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Publication Date: 
May 1, 1968
PDF icon HBILKA--PLANNING FOR FUTU[16146817].pdf145.83 KB
SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIF ION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CO IDENTIAL X Sx*IfET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO \ NAME AND ADDRESS 4TE INITIALS 1 Executive Director-Comptroller 7D59 HQS 2 _ ,:,,,,p,..,/, 4 , ---/4. .,6�rc--frt..r..o...,.....m..m_..--- 45 5 9- , 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE X INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: / ...---- % FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SEN.D/ER�, FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. . DATE Deputy Director for Support 7D26 HQS4t4 4 5/1/68 SJACET 1 UNCLASSIFIED I I CONFIDENTIAL I X FORM NO. 2-61 037 Use previous editions Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181 (40) Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181 � &GREY � 0 1 MAY 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Warfield SUBJECT : HBILKA�Planning for Future Developments 1. It is requested that you initiate immediate planning and imple- menting actions to meet anticipated developments in Southeast Asia. a. Vietnam--It is quite possible that peace negotiations for Vietnam would require the removal of a number of U. S. elements associated with the current war effort. Air America, I feel certain, is fully identified with the war effort and it is quite possible that its removal from the Vietnam scene would be a stipulation in the peace negotiations. Air support requirements for both the Agency program and some of the civilian U. S. Government programs would require continued air support. Additionally the impact of giving up the Air America presence in Vietnam with its personnel, facilities, equipment, etc. would have a most adverse impact upon the financial and organizational structure of the HBILKA complex. Therefore, it is important on a contingency planning basis that we devise and develop a capability to dispose of the Air America organization and replace it with a new organization capable of continuing Agency and other civilian agency air support requirements. As discussed this could be a newly created company with a new complement of officers who could buy out the Air America operation taking over all the operating personnel, equipment, facilities, contracts, etc. A second alternative would be a new company that would contract for these air support requirements and subcontract to Air America but replacing existing Air America personnel and facilities with a new name and a new image. There are probably other alternatives worthy of consideration. Please initiate action for the above contingency. b. Laos--The Bureau of the Budget has raised a consideration that Agency paramilitary operations in Laos could be turned over to the U. S. military in light of current developments. While this is just a possibility for consideration we should be mindful that the Air America support to the Lao program is a major portion of this program. Should this eventuality occur it is presumed that the military would use their own air support capabilities to perform the air support SECRET doynlja0n, "A' 6 66.66056666,66,,66,6666.,66664166661 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181 Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181 � SECRET � 2 requirements now provided by Air America. It is possible that under such a circumstance the Air Force might still wish to contract with Air America for certain air support services. Some contingency plan- ning should be conducted with this possibility in mind. It is always possible that the cessation of hostilities in Vietnam will include some agreements covering cessation of military activities now being conducted in Laos. Should an agreement call for the removal of military elements and activities there is always the possibility that it would include Air America which clearly is identified with the military program in Laos. The Agency will still, however, require, in my judgment, a considerable level of air support and presumably an equivalent level of air support to other U. S. civilian agencies operating in Laos. I think we should additionally plan for this con- tingency whereby we can replace the Air America presence with another air support entity with the capability of meeting these air support requirements. Several years ago we created a company with a view to replacing Air America when the presence of Air America became an issue with the Laotian government endeavoring to adhere to the general terms of the Geneva Accords. It is requested that consideration be given to reviewing the status of this substitute company and taking any other action necessary to have this in a viable condition on the shelf for immediate implementation. 2. It is recognized that there are a multitude of problems involved but the more advance consideration we can give to these matters the issue, if it is drawn, will be that much easier to accommodate. K. L. Bannerman cc: Colonel White SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/10/26 C05273181