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Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 Fr,,/"AiomosA TOP SECRET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) W/#1 /17/ 30 July 1955 Copy No. 99 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 3.3 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. I: I DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 20/0 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: /46/60._ _ REVIEWER: _ Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 71/ TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 APok Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 1 La- ..71:4%...1�1.:4 41111110' '*1109 SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1,, Chinese Communist military mission reported assigned to North Vietnam (page 3). 2. Malaya election results presage new difficulties for British (page 3). 3. Comment on Indonesian cabinet negotiations (page 4). SOUTH ASIA 4. Comment on Afghanistan demobilization (page 5). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Moroccan nationalist leaders term United States an "enemy" (page 5). 30 July 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 404 Tor SECRET igh SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Chinese Communist military mission reported assigned to North Vietnam: A 70-man Chinese Communist military mis- sion will soon be installed in Haiphong, The mission is reported to include army, navy and air force personnel who will assist in training Viet Minh personnel. Comment: Large numbers of Chinese, as well as Russian. technicians and advisers are already known to be attached to the Viet Minh army. The Viet Minh is not known to have an air force, however, and its navy has been limited to a few river and harbor patrol craft. The inclusion of naval and air force personnel in the Chinese mission would indicate that an effort to build up these arms will soon be un- der way. Viet Minh propaganda has recently as- serted the need to increase military capabilities in order to "re- conquer our independence and national unity." A Chinese mission would be justified by the Communists as a purely defensive meas- ure--to conform with the Geneva agreement--and as a counter- measure to the American training mission in South Vietnam. . Malaya election results resage new difficulties for Britishr The American consulate in Kuala Lumpur believes the overwhelming victory of the Malay-Chinese-Indian Alliance in Malaya's 27 July elections on a campaign calling or accelerated self-government presages an early conflict with British authorities. Alliance leaders are "clever enough" to real- ize that popular support can be solidified through such a conflict 30 July 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 rryin n roe+ T:"T' Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 'AO The Alliance president has already stated that the present consti- tution is "inappropriate and impractical." Issues of racialism and religion, which appeared to have had little appeal in the election, are not dead but are subordinate for the moment to overriding anticolonial sentiment. Comment: The Malay-Chinese-Indian Alliance is a coalition of three political parties representing Malaya's largest racial communities. It won 51 of the 52 seats at stake in the elections and is therefore assured of a majority In the legislative council no matter whom the high commissioner selects for the 46 appointive seats. The Alliance is already on record in favor of a more rapid transfer of power as well as granting amnesty terms to the Communist terrorists. 3. Comment on Indonesian cabinet negotiations: Vice President Hatta's appointment on 29 July of three cabinet formateurs in- stead of one should speed the formation ot a new government. The three men selected--former premier Sukiman of the Masjumi, former premier Wilopo of the conserva- tive wing of the National Party, and Assaat, a nonparty man who leans toward the Socialist Party--are believed to be predisposed to co-operate with one another. The combination is well balanced from the standpoint of Indonesia's numerous political factions and one or another of the three will appeal to each of Indonesia's non- Communist parties. All three are probably also acceptable to the army--a vital necessity. Hatta has indicated that the new regime should concern itself primarily with settling the army problem and holding national elections, which are scheduled for 29 Sep- tember. If this limited program is accepted, the formation of a new cabinet should not be too difficult and its membership con- ceivably could be announced before President Sukarno returns from Mecca on 4 August. 30 July 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 Ilk -Ter SOUTH ASIA 4. Comment on Afghanistan demobilization: The Afghan Ministry of National Defense announced on 27 July an order for demo- bilization which was to go into effect the following day. This order is clearly the result of the high cost of maintenance as well as unruliness among conscripts in the four months of mobili- zation. Prime Minister Daud's explanation was that there now ex- ists "no probability of aggression." The act will probably be presented to Turkey and Saudi Arabia, both of which are still interested in further mediation of the Afghan-Pakistani dispute, as an indica- tion that Afghanistan continues to maintain a reasonable attitude while Pakistan refuses to moderate its demands. The fact that Daud was unable to main- tain mobilization will probably cause a decline in his prestige. From the beginning of the dispute with Afghanistan, Pakistan has sought to undermine Daud's position. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Moroccan nationalist leaders term United States an "enemy": Leaders of Istiqlal, Morocco's domi- nant nationalist party, have told an American correspondent that the United States is a greater enemy than France e viewpoint e nationalists, as it supplies the French with weapons and connived in the deposition of Sultan Mohamed ben Youssef in 1953. The nationalists stated that since the United States constructed its air bases without consulting the sul- tan, they would reopen the question when they gained power. For the time being, however, they will refrain from attacks on the bases or American personnel in order to avoid being accused of being pro-Communist. 30 July 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 * Approved for �RereWe:-2619/09/16 C03448336 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336 / JJ. 'sore Comment: These statements9 while obviously tailored for American consumption actually do re- flect increased nationalist frustration over American support of French policy. 30 July 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 PTIITrt rr Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03448336