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Publication Date: 
November 29, 1960
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Zr; I Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C03241944 V L29 November 1960 Aufrit-- e-1.1,444,04 16' MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT JMARC Meeting with DDP PARTICIPANTS: Messrs. Bissell, Barnes, Flannery, Esterline. Drain; for budget discussion: Eisernann. Xing C-79,kity-60 1. The DDP briefed the participants as to the President's meeting with Department and Agency representatives, and reviewed the JMARC (9/24 budget and staff paper in preparation for the Special Group's 30 November J meeting. 2. Following a session with Mr. Pawley. the President had called a conference with Messrs. Dillon. Merchant, Gates, Douglas, Gray.. Goodpasture, Dulles and Bissell. a. The President made it clear he wanted all done that could be done with all possible urgency and nothing less on the part of any Department. b. The Director outlined 3MARC's paramilitary concept arid timing. emphasizing that our first choice for training con.. tinued to be Guatemala but that it seemed feasible to use Saipan if necessary. There was general agreement that training in the U.S. was out of the question. c. Mr. Dillon outlined the State Department's general diplomatic offensive, designed primarily to enlist the support of other American republics to back an OAS move for a total economic squeeze on the target, under which the U.S. could invoke its ading with the Enemy legislation and extend its present limited sea patrol. It was agreed that such a develop,. ment would create the kind of international atmosphere which Would allow our covert action more latitude, There are three Impediments to the development of this offeneive: (1) Most republics are awaiting the new U.S. administration (2) There is a similar attitude towards Brazil 131_Mexico is likely to hold out Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C03241944 for Release: 2018/05/01 C03241944 EINIS OALY SECRET d. The President led a discussion as to how best to organise the total U.S. effort against the target. There was corn. feeling that an overall coordinating executive might be desirable, but it was left that the Director would make Mr. Barnes available to work closely with a State Department officer to be designated. It was also felt desirable to use Ivir. Pawley's services, initially In connection with Argentina's possible covert assistance. 3. For the Special Group meeting, the DDP proposed to stress the following: a. We will train an absolute minimum of 600 in Guatemala, taking up the San Jose firma. moving out 60 to Randolph. and building up to the 600 number as fast as recruiting and additional construction will permit. b. We will need at once 38 Special Forces trainers. ftsheep.dipped" from the active troops. c. Our budget is high. but a sizeable portion of the cost represent* reimbursements to the DOD. 4. The DjaP stressed the unaniznous belief of the other Aepartments an4 of the' A.gency's leadership that we mustaet our strength_goale higher than 600. To train substantially more will involve_an_additional alto and either consideiritions whiEh-ean perhaps lest -be-seen after we are fartker along wtt1tbj0O. Accordingly, it was agreed not to conclude as to *440 tionagth for several vireektd to �p1bo Saipan facility on a contingency basis. WH/4/P&P:RDDRAIN:jss (30 Nov 60) Distribution: 1-C /WHD 1-C/WH/4 1-C /WH/4 /OPS 1-Mallard, Barkley, File 2 Richard D. Drain C/W11/4 /P&P Approved for Release: 2018/05%01 C03241944 (b)(3)