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Publication Date: 
May 18, 1983
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Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 LOGISTICS SERVICES DIVISION WEEKLY REPORT PERIOD ENDING 18 MAY 1983 I. Progress Report on Tasks Assigned by the DCl/DDCI: No items this reporting period. II. Items/Events of Major Interest: a. New Arrivals: The Logistics Services Division, OL, proudly announces the arrival of seven Mallard ducklings in the center courtyard of Headquarters Building sometime on Monday, 16 May 1983. The pond will be maintained by Space Maintenance and Facilities Branch (SMUB), LSD/OL, and the ducks will be provided with food. Mother and ducklings are doing fine! b. Preparations for Installation Of Computer Equipinent: The design has been approved for the installation of computer equipment for the Office of Global Issues, DDI, 3G13/19 Head- quarters. Construction drawings were completed on 11 May 1983 and were sent to SMUB. c. Film Processor: Construction drawings for the installa- tion of a film processor in Room GH24 Headquarters for the Office of Current Production and Analytic Support, DDI, were completed and sent to SMUB on 12 May 1983. d. New Furniture: A furniture survey has been made and power and telephone drawings completed for the installation of new furniture in Room GC52 Headquarters for the Information Management Staff, DO. Drawings were forwarded to SMUB on 11 May. Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 e. Drawings for 1-D Exhibit Corridor, Headquarters: The Architectural Design Staff completed drawings showing the cor- ridor plan and elevations for the proposed Corcoran Museum Exhibit in the 1-D Corridor at Headquarters Building. The drawings were sent to mission, and Chairman, Fine Arts Corn- Interior Design Consultant, LSD/OL. f. Additions to Foreign Visitdts" Lounge: The design is in progress for the addition of a bathroom and a pantry to the Foreign Visitors' Lounge, Room 6D57, Office of the Deputy Director for Operations, Headquarters Building. g. Leak in Tunnel at Headquarters Building: GSA has con- ducted a survey of the tunnel at Headquarters Building which has been leaking since mid-January. The survey revealed that the sidewalk's expansion joints should be resealed and the tree roots cut along the edges of the sidewalk outside the tunnel. No date was given for commencement of repairs. h. Painting of Shower Rooms: GSA painters worked overtime this past weekend and completed painting the Men's and Ladies' shower rooms in the gym. Interlocking modular mats were in- stalled in both shower rooms. 1. Major Alterations: The new ceiling and lights for the Office of Data Processing, DDA, in Room GG-2202 Headquarters have been completed. The contractor for the raised floor is scheduled to start on Thursday, 19 May, and for this reason twelve pallets of raised flooring will be delivered to the GG 2 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 Corridor. The GSA electric shop plans to work this weekend to install a 600-foot electric cable from the GE Corridor to this area. On Tuesday, 17 May, the sheetmetal and carpenter shops completed installation of a full height soundproof wall with VTR treatment in Room 1E-0010, Office of Security (OS), DDA. Minor patching and painting of the wall is to be scheduled. Block work and partial brown coating have been done to fill in a door in Room 6D-39, Near East Division, DO. The sheetmetal shop is working overtime this week to install approximately 80 feet of VTR treatment and plans to finish by Thursday evening. j. New Equipment for Executive Dining Room: On 12 May 1983 a deep fryer for the Executive Dining Room was ordered by Small Purchases Branch, PD/OL. The expected delivery date is 9 June. By popular request, cooked-to-order french fries, shrimp and scallops will be added to the menu. A requisition has been forwarded for a hand-wash sink for the kitchen of the Executive Dining Room, and delivery was requested by 3 June. k. Interior Design: Design assistance was provided to the newly appointed Associate Deputy Director for Science and Technology (ADDSU) and to the Director of Data Processing (D/ODP). The bulk of the new furnishings ordered for the D/ODP have been 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 received and put in place. Orders for furniture and wall art for the ADDSU have been sent to the Procurement Division. 1. DO Wegistry: A design solution for introducing data processing equipment into the DO Registry, while still allowing space for the accomplishment of current tasks, was planned, approved, and specified. m. Carpet Installation: Installation of 1,555 square yards of carpeting in Ames Building for the Office of Research and Development, DDSU, was completed on 14 May. Three days were required to repair and replace carpet tiles in the GH-09 through GF-28 area for the Office of Central Reference, DPI. n. Transportation: Limousine service is being provided for a VIP visitor Near East Division. 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664 III. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Week: No items this reporting period. Logistics Services Division 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/03 C05379664