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PDF icon letter to michael j. kurt[15422861].pdf159.59 KB
(b)(3) tom inimnritnA.L/720310628 A roved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 ((WAWA, 1LU Pm.) -71,10c WashIngton, D. c. 20505 28 June 2006 Dr. Michael J. Kurtz Assistant Archivist for Records Services-Washington, D.C. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 Dear Dr. Kurtz: (U) We have taken the required actions to close six of the remaining nine recommendations addressed in your. evaluation, Records Management in the Central Intelligence Agency. The enclosed progress report (Enclosure A) details our plans with respect to the following recommendations: III/1, 111/4, IV/4, 1V/5, VI/3, and VI/5. The remaining three recommendations (111/8, 111/9, VI/4a) are dependent upon the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the CIA and NARA, which is currently being negotiated. These three recommendations will be addressed when the MOU is finalized. (U/rnieloite) Regarding the information requested on the closed recommendations I/1, II/la, and 11/7, we have enclosed the Information Management Evaluation Project Report 2004 Survey Questions (Enclosure B) and the Executive Summary of the 2003 Information Management Evaluation Project Report (Enclosure C). The full report of the 2003 Evaluation contains highly sensitive information. As agreed, arrangements have been made to loan a copy to NARA in care of David Langbart for a period of six months. IRMO ATTACHMENT CLASSIFIED AS ABOVE. CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSMITTAL DOCUMENT (WHEN SEPARATED FROM ATTACHMENT): UNCLASSIFIED//Feee- C NFI NTIAL//20310628 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 _77111fiThettlitk. tit/20310628 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 UNbLAOIrlt11 Dr. Michael J. Kurtz (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) (U) Please call or me at your convenience after you have reviewed ,our progress report. Sincerel Chief, Information Management Servi Enclosures: A. (U) Progress Report B. (U) Information Management Evaluation Project Report 2004 Survey Questions C. (U) Executive Summary of the 2003 Information Management Evaluation Project Report 0 3 1 0 6 2 8 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 ENCLOSURE Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C054962040 Recommendation III/1: (U) Review full text and skeleton schedules for declassification; provide full text schedules to NARA even if portions are security classified. Action Items Identified from Latest Correspondence: � (U) NARA requests a complete, detailed, unclassified version, covering both temporary and permanent items. CIA Response: (11/71MITIRS-Based upon discussions with the NARA representative, we understand that NARA plans to proceed with the review of the new Records Control Schedule (RCS) in sections, beginning with the section on Information Management (M./ (b)(3) (b)(5) UNCLASSIFIED/ /-1113.15.8� Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204e Recommendation 111/4: (U) Work with NASA in the development of a revised schedule for DO operational project files; use this schedule as the basis for written guidance that is provided to those who review and/or process older operational files. Action Items Identified from Latest Correspondence: � (U) This recommendation cannot be closed until the revised schedule is signed by the Archivist. CIA Response: (U/MERTIreri CIA has agreed with NARA's recommendation and submitted a revised �PACT schedule, which NARA received on May 1, 2006. UNCLASSIFIED//1UU0 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C0549620461., Recommendation IV/4: (U) Complete the centralized catalogue project so the agency will have a comprehensive, agency-wide inventory of electronic records. After the centralized catalogue is completed, implement measures to keep it current as additional systems are developed. Action Items Identified from Latest Correspondence: (U) Please provide an updated report on the implementation of CATDB in your next progress report. CIA Response: (U/Pre0t37 The Catalog of Databases ("CATDB") is old database technology that lacked workflow and was developed primarily to support records management, e.g., the assignment of retention schedules to systems or collections in the Agency. The Agency Information Technology Offices have mandated a separate application tracking process and introduced a system to meet the technology requirements. We have discussed merging the two systems to better meet Agency requirements and reduce duplication of effort caused by two tracking systems. We continue to promote use of CATDB as evidenced in our new Information Management Reference Manual. Updates are still being placed in CATDB, and systems are being identified in the new system. We will continue to put new information into CATDB until all is transferred to the new system, which will cover electronic and non-electronic collections. We will work closely with NARA to ensure records management needs are met by this new system. UNCLASSIFIED/ f r uuu 3 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Recommendation IV/S: (U) Using the centralized catalogue data as well as pre-existing inventories and lists, work with NARA to initiate and carry out a project to ensure that all electronic record systems are eventually covered by NARA-approved schedules. This effort should begin as soon as possible, using existing inventory information, and should encompass the review in coordination with NARA of housekeeping systems to determine which are covered by the GRS and which are not. Develop schedules for non-GRS-records, beginning with those that pertain to CIA's core missions and are the most likely to be appraised as permanent. Action Items Identified from Latest Correspondence: � (U) NARA looks to CIA to identify the individual electronic systems that fall under each series. Once appraisal is begun this recommendation will be closed. CIA Response: (u//tmeer)- CIA provided NARA with an updated RCS intended to address the disposition of all CIA records regardless of media. As is done today, the Information Management Officer (IMO) will work with the system owner/developer to ensure that the records maintained in each system are identified against an existing authority for disposition. CATDB was but one system used to record collections or systems newly established in CIA. The index allowed the offices to ensure records maintained in that system are scheduled. We continue to use CATDB as well as the Agency's portfolio management system (of new IT systems under development or operational) to document the retention of records maintained in those systems. As each section of CIA's new RCS is approved, we will ensure that CATDB entries align to the new records disposition authorities; and, to the extent that a new system maintains records not covered under the authorities, we will submit SF-115s for the new records series. UNCLASSIFIED/Mr 4 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 WAIL.UHOO r zu Recommendation VI/3: (b)(3) (U) Inventory non-text records and develop schedules for all unscheduled series as well as specific schedule items for certain major collections now covered by crenerir authorities identified in this report/ Action Items Identified from February 2005 Correspondence: CIA Response: (u//rou CIA is adding media-specific terms to the RCS as appropriate. These additional media-specific terms will be reflected in each RCS section as it is reviewed by NARA, beginning with Information Management. In conjunction with NARA, CIA will develop a preamble to its new RCS that will detail the special media requirements. UNCLASSIFIED//.W4� 5 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204,r, uDIL.I.Inposr_LmL,//pware Recommendation VI/5: (D) Develop and implement a plan to preserve non-textual series that must remain in CIA custody for more than 10 years. Action Items Identified from February 2005 Correspondence: (b)(3) (b)(5) � (11) There are several areas where the ARC is presently not compliant with the regulations. CIA Response: (tJ/iT417610) Per the recommendation, a plan has been developed and implemented to preserve non-textual series that must remain in CIA custody for more than 10 years. A OS UNCLASSIFIED/S:11361 6 oved for Release 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 See classified file. Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204 See classified file. Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C05496204