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Publication Date:
September 28, 2001
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578102
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 24 September - 28 September
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(U/ARJO) October 2001: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed general material older than 25 years.
(U/M111.0) 31 October 2001: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EE0B), Washington, DC.
Future Planning Calendar:
(U/h4714)44 April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(UHVIVE))�F'OIA Requests
(U/hort110) Canadian Broadcasting Company Seeks Information on September 11th Terrorist Attacks
(U/AnI44e) CBC-TV in Canada requested information "about Canada and the attack on the US on September 11,
2001 [including] the diverting of planes to Canada, a possible Canadian connection to the terrorists, and Canadian
immigration, refugee or customs policy."
(U/htortee) National Security Archive Interested in Argentina
(UMT1-116) The National Security Archive requested information on the "detention center within the Escuela
Superior de Mecanica de la Armada (ESMA), Buenos Aires province Argentina," and the "Automotores Orletti
detention center located at the Federal Capital Argentina." The requester specifically is interested in information on
"operations and activities within [these centers] such as torture and other human rights violations, detainees,
command and personnel assignments."
(U//01444(4) Requester Seeks Information on Spanish Statesman
(U//-itg4443-) Frequent requester Thomas Whittle of Freedom Magazine sought information on Luis Carrero Blanco,
Spanish statesman and naval officer. The requester enclosed an obituary stating that "following the Spanish civil war
during which he served in the Nationalist navy, he became chief of naval operations on the admiralty staff and one of
Francisco Franco's intimate collaborators. In June 1973, when Franco separated the duties of chief of state and head
of government, Blanco became premier. In December 1973, he was assassinated apparently by Basque nationalists
in retaliation for the govemment's execution of Basque militants."
� The FOIA case officer advised the requester that although it is the CIA's policy to neither confirm nor
deny the existence of records that might indicate a current or former operational or analytical interest in
any particular foreign personality, the CIA can sometimes provide requesters with overt or previously
released records containing information on foreign nationals that is unrelated to any classified or covert
interest. Accordingly, the requester was provided with six documents on this subject from the
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Management of Officially Released Information (MORI) database of previously released material
(U//14.1343) North Carolina Company Requests Medical Tax Information
(Ullitilltr A requester with Bases Loaded, Inc. of Charlotte, NC, a self-described "database management company
for Third Party Administrators (Medical Insurance)" sought "records on retrieving tax id and correct 1099 address
listings for all doctors, facilities and hospitals in the USA"
� The FOIA case officer advised the requester of the foreign intelligence mission of the CIA and suggested
that she contact the Department of Health and Human Services for assistance.
(U Prisoner Ready for CIA Taskings
(U/Mtllt A prisoner at a correctional facility in New York sent in a rambling three-page letter addressed to
"General Strickland." He made no specific request but indicated that President Bush would soon grant him a
presidential pardon, that he would then "self fund" a Phantom force and be ready for CIA taslcings, stating that first
"I'll need to upgrade my training at the farm." He enclosed six personal letters from his girlfriend to him (known -
"herein as Agent 99," according to the author.) The girlfriend indicates in her letters to her prisoner boyfriend that
she is in solitary confinement at Rikers Island, needs money, and wishes he would write more often.
The CIA receives scores of unusual letters each year.l
(UHAtel(5) CIA Declassification Center
(U//711110) Director of 'SOO Addresses September ERWG Meeting
(UHAIU ) On 25 September 2001, Steven Garfinkel, Director of the Information Security Oversight Office (IS00)
reviewed the federal declassification efforts for the members of the External Referral Working Group (ERWG) at
their September meeting held at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, DC.
Mr. Garfinkel speculated that the automatic declassification programs mandated in EO 12958 are vulnerable in light
of the 11 September attacks, noting that the White House is seeking reductions in "nonessential activities." He
reiterated his belief that declassification of older material is in the best interest of the US. Lastly, Mr. Garfinkel
announced his pending retirement and noted that the selection of his successor will be critical to the future direction
of the declassification program.
(UHA-1111") Declassification of Nixon Presidential Materials
(UHAIU ) On 27 September, representatives from IMS met with representatives at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) responsible for the presidential materials of President Nixon, which are located at
NARA in College Park, Maryland. The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff (NPMS) so far has processed over
600,000 pages (of a collection of over 1.4 million pages) for referral to equity agencies. About 141,000 pages of the
600,000 reviewed pages contain CIA equities and are subject to automatic declassification under the 25-year
provisions of EO 12958. The group decided to scan and process the material under the Remote Archive Capture
(RAC) program.
� The CIA is executive agent for the RAC program, which scans material at Presidential libraries, sorts
images according to the agency with the most significant equity, and makes the images available for
online review at The RAC system allows tracking of all documents through the review
process, performance of detailed and secure electronic redaction, and a convenient system for return of ,
redacted documents to each presidential library. The RAC program has p3-oven an effective means of
resolving multiple equities in large numbers of documents.
(U//2414410) From the Archives: DCI Turner in 1979: "They'll Get It Crooked from Someone Else"
(UHAIU ) DCI Stansfield Turner stated in a 1979 speech that "I know this is controversial, but let me say with deep
conviction that there is no way we can avoid being more open with the American public." Turner also noted that
"inquiring, persevering" reporters are on our doorstep every day, and "if they don't get (the story) straight from us,
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they are going to get it crooked from someone else." The speech is among a collection of DCI Turner's papers that
the DCI team at the CIA Declassification Center is reviewing for declassification and release.
(UHATIIT)TPublications Review Board
(UHALL10) Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel
(UHArffrier DCI Wins Case Before ISCAP
(U///irWa) The Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) voted last week to approve the CIA
redactions to eight editions of the Central Intelligence Bulletin (CIB) around the dates of the JFK assassination in
1963 in an appeal brought by frequent-requester Michael Ravnitzlcy.
This is a record.
Sent on 3 October 2001 at 03:34:37 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578102