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Document Release Date: 
December 15, 2022
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Publication Date: 
March 27, 1957
PDF icon ALSOP, JOSEPH W.[16141919].pdf112.56 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C05528186 ALL FBI INFORMATION CONTAINED -or S :14 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED CATE 06-10-2009 BY 60324 uc baw/dkitly � 1�'' A - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Justice Washington, D. C. Subject: Dear Mr. Hoover: March 27, 1957 I attach a memorandum with regard to subject which is self explanatory. The information on which the attached memorandum is based was passed to me , Subject specifically requested that the information be brought to your attention and to mine, and further requested that it be kept out 1?,,f the general files and placed in a special file. I am also corn- , t'-'rnunicating the substance of this mernoiandum to the State Depart- , \t. ment at the highest level. It has otherwise received no dissemination except to the person through whom this letter is reaching you. k no 3 -- e e Encl. RECORDED INDEXEawrit A yours, Allen W. Julles Director /0 o --%99 714 / 'In APR 4 ;957 (b)(1) (b)(3) 4441.4-4.1.m.. (03 _351-0-0:)- Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C05528186 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C05528186 SECRET 2 27 March 1957 Subject admits that since youth he has been a congenital homo- sexual; Sought medical advice and was told that there was nothing to be done about it. During his recent visit to the Soviet Union and while in Moscow, subject states that he was exposed to pointed homosexual overtures and in the end committed the incredible folly of walking into the trap. This trap, subject stated, was a carefully prepared, professional KGB frame up. After the trap was sprung, subject states that on several occasions, in Moscow and Leningrad, he was subject to long political conversations largely based on his writings. Allusions were made to Lubyanka and the fact that homosexuality was a crime. According to subject no questions were asked which were of a Classified nature but he apparently feared that this was merely a warming up exercise. Ac- cording to the information available to me, subject reports that he signed nothing for the KGB interlocutors despite their efforts in that direction. Subject otates that as a safeguard against KGB pressure he wrote out a,long account of What had transpired4 radvised subject to get out of the USSR. While some mild efforts were apparently made to delay subject's departure, When the Embassy ordered the tickets for him, he was allowed to leave via Prague with a day's delay and was not molested ea route to Paris and London or since then and prior to the date of this information, Which is March 17, 1957. (The incidents in the USSR presumably took place sometime around the latter half of February 1957.) /eV-- 14 UMW= SEW � Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 C05528186 - 35'1411 -41