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Document Creation Date: 
October 23, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 9, 2023
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Publication Date: 
February 15, 1961
PDF icon UNITED STATES SUPPORT TO [16209369].pdf611.97 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 1 5 FE9 1961 tivists e1vnt ale' Dietributi ti 1 Addressee DOC! ODP COP 1 DDRIERM CFL 1 - ClrEiCH 1 FE/CfliTTI iTTF) Signed Willinm V. Tfro* Ifintarta V. Bra* Ft Eitst, Diviattio 15 Febraary 196 Approved for -Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 ad poLtd IA the t *owner t I I United Stotise Goveravnent Tibetan resistance 1COMMVACkt since been in three main ftel4s; asyle= iE Ilitary aid to Okill Tibetan tu the Tibetan wing the telpl***131 td ffir 1 the Department assursoces the United, ti astern 11 attempt y biteh the 4r4oncy, However, there was no Wee TriNFT Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 4at L& visl troi *ties* supports and tans* were leased by hi and representative, Gyula Thendisp. Tibetan r Uft Decision no Tibet tr. Mr ek 19S, bs sithea that the S make good on its it pleitges santreidy end d ?tett (la **as *08 61731444441at dealings with flit, �over aniati Lame a breathe-v., Gras? Thentivap, has b*en. the prin tatty* of th Tibetan*. L. our vie be ken *mown tategrity dealings with us.) The I:kited out tb following program a iistilitlittme t two Ttbetuts., this programa have Itt4-ea coordinated and approve:, SECRFT�. Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 1 a ettly The 1959. The I> anal ant sere y We r.UgLu m4 t* axeonj the Tibetan ri*ee ta bi4ia The J1k4 ti b 4ftj1 arilltppe�r t aa by the Ilbetaitg. rellowleg the 0441 al 'atoll/vete email awl . ry sad ay- Theee ape Tibet 14,te rk U.GRET Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 lafroc trat**4 sad ported ir to a sattrrillawdaze ertatesiel wer Ate t. 'these ate tut4 the re tarree ferrets they cogrtaete& 4toperstr4 b heavy fighting wWi Gkte t military units lit the spring et person:Lei aryl ettei May 1%0 ail efteresadk at IM tJ4 I*ct4.t. etdy1 the Preeitierst Tibet by the if-gartcy to *quit tiggli. mit?* (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) tr,� r a ;If Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Mit be tio3 **** at Departmeat Lama Soe: totatto T tItt oor *atm that kis Clove-raraostMt pp t*fty t*t tte cosi" to Avvirld oftelott. so to the thitteit tifstlosoi ate 4 yokatowe It approptiotely woos ss4 moat would, t out Agouti sate tattier that tufted States 1ivettetL llattooe resolution les* kfly wig., toot that this Govern k ate, Zatal, LIMS0' arttwte to fba - 1 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Ltt Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 N1,1;i4iPT Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 4,89 Tibookt. Ttbeti that a b* sod*. **Wit the- shrig*- of lb* tra SECRET! Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 MOW' Om Mot** cgs* at tit* Thafataip 'was tc44 dud the infe/al yortaid de-peva or what �abla to tSkt at tba 00-U4 r4 at the *Myatt d cb tary *4 data itar Sion Oval* 4 1144 aa *oat In imoiritsgs. ea 27 t 160. ETi Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 biivo-a $ptto, toad frith ;fel ti aro otliqo The Vatted StMe � Tibet. Titto inottotttoot ao4 triatertol wide lx lot prto4ki torms t topaottoo, Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 viso Laiiit I in Mot. Chino** ham* taus toward Commandst Mater and tend sato Gwvernrattnt statta tslea Ow Ma*** Coravaggoist Lava* and Cly.*la need tboir ro ninths Ls bats- * pros Ids poUti441 entAtive 4 dr* Ti Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 ocirlaCT Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 vrevrlii chow,* sit plan for howerer* Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 I Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 SrECT Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284 *kW. 4 Tibetan woo* *ooze% 4414.saatit eltommota. prolltai atttoorks tato Tibet* t 4 Approved for Release: 2023/04/19 C03396284