B-908 ACCIDENT, JUNE 20, 1965

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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 15, 1965
Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 C05268373 -624'.5a/' (Pe � MEMORANDUM 013-4A:Eg TO Counsel-WAS via MGDR-WAS FROM : Insurance Manager via 7'& Pre SUBJECT: B-908 Accident, June 20, 1965 DATE: February 6, 1965 REF. No. 314-65.-093 REC'D WAS FEB 15 1965 Attached for your information is a. statement of the Status of Passenger and Crew Claims as of February 1, 1965 in respect to subject accident. Bannon - Encls: As Stated cc: VPT&S) via TC SIC ) File - C S-2 EMBilli Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 C05268375 Category of . Passengers Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 C05268375 � REM WIS FEB 15 1965 B-908 Accident. June 20. 1964 Status of Passerger and Crew Claims As of February 1. 1965 Total Number of Passengers Number of Number. of Claims Claims Pai4 Outstanding Arne ric an 19 6 ' Non�American 22 16* Employees 11 11 Crew / 13 Americans: 6 Chinese: 2 Crew: (Chinese) 36 Unsettled Individual Claims Mrs. A. Beach Mr. Patrick Cody Mr. J. Davidson Mr. Bert Downs Miss Helen Lee Mr. It. McElroy Mrs. It. McElroy Mr. H. L. Chow Mrs. H. L. Chow Mr. C. P. Hsu * 21 Mr. J. Schwanninger Mr. John B. Spear Mr. H. Tantalo Mrs. H. Tantalo * Mr. Fred Tom * Mrs. Fred Tom * Mr. W. T. Loke Mrs. W. T. Loke Mr. 1. Tseng � Miss Nora Chen Fir. M. H. Kung * NOTE: Last information received about the following indicates settlement is almost completed: Mr. and Mrs. H. Tantalo Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tom Mr. CO, P. Hsu In Beaumont and Sonl s letter of January 18, 1965, it is stated: "Messrs. Shaw Pittman & Co. have already settled, or agreed for settlement, 13 of the 19 American claims at the agreed figure of US$6,507.00". Details are being requested as this indicates settlement of three more claims than our records do. We are waitirg for confirmation that the claim for Miss N. Wright(Australian) has been settled in London by the Underwriters which we have assumed has been done, Approved for Release: 2020/08/1'9 C05268375