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PDF icon CIA S IRAN TASK FORCE INT[15804090].pdf144.77 KB
. . � , � v Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633 , CIA'S IRAN TASK FORCE INTELLIGENCE AND OPERATIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS (b)(1) (b)(3) �� Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633- I � Approved for Release: 2020/05/64 C05201633 LIN playea,a role_i_n_tria_ext_litration of the six American diplomats ,k)6) �hidden and c.ared_far-bi:the: in Tehran. By early December, `1" CIA had started wdrking�--o7d,ciatterent strategies and scenarios for oettino the (b)(3) 'six out of-liran-and_lundertaok--several nneratinnAl initiptiunc b)(1) b)(3) . On 4 December.,:::the-IStaDepartment requested CIA to assume responsibility for-the-.exfatration of the-six-Americans from Iran: On 13 December, the CIA submitted an ex-fittration plan. to the State Department (Precht) for consideratinr. And on 17 December--; -in response to nrecciirp CIA discussed the subjec(b)(1) - mindful of our need for OP) (b)(1). communications and-other-support in Tehran, did not push for a decision and agreed (b)(3) - -. that the stx Americans could "stal' 1-i-~ "--- Ling." By the 'end of the(b)(i) month, however-,-both the lrS. and _had__hP_r_nmP_iricreasingly(b)(3) concerned that the presence of the Americans in the would � known to .Iranian =authorities. An article by Kim King in the Ottawa journal on (v)(`-') 2 Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633 4. with exfiltration. � � � Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633 29 December on the subject of American diplomats.who had avoided capture by the militants on 4 November gave added point to these concerns. Exfiltration planning went into high 'gear, and in early January it was decided that the Americans would leave Tehran by commercial air On 7 January, CIA officers Mendez conferred )n cover and documentation reauirements for thp documentation was orenared by CIA and sent to Tehran On 19 January, � � Wit orricer Plenaez proceeaea to ienran to Drier, tne six Americans on their cover, scenario- and distribute_to them the appropriate documents and pocket litter for ttletr cover roles. -On 28 January, Mendez led the six Americans through Mehrabacl�Airport_Without incident and they arrived in Zurich a few hours � s- ' � � ". (b (b Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633 411 11 I l' � l� . .� � Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633 . - � a �-.7211Pr4,44..'&2151iiRil�V�21.,. RET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633 (b) (b) 1) 3) II I 1 I Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633 11.:13Crtioni'of7-thineindrandum are classified S- , - - ET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05201633_ I VP