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Document Release Date: 
December 8, 2021
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Publication Date: 
July 20, 2010
zu JUL. 19,2010..� 54114 MiAlOdfliII I Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C05562287 P.1 0666 Central Intelligence Agency Office of Public Affairs Inforrietion and Privacy Coordinator Delores Nelson viaglinoton,D.C.20505 Phone: Ms) 4110623 Fain (7011)482.1/39 ofluly MAO Dear Sirs I am askIns your department to receive ill the applications previously done by any other parson or organization, which have seeking Information about me under the freedom of Informatkin Act (FOIA) regulations (see below) at your gamey. I have a "budget" of $53, so please check with me before proceetengwith any request g such Information about me. TITLE 26.-JUDICIAL nerINZEITRAT:01; Cute= te-onaluswors or sten= PART 16-1PROOONTON OR rinleatra OF wonsitat, OR ZEPORM=7.011-. Table Of Entente Ounpare D_Proftett0A of Privacy and Acme, to Endividoal 'mend. Vadat she Privacy Act of 1974 Sec. 16.47 teEmoseta tor an actbmnting cf record dtooloontrae. (al Row made and addreceed. Except Wawa accountings of dinaleggree (b)(6) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C05562287 JkTUL. 19. 20101 r 5: 41(411 rtw' Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C05562287 NO. 1(5 P.2 ore not required to be kept tea stated it paragraph (b) Of this section), you may make n 010,10st for an accenting �f any dieelosurs that has been made by the Department to another preen. organization, Cr eTenoY of any regard about you. This eetountiag contains the date. nature, and pureedt of each disclosure, as well au the name and Address of the person, organisation. or Agency to which the clialleAure zaz Made. Your regueSt for An accounting should identify **eh particular reCord it ;mention and ahould be made by writing directly to the Departmorit component that 1044441A0 the record, follOoing the Preeeeoret is SIM 16.41. Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C05562287 LI- 4JUL . 19.2010, 5:41AM A-tumid Si M. M.:dna (Mad J LILAS� NO.775 ' '" P. 3 Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C05562287 thg, Department efdastleo Casino dond Prism Act Statornem. In accordame with 24 ('FR keen l6.414 tsars{ do turns:ail its demi* the Individato Mown requeeti by moil under the Pnvocy der ar 7I374. s u,sr. SKIM 55h, Is required The mom edits tolicitation is tar don the mom& of mdisidoals who ore the tisbion or US Deportment of Junta systems of records am not wrengfidly discloned by the.Dganroom Pollute ro furnish raw ntfortneneut will result in no ham being at an the roma Fels infbmottort at this (brit may emblem die rooms Co criM- ;nal Naha undor IS U.S C. Section 1001 water 51/.73 C. Section 512E131 Public reaming burden for Thu tellation of utformetton Is eirtmatod to avenge 0.5C hours pa roan. tholudin the filt0 ret MU'S" ins I nstriXt10115, emarchirs 'Maims dad sources, gaddring and Worming 'he data raided, arld alaProling find fivkalla 4116 QIICiIQII of infamianow Suggestion& for reducing talc burden nay be atibeitted to Dirmece, SIBS and AdrainimmtIve Serttem Neff, hence Management Diviner, US, Depantrwin of Juadeo. Wortittgoarc DC 20510 and the Offla orinfermodert rind todPialarY Aram. DM= of Mora:anent arid Budget, Public Lir Peron Project II t03-0416), Washington. DC 20503, FuR Nkame of Rotel,. Citizenship Sams Current Add Dale of Birth I declare under penalty of perjury person mimed ohm, end bye fine of not T3ft under Iblse pride Signature 4 H \ Social Security Number -11.-m�����lIl��IP..I'�.Ii�qgp������O�Mag�o. Piece of Birth Leited Sags or Amalie thai the foregoing is tme end emit end am I am its erre* turns is pont e *wee proeizons of IS US C. &ear irint rm mere than five rare or both, and that neatoning or obtaining any meord(el 50 S.C. 552161(3) by slip. of not more thon $5,000. Drat Clb Ithi5 4#5teq OPTIONAL; Authorization to Release information to Another Person 1 hit horn Salto to be completed bye roamer who lit author1zin4 inkernetton Meditate himself or herself to be mimed to ember potion, Father peat* to 5 USX* &Mien 552a(b). authorise the at Depeterent of hint to Were rely tre mil inkerretion reettesionn 03, Print or Type Name t Name of individtud who is the whied or the record sought. I 'nem" StibMInnig ietta rotor the Privacy Au of 1974 must be either Wa clean of the United Stares or an Alien lawfully 0dm1ne4 101 permanent residence." ptheuant in S US C. Section 5524(10(2). Requests will be processed as Freedom of inthmenen Aci rectums outworn po $ Li S.C. Section 532, rather km Privacy Aar rallied% lbr individuals who tiro not United Slams citizens or diem Ion Nib admitted hit bemoan rendence 3 Providing your social scvuilly number is voluniory You am asked to prow* your mutt secatty number only to Mali= the identification of record; rehiring in you Without ynur social teensy number. the Dworman may Octal:(a to Wad any at WI records INMalftifts to ).au 4 Signmun: of individual ho tlw salvo of the record sought. crninsi fall NU 114444t0 OM 4 I Mu Dutai) 411141 (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C05562287