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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
October 4, 2019
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Publication Date: 
May 4, 1983
Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682 LOGISTICS SERVICES DIVISION WEEKLY REPORT PERIOD ENDING 4 MAY 1983 I. Progress Report on Tasks Assigned by the DCl/DDCI: No items this reporting period. II. Items/Events of Major Interest: p4-5 b. Analysts Study Area: The DDI has requested that a special quiet area with oversize carrels be established for private study by analysts. Space in the mezzanine vault of the CIA Library at Headquarters Building has been set aside. A combination of excess systems furniture components from the move of the Central Cover Staff and new rapid-response items are to be used and the area is expected to be ready in one month. The requisition for additional parts has been sent to Procurement Division, OL. c. Fine Arts Exhibits: The Marc Mellon exhibit of bronze sculptures ended on 3 May, and the figures were returned to the lenders. From S May to 3 June 1983 an Office of Equal Opportunity Asian-Pacific exhibit of employee-owned art and artifacts will be displayed in the 1D Corridor at Headquarters Building. The newly appointed Director of the Corcoran Museum, Michael Botwinik, was hosted by the DDA and the Chief, Fine Arts Com- mission (FAC) at a luncheon on 29 April 1983. It is hoped that (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682 the Corcoran staff, after seeing the FAC exhibit area, will be interested in lending items from its permanent collection to the FAC for exhibition at Headquarters Building. 9/1 (b)(3) e. Installation of Computer Equipment - Office of Global Issues (OGI), DDI: The design has been approved for the installation of computer equipment in DDI/OGI, 3G13/19 Head- quarters. Construction drawings are 80 percent complete. 94 f. Redesign and Modification: A design has been completed and presented to the Office of Data Processing for the redesign and modification of the vault-type room, 2D0105 Headquarters Building. 94 g. General Inspection of Headquarters Building: On 27 April 1983 personnel from Space Maintenance and Facilities Branch (SMUB), LSD/OL, initiated a general inspection of the Headquarters Building. This inspection includes handouts to office personnel listing problem items which should be reported to SIOFB for service. To date three telephone calls and one memorandum requesting minor repairs have been received. h. Air Sampling Test in Auditorium: On 3 and 4 May the Safety Staff, DDA, conducted air sampling tests in the Audito- rium at Headquarters Building to determine if asbestos particles were present. Samples will be forwarded to a laboratory for 2 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682 analysis, and results are expected in about two weeks. The Safety Staff will prepare a memorandum for LSD giving test results when they have been ascertained. (U/ U0) i. Major Renovations - Office of Security (OS), DDA: Carpentry, masonry, and electrical work are proceeding in Room 1E-0010 Headquarters. The Telephone Company has pulled all station cables, and the necessary capping has been completed. Cleaning of the area will be scheduled for the latter part of this week, and the move is scheduled for this weekend. j. Uncompleted Work for the Office of SIGINT Operations: After the reported completion of work by GSA in Rooms GD-62/GE-04 Headquarters Building, SMUB had a walk-through visual inspection of the area and discovered that the electrical and paint shops had not finished their work. Upon notification of the uncom- pleted jobs, they stated they would expedite the remaining work. k. Installation of Temporary Duck Pond: On Wednesday, 27 April 1983, a member of SMUB installed a temporary duck pond in the inner courtyard at Headquarters Building for the nesting mallard duck and her expected ducklings. cj.Y 1. Roof Repair at Key Building: is in the process of repairing the leaky roof at Key Building. m. Renovations for Intelligence Community Staff (ICS), DCI: Renovations have begun for the DCl/ICS in conjunction with the relocation of WANG equipment to 3 (;4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682 III. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Week: No items this reporting period. Sjkr Chief Logistics Services Division II 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379682