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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date:
December 8, 2021
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Case Number:
Publication Date:
October 6, 2009
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P-2010-00018 INITIAL REQU[16011603].pdf | 165.83 KB |
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05458983
Information and Privacy C oordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear Sir or Madam:
September 28, 2009
I would also like to request
the admi rative tracking or pr c files on them, as ell as all documents pot aining
to what it centives and disincentives exist for tape rev�iewers and appeals officers to uphold
prior decisions, or to keep their uphold/overturn rates of prior decisions within a preset
norm, 1 vvould also like to request the administrative tracking or processing file (including
hut not limited to documents,. correspondence, memos, notes, and ernalls) for the
investigative file, my previous FOIA request on and rny appeaL
1 also request all administrative documents pertaining to what incentives ray
polygraphers were offered and/or received for increasing their confession rates, and
documentation of any cash or other prizes that may have been awarded as an indirect or
direct result of my supposed confession(s) or otherwise in connection with my case if
cannot access documents pertaining to incentives my particular polygraphers were offered
in my case, 1 would like to request documents pertaining to incentives or disincentives for
all Agency polygraphers to increase or decrease their confession rates, deception indicated,
inconclusive, pass/fail, or other classifications of polygraph results, in proportion or in
particular cases.
I w d also like to requ y documentation pertaining Ages. y.or.0 her
guidelines or protocols which apply or applied to my polygrapherE conduct. Additionally,
I request any documentation pertaining to Agency policies on disclosing reasons for denial,
including hut not limited to protocol or circumstances under which is permissible or
desirable for the Agency to lie in writing about reasons for denial. I would like to request
documentation pertaining to protocol for Agency disclosure oF emial opportunity contacts
as required for filing complaints under NO..F.Fi:A
lwouldalsoliketo request any materials quantifying the number of polygraphs
conducted by or for the CIA on prospective employees, current employees, and assets,
respectively; the number and proportion scored inconclusive, deception indicated, or
otherwise, the change in this proportion over time, the number of appeals, change of this
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05458983
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05458983
proportion over time, and .attrition te of appeals; and the proportion fnon-dropped
appeals which are ultimately successful. [would also like to request any and all data and
analysis of racial, religious, ethnic, national, regional, gender, sexuality, age, and/or class
differences in polygraph results, clearance denials, appeals, and/or appeal results.
I would also like to request any materials quantifying the Agency's understanding
of its polygraph accuracy rates, and how this understanding has changed over time, as well
as information qualitatively and quantitatively assessing under what circumstances the
Agency denies clearances based on polygraph results alone, rather than on the basis of
statements attributed to interviewees, In cases concerning individuals who have died
following a polygraph interrogation, by suicide, homicide, or in the field as an employee or
asset, I would like to request damage reports and any other relevant records I might access
in whole or in part I would also like to request any records pertaining to foreign
intelligence services' prospective or actual and former, current, or planned polygraph
counter-measure training programs, including but not limited to Agency findings that these
programs do not exist
Please find attached a notarized statement regarding my place of birth and
citizenship status in the event this is required for the execution of my new requests, as it
was required for my investigative file request. Please do not permit me to incur charges
exceeding $30 for the processing of these FOIA requests without my further knowledge
and consent.
Thank you for your time and ass s anc
Best regards,
Approved for Release. 2021/12/07 C05458983
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05458983
nder penalty of perjury no is true and
correct, born
Executed on 28 September, 2009
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Pt-Ma C� U
ivy., Co AA ev% S C, eice
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05458983
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05458983
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05458983