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Publication Date: 
November 8, 1977
PDF icon OSCAR ANTONIO MONTES[15516200].pdf32.04 KB
3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C03309573 Oscar Antonio MONTES (Phonetic: MOHNtess) Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship (since May 1977) Addressed as: Mr. Minister A competent and intel- ligent naval officer, Vice Adm. Oscar Montes has managed to represent the policies of President Jorge Videla, while remaining firmly loyal to Adm. Emilio Massera--his naval chief and a comember (with Videla) of the ruling junta. Mantes had no particular flair or background for his new job, but in his first six months as Foreign Minister he has proved to be very capable. He can be expected to defend Argentina's positions on international and bilateral issues in an articulate, firm and reasonable manner. 3.5(c) 3.3(b)(1) ARGENTINA One of Mantes' first acts as Foreign Minister was to head his country's delegation at the annual meeting of the Organization of American States, held in June 1977 in Grenada, where he met with US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and other US offi- cials. At the meeting, Mantes defended Argentina's human rights policies and accused terrorist groups of being violators of human rights. He reiterated this position in his speech before the UN General Assembly in October. Montes has had a routine naval career with considerable shipboard duty. He has been assist- ant naval attache in Peru (dates unknown) and in Brazil (1970-72). In addition to the usual mili- tary schooling, his official biography states that he studied diplomacy at the Argentine del Salvador University. He has also taught naval management. He served as chief of naval operations of the Navy General Staff from 1974 until he assumed his cur- rent position. (He replaced Foreign Minister C6sar Guzzetti, who had been seriously wounded in an assassination attempt.) Montes, 53, is married. He understands some 3.5(c) English, but he speaks only his native Spanish. 3.3(b)(1) A CR M 77-15709 8 November 1977 roved for Release: 2018/10/02 C03309573