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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 30, 2022
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
January 6, 1954
PDF icon SUPPORT BY CAT OF FRENCH [16101884].pdf202.31 KB
c /9 7" I pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 _ -41 BEST COPY VAILABLE !tor, to pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 STAMM AIN= Iptioqmpanci "SWIM: As a result of die. cussing's bola during the 00iismUng of wa 1954, CAT was reguested to take such steps as yore necessary to establish a standby airlift team composed of twelve C-46 type aircraft cepable of producing 2,000 flyiag hours per month, this airlift to be so organised that six of the twelve aircraft be fully prepared to nom* to an operating site es 24 hours notice. Field management took immediate action and on 21 June aenounced that the team /ad been organised and vas prepared to carry out such emergency requirements as might be requested, such as emer- gency evacuations, etc. The teammenticmed in the last paragraph of Section One above will be drawn from this standby airlift capacity. III. PARTICIPATION IN T14 XSTABLFAMIT OF TIE CAM#0140 AlMIUM: In light o the fact that Cambodia is now an independent state, AT akaagement requested permission to explore the possibilities of CAT participation in the establishment of a loos/ Cambodian airline. Headquarters took the position that the exploration of CAT participation in Cambodian civil aviation natters is to be encouraged. Field lammeement was instructed to proceed with the explorations and in their negotiations insist that aey contractual arrangement be a profit-making venture to CAT. They were also instructed to keep Headquarters fully informed of /stoat developments and advise if CIA or other U. S. Ooverneeut assistance is required. A conference has been held with the newly appointed elated States Anweseador to Cambodia, Mr. Robert Melintock, who stated that a definite political advantage is to be achieved in an American aviation company assisting the goverment of Cambodia in developing its own civil aviation. Be stated that upon his return to Cambodia (late September) be will assist CAT Woofer as is passible. IV. SUPPORT OF CIA OP/MATIONS IN INDOCNINA: Followlinges* the oper- ations in Machina presently being considered in which CAT has been *eked to participate: a. (b)(1) (b)(3) b. The runniag of overflights (poesibly from bases in Northern Thai)and) to eve token drops to tribal guerrilla its supported as the French are unable to operate above the 17th parallel in accordance with the terms of the armistice. C. E. LAM= Chief, FE 6 (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 BEST COPY VAILABLE pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 !it . t� C'Yt CCorcton r.'ore. � is. . .L :;�.( mtot 017 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261269 t c.- '� t. Fl./6/CEL: sm Dist: Addressee � 2 DD/P�Admin� 1 h �1 FE/4 �1 FE/6 �2 RI �1 f f