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September 22, 1982
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Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 SECRET A/NIO/NESA 22 September 1982 Talking Points: Political Fallout from the Beirut Massacre 1. The revelations about the Shatilla and Sabra refugee camp massacres is arousing a domestic outcry in Israel that may well challenge Prime Minister Begin's hold on power. The key threat to Begin is the development of a Watergate-style political scandal in which the government's credibility is steadily eroded by a series of ever-more-shocking and embarrassing revelations. Tel Aviv knew some kind of massacre was underway on early Friday but did nothing to stop it for another 12-24 hours. this contradicts Israel's argument that it did not know the militia going into the camps until after the fact. was Begin is a proven survivor and many Israelis -- especially his Sephardic constituency -- will rally behind him out of nationalist sentiment. Nonetheless, the religious parties -- key Begin coalition partners -- seem particularly outraged by the moral dimensions of the massacre and want an independent investigation which Begin says he opposes. -- Should the two religious parties quit Begin's Likud coalition, Labor could form a new government with them and several leftist groups. -- Such a coalition would be very unstable, however. The political polls showed widespread support for Begin before the massacre. Israeli opposition politicans now will eagerly await new polls to gauge shifts in opinion. 2. The massacre and Bashir Jumayyil's assassination have also highlighted the strains in the Israeli-Phalange alliance. Press reports indicate some Phalangists believe Israel had become disenchanted with Bashir before his death because Bashir would not sign a peace treaty with Tel Aviv. Some claim Israel encouraged dissident Maronites to work against Bashir and may even have had a role in his death. -- While this seems unlikely, it points up the growing tensions between some Maronites and Israel. These reports also underscore Amin Jumayyil's problem in gaining full control over the Maronite military organizations. The Lebanese Forces militia were Bashir's creation and their loyalty was to him, not to the Jumayyil family. Israel doubtless will use its sympathizers in the Phalange and its Haddad allies to pressure Amin to be more forthcoming on the peace treaty issue. Approved for for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 _ Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 . ISRAEL-LEBANON: New Information on Massacre Israel continues to draw down its forces in West Beirut. Evidence of Tel Aviv's involvement in the events surrounding the massacre at the refugee camps is mounting. The Israelis have withdrawn at least two additional battalions of troops from West Beirut and have turned over part of it to the Lebanese Army, but at least three brigades remain to search for weapons caches and PLO guerrillas. The remaining members of the Muslim Mura- bitun militia reportedly have fled or gone into hiding. Meanwhile, Red Cross and Lebanese volunteers con- tinue to uncover more bodies in the camps. Initial press reports of 300 dead have now been revised upward to at least 600. Comment: Israel is moving slowly to relinquish control of the city to the Lebanese Army, probably to ensure that as many PLO guerrillas and arms caches as possible are found before it withdraws its own forces. Israeli Role in the Massacre (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Commander in Chief of the Christian Lebanese Forces, Fadi Frem, ordered elements of his forces, primarily Phalange, into the Sabra camp. the (b)(1 (b)(3) Some time after these forces entered the camp, Christian militia leader Haddad's men were responsible for the massacres at the Shatila camp and the nearby Akka and 1 --continued -9,11P-Seeret- TCS 2922/82 22 September 1982 __Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 CLL (b)(1) (b)(3) Gaza hospitals. Tel Aviv has now admitted publicly that the Phalange was encouraged to "cleanse" the camps of PLO elements, but disavows any responsibility for the massacres. The Israeli Defense Force denies that Haddad's militia was involved. Comment: Tel Aviv's denial probably stems from its desire to shift the blame away from the Israeli Defense Force, which exercises complete control over Haddad's militia. and the it is estimated that 1,000 Palestinian civilians, perhaps more, were killed during the 36-hour period Christian militia was in the camp. 2 %op Sccrct TCS 2922/82 22 September 1982 Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628..__.,,. (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 Beirut 35' 28' --- 33' 54 33'52' British American"' -University Mediterranean Sea - 33'50' 35'28' Hotel District Phoenicia Hotel 35'30' Mediterranean Former Commercial District Fattat ttVlranontttter lei.. � Studio, BUN ASI \ University \ 1 viet' � *so Embassy AfeZrgrah Sr., 27 , 632721 9-62 Sea nit sing ,EAST �Foreign Affairs St. Joseph BEIRUT University Museum Crossing" � Palace of , ,T Station Justice j , "Galerie Semaan Crossing" ' 35'32 Railroad Station �`- it Presidential Palace 33' 52 33 SC, Lebanese Armed Forces area of control � Refugee area .==. Crossing point � Government building Main urban area O 1/2 1 Kilometer O 1/2 1 Statute Mile (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 Top Sccrct Contents (b)(3) NR Record Israel-Lebanon: New Information on Massacre 1 Israel: Pressure on the Government 3 (b)(3) TCS 2922/82 22 September 1982 Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628----- -Zet, SCI.L ISRAEL: Pressure on the Government The Labor Party will use the special session of the Knesset scheduled for today to push its demand for an independent inquiry into the massacre in Beirut and cite recent events there as proof of its contention that Prime Minister Begin's policies on Lebanon are bankrupt. Comment: If Labor decides to challenge Begin's power, the party probably will encourage the two religious parties--the National Religious Party and Agudat Israel-- and dissidents in the Liberal faction of Likud to desert the coalition and form a new government. The National Religious Party is increasingly disturbed over Begin's hardline stance--party members were particularly upset at the Prime Minister's rejection of their request for an independent inquiry--and might be agreeable to an appeal from Labor. The Religious Party is already holding contacts with Labor, according to press accounts. If Begin offers the party an acceptable compromise on the inquiry issue. however, he probably can keep it from bolting. Begin apparently has decided to maintain his comba- tive stance and rely on the substantial support for his policies in the Sephardic community to ride out the con- troversy. Further revelations of the government's mis- handling of the massacre and its refusal to permit some kind of inquiry could seriously threaten his hold on power, however, even if he survives the immediate threat. 3 -qtreerereir- TCS 2922/82 22 September 1982 :Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628 Israeli Knesset Representation Seats Coalition 64 Likud 46 Herut 24 Liberals 18 Laam 3 Akiva Nof 1 National Religious Party 6 Agudat Israel 4 TAMI 3 Tehiyya 3 Hurvitz/Ben Porat 2 Opposition 56 Labor Alignment 50 Labor 42 MAPAM 7 Citizen's Rights Movement 1 Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Communists) 4 Shinui 2 'Approved for Release: 2019/07/23 C03427628