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April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
August 29, 2003
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578119
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 25- 29 August 2003
Executive Summary
Future Planning Calendar:
(UMAIIIE/) 17 September 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(UHAI1715) 28 October 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (1SCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC
(UHATETOT 3-5 December 2003: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting.
(UMAI4444-). 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(UH4I-140) CIA Sets Record for EO MDR Receipts in One Month
(U/h41410) CIA received 214 EO Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests in the month of August
2003, more than any other month since records have been kept. Before last month's record receipts, CIA had been
receiving on average 58.5 requests per month in FY 2003. The large number of receipts in August was due in great
part to the submission of 128 requests by a single requester doing research at the Ronald Reagan Library.
(U/harifFtft FOIA Requests
(U//A44344) Information Request on the Foro de Sao Paulo
(U///irrrn A requester from Texas wants information relating to a group known as the Foro de Sao Paulo or Sao
Paulo Forum and any ties to subversive elements in South America, including the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia and the National Liberation Army in Colombia.
(U///rIta) Interest in French Exports to Iraq
(U//Q) The National Security Archive seeks all documents from 1982 through 1983, in whole or in part,
pertaining to French military exports to Iraq.
� The CIA accepted the request.
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578119
(UHA�14344)-The First 9-Year Old Spy?
(U//k} A requester from Washington is wondering whether he could become the first 9-year old spy.
� The FOIA case manager informed the requester that the mission of the CIA is primarily concerned with foreign
intelligence � not domestic � matters. Consequently, the responsibility for domestic intelligence collection is
generally within the province of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The requester was riven on tact
information so that she could pursue her inquiry with the FBI FOIA office.
(Ull*I110) Requester Seeks CIA Help in Removing Brain Machine
(Uhfuuu) Documenting "a system of neuroprosthetics installed in the skulls and brains of Americans undertaking
the verification of nuclear weapons" by [cited] Japanese doctors, the requester wants additional information to help
him "undertake its removal. The system in my skull and brain apparently includes thin film electrodes at the
hypothalamus regulating wakefulness and sleep condition by allowing operators to focus varying amounts of
electromagnetic radiation on the hypothalamus. I definitely need to know the lengths of all wires, and
`configuration' or layout/interrelationship of the wires top of midslcull center. I am hopeful the CIA system
description will note whether in all cases the wires are paired or single, and provide the location of any connections,
splices, or overlap between wires. I feel I need initial system information from the CIA. It may be possible to
significantly compromise the system with select interventions rather than a major craniotomy (minor burr holes
removing small lengths of wire rather than entirely opening up the skull)...."
� The FOIA case manager informed the requester that his request could not be processed due to a lack of
specificity. The FOIA provides for public access to "reasonably described" records. The FOIA does not
require federal agencies to perform research or to conduct unreasonable searches through a body of material
to see if any of it is related to a particular request.
(U/MeHriffr CIA Declassification Center
(IN/CM Presidential Libraries Conference at Reagan Library, Simi Valley, California
(UhAluo) On 25-26 August, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) sponsored a 'Conference
on the Presidential Records Act' at the Ronald Reagan Library, in Simi Valley, California. A panel discussion on
Preparing for the Remote Archive Capture (RAC) Project afforded Bush and Clinton archivists an introduction to
the RAC program in preparation for the enormous declassification effort ahead. Also, the Archivist from the Ronald
Reagan Library provided her perspective of the RAC program and the preparatory work underway for the RAC
team's arrival in September. The participants evaluated what resources the libraries would require for their
declassification efforts, while still attending to an overwhelming number of Freedom of Information Act and
Mandatory Review requests. The George Bush Library's approximate 300,000 pages of vice presidential papers
must be declassified during the same time-frame as Ronald Reagan's presidential papers.
(U//A-H1f1) From the Archives
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578119
(U//41�1310) Producing a Relevant CIA Product
(U//kIti.0) In his 8 November 1965 memo to a senior DI officer � who had requested that he review several DI
products and provide comments � then-NSC Staffer Hal Saunders replied: "please consider what I say as a
continuation of our lunch conversation -- not as a formal pronouncement from the White House. Also remember that
what I say is not written as a criticism of these papers but as observations on a general problem -- how to make CIA's
product as relevant as possible to the policy-makers. With these caveats, let me be blunt. The two OCI papers are
more reporting than analysis; I don't think there's much in them that staffers around town wouldn't already know.
The ORR paper on food shortages is good general analysis but doesn't apply the analysis in detail to current
problems. Result: none of them ends up providing the policy-maker with detailed analysis of the logical
consequences of courses of action open to him. After thinking this problem through, I realize that the basic problem
with these papers is that they weren't written to answer my questions. So the fault is mine for not having put the
questions to the analysts. But, when I've conceded the major point, I remind myself that, given the failure of the
policy end of town to ask questions, it would still be nice if the analysts knew clearly enough what the questions are
so they'd just naturally be writing answers." Saunders recommended that there needed to be more contact between
analysts and their chiefs and the policy-making agencies.
(U/t7r1tr()) More Than Senatorial Courtesy
(U//kliffFe) A 1966 memorandum for the record documents an interesting exchange between the Senate Armed
Services and Appropriations subcommittees and DCI William Rabom. As described, Senator Symington reports that
he recently has had multiple discussions with Agency field personnel, and that these are "truly outstanding officers
who obviously know their areas and their jobs." Not to be outdone, Senator Young reports a similar impression
based upon his recent overseas interactions with Agency staff. Then, according to the official record, Symington and
Young agree that "it is relatively easy to pick out the CIA man on the scene by simply looking for the most
intelligent, knowledgeable, and personable man in the group."
� Senator Symington 's comments apparently were more than a senatorial courtesy. He had a list of the names of
the personnel who had impressed him which he gave to the Da
Sent on 5 September 2003 at 03:56:48 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578119