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Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316055 CLASSIFICATION its4T SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NC INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY West Germany/East Germany/Czechoslovakia SUBJECT Cleerance of Czechoslovak River Craft Operating between Hamburg and Czechoslovakia Wirif THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORDATIOR AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OP THE UNITED i'TATEII. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 705 AND 784, OF THE U. B. CODE. AS AMENDED ITS TRANSIIISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT NT AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED DT LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS WPM IS PRORILITID. DATE DISTR. 4 MaY 1953 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS, (LISTED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 1. Rivercraft of the Czecheeloval: labe-Oder 1:avigetion Corpany (Ceskoslo- venska plavba labsieo-oderska, narodni rodril-)(CSPLO) are rot subject to any suneevisien by cuetors autheritier while loading or unloading eithin the area of the iren Port in Rarburp. They are, hewever, un- der the jurisdiction of the local CSPLO aeency, which receives freight rerorte fror the. captain or hersman, rakes out loadinr lists and checks on the freieht book (nakladni knieka) of the versel on her de- parture. 2. Vessels beurd for Czecheslovakia Undergo their firrt check after de- parture fror the 'Free Port at the river kilometer near Entenwar- der (coon irate ukn.). This check is Perforred by Gerran curters authorities on both the freight book and the vessel itself, but con- cerns only that part of the vessel which has been rerorted as open. The freieht srace whIch eenteins goods loaded in the Free Port area is locked without insnection and provided with customs seale. The number of seals is entered in a seeeial docurent called "Begleitscheie whici. has to be returned after the vessel's arrival in Czechoslovakia to the Geeran cuetors autheritier with a cerfirratien that all seals. have been found urdaraeed. 3 A second checkeoirt is located at river kilometer 476 near Schnacken- burg (1.54/ T 5n) erhere the leerder between the Gerear Federal Re-ublic and the Soviet Zone of Gerrany crosses the -]1be River. Checs are rade by the Gera n Federal Peeublic and pritish authorities on one, and the soviet Zorn and Russian authorities on the other side, on the crew's sailing books (plavecka krizka), the �per part of the vessel, an-' the seal:- of the freight area. 4. he third and last check is rade by Soviet Zone and Ressler author!- ties on on,, and Czeceoslovate authorities on the other side, et Schrilka (V51/ F 57)0 Feat Gerranyt and Irensko (U51/ F 57)., Czecho- clevakia, The Gnechesloeek check is rade by eusters oirieils en the sals of the rreir-ht se-ace, the hellor and raehAre roar, and the ca- 1n' and sailire hooks of the ceew by X.13 aid StB officers who also STATE ARMY NMN MR CLASSIFICATION NSRB DI1TRIBUTION TX FBI (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316055 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316055 SECREF) -2-= inspect cabins and print an entry starp into the smiling books. These latter have to be turned in by the captain (or the helmsman) to the CSPLO authorities at Decin (N51/ L 56).* The captain is bound to re- port to the local CSPLO agencies at every halt. 5. Before unloading the whole or parts of the cargo, the captain rust report to the customs office of the river port concerned to ask for removal of the seals. Customs ratrols watch enloarhnp and ice-ling between 7 and 18 hours. Over night all freight space is sealed yr. After unloading customs officials rerforr a check on the whole ves- sel to make sure that no part of the cargo has rerained. 6. Vessels of the CSPLO bound for Harburp are also loaded under assis- tance of custors officials as described above in paragraph 5, Prior to the vessel's departure the captain reports to the CSPLO office to pet back the sailing books. The rrocedures to be undergone between the Czechoslovak border and Harburg are analogous to those described in paragrarhs 3 and 4. The seals on the entry to the freight srace may not be reroved before arrival in the Free Port of aamurr, where unloaling takes place without supervisien by oustors authorities. 7. Sailing books are returned to sailors, only after clearance by the S. Sometimes this clearance is refused, which results in the sailor's transfer to another vessel oreratinp within the or-lers of Csecho- slovakia. (b)(1) (b)(3) Immenti Sometimes no captain is appointed to a vessel. In (W(1) swhcasesphis functions are fulfilled by the helmsman. SECRET (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C05316055