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Publication Date: 
December 7, 1973
Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DATE: 7 Dec 73 TO Mr. James Angleton Chief, Cl/OPS FROM: SUBJECT: REMARKS Dear Jim: Attached is John Whitman's copy of the 4 December package which you so kindly sent.. He read it with interest and profit but because of its sensitivity did not wish to retain it. I am, therefore, returning it to you. greatly appreciate the unstinting cooperation we have received from you and your office. The information you are able to provide is of great value and we will do our best to handle it in a way that meets your needs as well as ours. George A. Carver, Jr. D/DCl/NIO Attachment Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C0-5014279 Noe MEMORANDUM FOR . Attached ia a, package 2. The second part of the package gives some background o Hammer assembled in 1972 for passage to Dr. Kissinger as an attachment to a 1 August note to Kissinger from Helms (then the DCI) occasioned by the publicity surrounding the 20 July 1972 agree- rn.ent between the Soviet Union and the Occidental Petroleum Corpora- tion, with which Hammer is intimately connected. This 1972 package was sent in one copy to Helms for Kissinger 3. SECR SENSITIVE (b)(3) b)(6) b)(1), b)(3): (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 Approved for Release: 202.3/05/11 C05014279''' co-alert ed-,a1 osco. , . , ._ re eir-a irriecr t,Inhis'ojin1ou the,- tisk * ncere iii.itii'deairtriiiti:74::',iiieaCi;iri;thee-:-Middieriat .,iiiiiichwoul '- et be: iel'iit-4,10.4:iiiI,ti both,:iiide ,;'..-" 1-1'./e., expressed ..,-,thei be/..,.ithaef ',:'-iisapcirtarit-fa ready been taken. .i.o*.iox.ef]e of W-.ciLiiise4,: Lire wh succeeded .bringingttogetherA.:t ,..... ._,...,.� ,,--A .. . , . .. _. .... rt ' and had � - ,,,,,,,,,:r., 'ere ii*iit'i*i;C Vhidh,ther:cou. talk one another reZhe;IFIT.5,Krpt 9.,?1,!;to ,,,4,,,,,:� . _ Y, hat the ci144i.7 ' iiii4*-'COUICI:_:,,dc.;k Oi:,sa5._ur,_:.a,:- peace -�,and ���,.,,�, ._ particular ' -il*Ciiil.W;::::.46,-: leil,aiiii , o*tariiiiient . . _ _ , _ff-,_, According araraer '''''' e ' that t ' '�most ... ,. . _ - . ,. iiiiportinelteii foti.j.1,e';S'.ba:lati_�Woi'3.'id-46-'e qJreetear'cohie nl-ptete ,4lpiotnatic'and tiade'relailb4WithlaTra:eL'7.:Aii.'i..ste,.in that' direCtiOni.....i_ie:'protooied:thatitiriirieTi�1:-.141-histei GO-Ida Maii-.:boa--.-.- . invited " to Moscow -.:by:.13reahneli. for 'fi ee-tp-fa ce'cliic-us :.- _ ... - .}fainrner expressed confidence that such a:�meeting would .bet.:2-, an important achievement and Open the way for broad, (b)(1 b)(3) - Impossible toDetjTJL Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 - tated that. e'.:*firas' angry or tateseforlhe-alert but now everythh not 'discuss the Soviet action wklcb itbc'kut Subject of the Middle Zest arose n their die- as could be Aose, Senator Jackson'and others,. to remove the obetacles to, the passage of the Most Favored -Nation Treaty.- . Breahnev saidtha - t the Savietat..doininsint,interest was detente and that the - � orraous trade: and financial -deals .presently on the agenda - ertilizers;:natural. gas; were of such iniportance to � the Soviet, Union as to 'dwarf the question of Soviet/Arab- rela.� Brizhnev- expressed the,. view that there could not be � ogress on this matter until they won, over, the Jewish lobby , In the United Statee.;;:Witheut this support, ' be said, the wo.ildb. unable to obtain approval of bath Houses of Congress. b)(1) b)(3) Is noted that the Soviet press has reported that a - meeting took place between Hammer and Breahnev on the. Sixteenth-of November relating to trade affairs. Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 " b)(1) b)(?) Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 *giej CENTRAL INTELUGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20Z05 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR MEMORANDUM MEMORANDU FOR: The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs SUBJECT: Dr. Armand Hammer and Family 1. The Central Intelligence Bulletin of 20 July 1972 reported that Occidental Petroleum Corporation's highly touted "agreement" with the Soviet Union may be less than meets the eye. Barron's Financial Weekly of 24 July 1972 states that the announcement brought the small investor back into the market and added three quarters of a billion dollars in value to Occidental's securities. The common stock soared from 10 1/4 to 13 1/4. The financial community is skeptical about the worth of the agreement. Or. Hammer was quoted in the 31 July 1972 issue of Newsweek as saying, "It is a firm agreement in that we have agreed to a number of concrete ideas. But we may fall apart in the final negotiations." 2. The Department of State has learned that the nego- tiations were conducted personally by Armand Hammer and a small staff operating from Occidental's London office. It has also been reported that the home office in Los Angeles has no information beyond that reported in the press. Ac- cording to a KGB defector, the Soviets can manipulate such a corporation thus changing the fortunes of large numbers * of unsuspecting U.S. investors. Since Soviet economic acts are not without political objectives, the announcement of the agreement on the eve of Secretary Peterson's arrival in Moscow is not regarded to have been a coincidence. In view of the above, I enclose for your information a summary of the Soviet intelligence relationship with the Hammer family over the past fifty years. CLAS,7,117.TI LY signer EXT7.1cY FROM ..1E1:r.ror: r.FcutsstrirATrzri O. II-47, � (4:3 r (1.1' or MOS.) ViA;iN 110110E SENSITIVE INIELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED �euri70:7,11111fc Approval of Director Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279"1;le' in'""1"or Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 \;',1�40 I - ' 4 3. A copy of this memorandum has been sent to Secre- taries Rogers, Shultz, Laird and Peterson. Attachment: As stated Richard. Helms Director 1,7 Alm Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 , Approved for Release: 2023/05/11 C05014279 Nod 31 July 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: DR. ARM ND HAMMER 1. On 19 July 1972, Dr. Armand Hammer, Chairman of the Occidental Petroleum Corporation, announced in London the signing of a wide-ranging five year technical assist- ance agreement with the Soviet Union. Hammer said that the agreement would specifically include natural gas, crude oil, agricultural fertilizers and chemicals, metal treating and plating, the design and construction of hotels, and the utilization of solid wastes. 2. Armand Hammer and his brothers Viktor and Harry (now deceased) are the sons of Dr. Julius Hammer who emi- grated with his parents to the U.S. from Russia in the 1870's. Julius Hammer, a wealthy physician, was active in leftist politics and was one of the founders of the Communist Party in the United States. Armand Hammer was named by his father for the arm and hammer emblem of one of the Communist Party predecessor organizations. In 1920 Dr. Julius Hammer was sentenced to five years in Sing Sing Prison for performing an illegal abortion on a Russian woman whose husband was a Soviet attache in Washington in World War I. 3. Interest in the Hammer family by various investi- gative agencies of the U.S. Government started as early as 1921. In that year the Department of Justice advised the,, British that Armand Hammer was carrying messages to the Soviet Union for Ludwig C.A.K. Martens, head of the Soviet trade mission and self-styled Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. who had been deported because of espionage activities in January 1920. Hammer was searched when his ship reached WAMNG NOTICE SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CLASSIFIED BY Exr.mrT FROM GETIZRAI. DECLASSIFICTION SCHEMILE OF E. O. I � Sa(1),