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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
October 4, 2019
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
May 20, 1953
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316276 COUNTRY SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION SE ,T SECTMT1 INF0RNATION CENTRAL INTELLIGeNCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Czechoslovakia/Vest Germany/East Germany Shipment of Czechoslovak Goods on the Elbe River to Hamburg 12215 DOCUSENT CONTAINS INFONIRATION MUTING TN! NATIONAL InF2242 OF Ni limy) !TAMS VITAIDI TN! 11101010 OF TN! LPSFIONASI iscr at; U.c...117 AND 12.4111 AIIINDED. ITS rruiststaators 02 TN! nr.vrt.Aros or trs mama= IS MIT RANDEM TO AS ciumarcoranus PRIte02 ss PRO. SIEUTED 2F UM DIPADDUCT602 OF MIS MR IS TRONISITID. 4. REPORT NO. CD NO. DATE DISTR. , 20 nk7 1953 NO OF PAGES 1 NO.OF ENCLS, SUPPLEMENT T REPORT NO THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMTION 1. The following goods were transported in on shiprent on 2 larch 1953 on one of the river tugboats of the Czechoslovak Elbe-Oder navi- gation Company ACSPLO) fror Hamburg to the pecin (N51/1156) har- bor: 476,077 kilogram: of India rubber in 4,296 bundles, 1,022 kiloprans of reed . . . in 20 bundles, 30,290 kiloprars of raw cork . . in 404 bundles. The India rubber was sent to Czechoslovakia by the 7-berhardt C' ens firr in Hamburg to the CSPLO in Decin; the other goods were sert to the Czechoslovak forwarding company retrans in Prapus. The Iseila rub- ber was shine d to Uarburp from Lordon on the ship City af Sw4;aca and Vie cork frnr Poyfthr,n/ rrn +.11,7 F�ar 77%e rflej vas load- ed fror a ilarbu-g warehouse. The following good 6 were t-ansported in one shipment on 20 1%rch 1953 on one of the CSPLO river boats fror the Loubi (n51/P56) harbor to Hamburg: Number of unite Goods: jejt: 'inat ion L. 7,000 sacks ralt 358,534 kg Eirczil 30 boxes plate glass 12,110 kg Canada 22 boxes flat glass 2,400 kg Australia 18 boxes flat 7,500 kg Terkey 77 boxes iron chains for ships 4,872 kg Burma 611 crates tiles 14,000 kg Norway 20 crates asbestos-cerent plates 24,800 kg Ceylon 85 boxes chains for ships 4,800 kg Turkey 1,250 crates glazed tiles 22,000 kg 7ngland STATE !v. NAVY AIR CLASSIFICATION x NSR3 !;X. Ifni I T DISTRIBUTION -F- Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316276 . Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316276 ( ( RESTRICTED Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316276