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Publication Date: 
July 10, 1978
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Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817 Chairman James Angleton Former Chief, Counterintelligence, CIA President Ambassador Elbridge Durbrow Retired career diplomat Secretary-Treasurer Robert C. Richardson, Ill Brigadier General, USAF (rel.) FOUNDER MEMBERS (Partial Listing) The Hon. Robert B. Anderson Former Secretary of the Navy and Tryy Admiral G. W. Anderson Former Chief of Naval Oper. and Chairman of President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board William V. Cleveland Chairman, Information Committee Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI Amb. Shelby Cullom Davis Former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland Ms. Nancy Dickerson Television Journalist Ma. Eleanor L. Dulles Foreign Affairs Specialist Harvey G. Foster Former Special Agent in Charge, New York FBI Field Office Amb. Loy W. Henderson Former Deputy Under Secretary of State Rear Adm. R. H. Hillenkoetter,(ret.) Former Director, CIA Geoffrey M. T. Jones President, Veterans of OSS Amb. William Kintner Former U.S. Amb., Thailand Edward Lawler Attorney, Former OSS Francis J. McNamara Former Exec. Secretary, Subversive Act. Control Board N.ScottMiler Former CIA Counterintelligence Jahn P. Mohr Former Assistant to the Director, FBI Donald E. Moore Former Inspector, FBI Charles J. V. Mu enior Editor, uric magazine James R. Murphy Attorney, Former Chief Counterintelligence, OSS Sen. George L. Murphy - President, American Cause Arthur Oppenheimer President, Oppenheimer Co., Inc., Former OSS Sam J. Papich Former Special Agent, FBI It. Gen. W. W. Quinn, USA (ret.) Former Deputy Director, Defense ThrieTrZence Agency Robert Former Governor of Idaho ChaumeyStillman 40/ Former Member, CIA James Van Alen New York City, Col. G. R. Weinbrenner, USAF (ref.) Former Commander, Foreign Technology Div., U.S. Air Force SECURITY and INTELLIGENCE FUND Suite 1000, 1101 17th Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20036 July 10, 1978 Public Affairs Staff P. O. Box 1282 Washington, D. C. 20013 Dear Friend: We invite you to join us in defendin_g_the intel- ligence community - and thereby help our country sur- vive. Our politicians and propagandists of the liberal- left have, in their folly, gutted and straitjacketed the FBI, CIA, NSA and DTA. They are now moving on to destroy the remaining effectiveness of these agencies. For example, on the same day when the people of Canada were shocked to be told by their government that the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa had been caught red-handed in a massive espionage plot aimed at pen- etrating and paralyzing their internal security agencies, our own Senate was being presented by its Select Intelligence Committee with legislation which, if enacted, will make it all but impossible for the American security agencies to nip such plots in the bud. The New York Times ran these sharply contrasting stories on the front page side by side with the head- -lines: "CANADA TO EXPEL 11 SOVIET AIDES IN SPYING CASE" "SENATE PANEL OFFERS LEGISLATION TO CURB INTELLIGENCE AGENTS" - our agents! Alongside the revelations from Ottawa, so stun- ning in their impact on the Canadian Parliament, the Senate proposal becomes so naive as to be dumbfound- ing. We've analyzed the Senate Intelligence Commit- tee's bill and other connected projects and schemes presently before Congress. The faults and danger inherent in the proposed legislation are grave and they number three: David Yorck Treasurer, Veterans of OSS Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817 Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817 - 2 - � They would hobble and deform the investigative re- sources of the security agencies, in the guise of centralizing and further coordinating their oper- ations. � They would impose limitations on electronic surveil- lance so exacting and cumbersome as to put this in- dispensable source of intelligence all but out of reach of the agencies charged with protecting the nation against foreign agents and terrorists. � They would draw so many outsiders into the con- trived approval and oversight process that the secrecy of any significant CIA or FBI investi- gation - and secrecy must be preserved, if the action is to succeed - would be at the mercy of Washington's vast whispering gallery. If these anti-intelligence bills are enacted, the United States could no longer gather the facts to act on espionage cases as it and other countries did in the short span of three weeks beginning at the end of January as follows: � An official of the Soviet trade mission to the U.S. whose name the State Department refused to divulge was expelled for "flagrantly improper activities." A first secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Washington was thrown out with him. An official of the U.S. Information Agency and a Vietnamese spy were both indicted for espionage. The Vietnamese Ambassador to the United Nations was denounced as an unindicted co-conspirator and or- dered out of the country. The French State Security Court imposed stiff prison sentences on five soviet spies who were passing French and NATO defense secrets to Moscow. � The German Minister of Defense of the West German Republic resigned abruptly under the disgrace of the disclosure that a Soviet bloc spy ring was operating within his ministry. � The Canadian KGB spy expulsions occurred during the same three weeks as the above cases. Wherever one looks - in Ottawa, in Washington, in New York, in Paris, in Addis Ababa, in Angola, and in- deed throughout the noncommunist world - the pace of the Soviet drive to sunder and overcome the West by means short of war has quickened. Thirty years ago, the Kremlin embarked on a cam- paign to defame and discredit the U.S. departments and Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817 Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817 - 3 - intelligence agencies responsible for national secur- ity. Their main targets were and remain the FBI and the CIA. In the early 19601s our intelligence community ob- tained full details of this plan, by then in high gear. Congressman C. Melvin Price, now Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, put a summary of the Soviet plan into the Congressional Record on September 28, 1965, (page 25391). It showed that a central pur- pose of the disinformation department of the KGB was to: ',Destroy the confidence of the Congress and the American public in U.S. personnel and agencies engaged in anti-Communist and cold war activity.� In 1951 the U.S. Communist Party set up a front called the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee (so cited by the House Committee on Un-American Activities). The ECLC devised ',OPERATION ABOLITION,* to campaign for the elimination of such intelligence activities as: (1) the House Committee on Internal Security; (2) the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee; (3) the internal security committees in state legislatures; (4) state and city police files on subversives; (5) the Subversive Activities Control Board; (6) the Internal Security Division of the Department of Justice; (7) the counter- intelligence functions of the CIA; and (8) the internal security functions of the FBI. All of these bodies and functions have been abol- ished except for the FBI and CIA. But, the FBI and the CIA have themselves been so badly shattered that their internal security or counter- intelligence capabilities are perilously below the levels which their responsibilities call for. If they are to recover their lost means, they need help NOW. The Security and Intelligence Fund is determined to muster the needed help. Our purpose is to stop the anti- intelligence wrecking crews and to revitalize the decay- ing intelligence and counterintelligence capabilities of the FBI, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. Most of the founding members of this Fund have had professional experience in counterintelligence, military intelligence and foreign affairs at the policy level. But, we are starting late and we need your help. Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817 Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817 - 4 - The more Americans who join with us, the better the chance that President Carter and Members of Congress will act to stop the anti-intelligence bills and set about rebuilding our once great intelligence organi- zations. You can be sure that we'll let the President, the Attorney General and the Congress know where you and other members stand. In the meantime, we urge you to write them yourself. Since this is an emergency situation, we urgently invite you to join with us as a charter, sponsoring or founding member TODAY. Please use the enclosed membership form and reply envelope to participate in the defense of our intel- ligence community. incer ly 41/44416..._ ftelit/rV`'/ James Angleton Elbridge urbrow Chairman Presid nt Former Chief U.S. Ambassador (Bet.) Counterintelligence CIA A-44-e Robert C. Richardson III Secretary-Treasurer Brigadier General USAF (Ret.) P. S. Because of its importance, we will send each member a special reprint of THE SOVIET AND COMMUNIST BLOC DEFAMATION CAMPAIGN, cited above, which outlines the KGB's secret plan to discredit our intelligence agencies and other American in- stitutions. P.P.S. As a member, you will also receive SITUATION REPCRTs -- like the one enclosed -- to keep you informed on important developments as they unfold. Approved for Release: 2022/01/24 C03266817