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Publication Date:
April 12, 2002
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578081
Information Review & Release ORR) News for 8 April 2002 - 12 April 2002
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(u/rxrern 8 May 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting
at Crystal City.
Future Planning Calendar:
(11///rItS). 16 May 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting (site to be determined).
(U//A44341+ June 2002: Historical Review Panel: Next meeting at
(UllittHEH�April 2003:. The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(U/hAttler) Litigation
(UHATHS) Publications Review Board
(UHAISEH�Authors Begin to Inquire About Submissions
(LIthatiter This week three authors called the Publications Review Board (PRB) to inquire about manuscripts they
sent months ago but the Board never acknowledged as received. To date the Board does not have them, even though
they were properly addressed to the Mail Inspection Facility (MIF) at CIA Gate 5. The only answer is patience, as
mail addressed to the PRB via the MIF eventually does come to the Board.
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� The Board recently received two pieces of mail addressed to "Publications Review Board, CIA,
Washington, DC 20505." The first was postmarked in November, 2001; the second 4 February 2002.
The Board received both during the first week in April 2002. These are the only two submissions we
have received since October with that address.
(la Declassification Services Division
(UHATIlfe Over 1,600 Visitors Per Day Look at CIA's FOIA Website
(1.3//A+148) More than 1600 users per day looked at the CIA's Freedom of Information (FOIA) website on the
internet during a 13-day period ending 31 March 2002, according to statistics gathered by the Declassification
Services Division (DSD) at IMS. The website -- is maintained by DSD in accordance with a
mandate from the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFOIA) of 1996. More visitors looked at the site on
Wednesdays than any other day of the week. The most common time to visit the site was between 5PM and 6PM.
Also, the EFOIA requires federal agencies to maintain collections of "frequently requested records" on their
websites. CIA's collection on UFOs was by far the most popular of CIA's "frequently requested records," logging
almost 1,900 visits during the reporting period. The other collections in CIA's "frequently requested records" are
Guatemala, Bay of Pigs, POW/MIA, Human Rights in Latin America, the Rosenbergs, Penkovslcy, and Francis Gary
� The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has established very strict guidelines regarding what data
federal agencies can collect about users of government-sponsored websites. IMS complies with all OMB
data-collection guidelines.
(DU/4We) CIA Declassification Center
(U/OrIlie) CIO Visits
(UHATIII7)CIO Deputy CIO, and CIO Special Assistant, visited the CIA
Declassification Center at last week, where they received a tour of the declassification factory and
a demonstration of the Image Workflow Automation System (IWAS) Electronic Records WEB Interface (ERWI),
and the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) systems.
(IMA143431 From the Archives: Arab Nationalism in 1956
(1177-AlreWA 10 November 1956 Current Intelligence Bulletin (CIB) that was recently reviewed by the DI team at
the CIA Declassification Center provided a glimpse of growing Arab/Muslim nationalism 45 years ago. In an article
covering the state of play of ongoing negotiations between the UN and Western countries and Egyptian President
Nasser over the Suez Crisis, Nasser was described as an aggressive proponent of Arab nationalism who sought to
oust the Colonial Powers from the Middle East. After negotiating a withdrawal of the token British Suez defense
force in July 1956, Nasser abruptly nationalized the Suez Canal Company, provoking France and Britain to send in
the troops in late October; their goal was to capture Port Said, Ismailia, and the Suez, and force the withdrawal of
Egyptian forces from the Canal Zone. The Israelis colluded with the Anglo-French assault by launching their own
invasion of the Sinai. The Soviets threatened to intervene. A UN cease fire was implemented on 6 November and a
UN police force began arriving soon after. The CIA noted in the CIB that despite heavy losses, the cessation of
hostilities had revived Nasser's self-confidence "in his ability to parry Anglo-French action and to play off one group
of powers against another. Moslem sentiment reversed itself between 6 and 8 November Nasser is now a hero and
Port Said is being called the 'Stalingrad of the Arabs' by the Beirut Press."
(Ill/Allee-LOIA Requests
(UllAtigeeFrequent Requester Seeks PY2002 Intelligence Budget
(UHRTPWSteven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists, requested documents that indicate "the total
budget appropriation for intelligence and intelligence-related activities for fiscal year 2002." Mr. Aftergood has, in
the past, requested Intelligence Budgets for other years, the denial of which he is currently contesting in federal court
and at the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP).
� The FOIA case manager accepted the request,
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(UHAtill9)- National Security Archive Always Pays, Eventually
(UHATtfe}..The National Security Archive wrote to CIA recently that they "discovered a case in which we may still
owe CIA fees for photocopying," advising they still owe CIA $103.50 for a case completed in 1998 concerning
material on the 1992 capture of Guatemalan citizen Efrain Bamaca Velasquez.
(Ullitikia) FOIA Office Receives Mail From Down Under for Bill Clinton
(Whortee) A woman from Australia, whose 1999 FOIA request for a Stasi file regarding her former East German
mother-in-law was denied-in-full, sent a box addressed to the CIA's Information and Privacy Coordinator, containing
a sealed card addressed to former President Clinton marked "SWAK", a set of bunny ears, a brassiere, a sheet of
souvenir Australian postage stamps, and a sachet from Van Cleef and Arpels.
(UH/CHIET) Author Working on Biography of "American Taliban" John Lindh
(U/1441430) An author who states he is working on a biography of John Philip Walker Lindh, the American caught
fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan in December 2001, has requested records on Lindh himself; as well as on a
variety of related topics, such as certain Islamic militant organizations and the prison fortress where Lindh was
discovered following the quelling of the uprising.
(UNCHIS) Florida Requester Asks for "Contract of the Space of Helen"
(U/Orliler A Florida requester who precedes her name with the title Arch Angel asks under the FOIA that CIA
provide all information from its files on the "contract of the space of Helen with the United States." She states, "I am
the visitor of the space of Helen and the only official member of the Grant family of the planet," and that she needs
the information to prepare "an automatic declaration of treason of the visitor of the space of Helen..."
This is a record.
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578081
HUMINIo I IliA I IVC - IIN I CRIN/iL u3terter�
Sent on 17 April 2002 at 07:48:16 AM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578081