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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
July 25, 2003
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578114
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 21 -25 July 2003
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(U//k1430) 7 August 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
Future Plannin2 Calendar:
(111/411r113) 13 August 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at Crystal City.
(UHATI71) December 2003: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting.
(11//A4440)-31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(UN61140) FOIA Requests
(UHAWA) DC Attorney Wants Information Connecting West Virginia Case to FOIA
(U/17VM) James Lesar, an attorney in Washington, DC, and a frequent requester of FOIA information from the
CIA, is seeking records regarding CIA's "application of the Supreme Court's decision in Buckhannon Board and
Care Home v. West Virginia Department of Health & Human Services, 532 U.S. 598 (2001) to Freedom of
Information Act cases."
� In the Buckhannon case, a nursing home sued the state of West Virginia because the State's inspectors
were threatening to close the establishment because of non-compliance with a safety regulation. But,
before the court made a decision on the suit, the State Legislature revoked the regulation. The attorneys
for the nursing home then sought attorney fees from the State stating they were eligible because their suit
was the catalyst for the change in the law. The case went to the Su reme Court who in 2001 decided the
nursing home attorneys were not eligible for fees.
(U//7t14344-) Professor Looking for Records on Lumumba Episode
(IMAM ) A Professor of Economics at the University of Kentucky asked for records on the "Patrice Lumumba
episode in the Congo (1960-61)," referring to the era of the Congo's first Prime Minister who was assassinated in
� The FOIA case manager performed a search of the Management of Officially Released Information
(MORI) database, which indicated that there have been previous requests for information on Lumumba.
(U/LarA4C1) Scholar Seeks Records on Deceased American Cultural and Literary Figure
(UHAILXL) A Professor of Literature at Claremont McKenna College in California wants documents pertaining to
the activities of Ken Kesey for the years 1958 through 1970.
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578114
Ken Kesey
was an author who wrote many books including One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. From an Internet
search the case manager learned that Mr. Kesey alleged at one time to have participated in
government-sponsored drug experiments that he believed were connected to the CIA..
(U/h111113) CIA Declassification Center
(U/X0130) DEXDIR Visits NARA at College Park
(b)(3) (U/X�A4Q) On 21 July, the Deputy Executive Director
the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) at College Park, Maryland. The DEXDIR met with the Archivist
(b)(3) of the United States, Gov. John Carlin, and the Deputy Archivist, Dr. Lewis Bellardo. -eceived briefings on the
ongoing operations there, including the status of work on the presidential libraries, the 25-year program, the JFK assassination
records, and the Air Force declassification effort. Along with a tour of the Archives Research Complex, the DEXDIR
received a briefing of the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST), which is the NARA public access system that contains
declassified records from the CIA Declassification Center.
� John Carlin served two terms as the governor of Kansas before his selection by President Clinton to the post of
Archivist of the United States,
accompanied by representatives from IMS, visited
(11//F41314 CDC Reps Visit Reagan Library
(U/F043e) Representatives from the CIA Declassification Center (CDC) visited the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in
Simi Valley, Cal.fornia to discuss nlans for scanning the Library's classified holdings under CDC's Remote Archives Capture
program (RAC).
(U/M440) From the Archives: FDR Designates Donovan Coordinator of Information in 1941
(U//A11114) President Franklin Roosevelt established the Office of the Coordinator of Information in July 1941 and
designated William J. Donovan its first head. The Coordinator was given the authority to "carry out ...
supplementary activities as may facilitate the securing of information important for national security not now
available to the Government." The Office of Coordinator of Information became the OSS in June 1942.
(U11,9444Q) Reviewers at the CIA Declassification Center recently came across the the document in the ODCI files
informing Donovan that as the new Coordinator of Information he would receive no pay but would be entitled to
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578114
daar Colooal Donovan:
_In your capacitor as Coordinator ot
lataniatimpabich ;coition / efitabliohod
by Order or July lit 1941, you will receive
no compensation, but stall be entitled to
aottal and necossoxy tranaixct6tioo, Dub-
Bistenoo,, and Other exponaea Incidental to
the performance a your dztlea..
Sincerolzr youra,
This is a record.
Sent on 1 August 2003 at 04:19:57 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578114