email in the CIA's office of public affairs that mentions the film." In this case, the FOIA case manager
has accepted the request,/
11:771714tIlt CIA Declassification Center
-(43#M14510) Million Page Referral Milestone Reached
777trilterIn January 2003, the
(CDC) referred its one millionth page to other government agencies for review.
CIA Declassification Center (b)(3)
EO 12958 mandates that all permanent records 25 years old or older will be automatically declassified on 31
December 2006 (assuming a proposed extension is granted), unless the originator has reviewed the record and
applied to it one of the exemptions from automatic declassification allowed under the EQ. Therefore, CDC is
systematically gathering and reviewing all of CIA's relevant holdings that are 25 years old and older to identib),
and exempt, those documents that merit continued protection. During this review, some documents are found to
contain equities owned by other government agencies (OGA). When these are encountered, account managersn
print them out in hardcopy, batch and send them to the appropriate government agency for review. When (b)(3)
the OGA completes its review, the account managers annotate the electronic copy in CDC's system with
those changes. (b)(3)
�(r77,6:FIZIT_CDC to Visit Rockefeller Archive
�1170,444.14144 In response to a request from Happy Rockefeller, widow of former Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller, a representa
Declassification Center (CDC) and two representatives from the Office of Security will visit the Rockefeller Archive located near t
Hollow, New York. Mrs. Rockefeller has possession of four file safes containing the classified records of her late husband. She ht
records be reviewed and declassified to the extent possible so researchers can chronicle the public service life of the former Vice P
on the contents of the safes are sketchy, it is likely that the records include information from the Rockefeller Commission, informat
Rockefeller's involvement in the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), and other Vice Presidential papers he ri
� The Rockefeller Archive Center is a Division of Rockefeller University. The Center was established in 1974 to
assemble, process and make available for scholarly research the papers of the Rockefeller family and the records
of various philanthropic and educational institutions founded by the family. The Center holds 35,000 cubic feet
of documents, 500,000 photographs and 3,000 films that provide unique insights into worldwide developments
and issues of the 19th and 20th centuries. The four safes are the only classified records held at the center.
This is a record.
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578136
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578136
Sent on 11 February 2003 at 07:35:42 AM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578136