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vs"zy.)07,%/7)), joi/L241c031938.,,707 .emi) 26 Au ust 1956 Copy No. I 15 / 3.5(c) 9/e; / 3.3(h)(2) / / CURRENT ND,OcCUHMAENNGTENINO.alsks. lif il� / / INTELLIGENCE CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE� 11] DECLASSIFIED / �,1// / BULLETIN ALM+ HR 70-' DATE: REVIEWER 1 / e.4 ';�; OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE / CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY #4 r / /4 0 7/ /4 / / / 147 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 N4.0.1 vw/i C Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 003193807 / X Nklef CONTENTS 1. NASR OPPOSED TO INDIAN AS WELL AS WESTERN PROPOSALS ON SUEZ (page 3). 2._EXTYPT_MAY_O7IN SUEZ PILOTS FROM USSR (page 4). 3. LARGE MILITARY MOVEMENT NOTED NEAR CAIRO (page 5). 4. BRITAIN CITES GROUNDS FOR REFUSING RESUMPTION OF TALKS WITH MAKARIOS (page 6). 5. LEADERS OF ITALIAN SOCIALIST PARTIES REPORTEDLY REACH UNDERSTANDING "ON ALL PROBLEMS" (page 7). 6. POLISH GENERAL PURGED UNDER STALIN TO COMMAND SECURITY FORCES (page 9). '7. GENERAL STRIKE IN ECUADOR REPORTEDLY PLANNED FOR 31 AUGUST (page 10)0 26 Aug 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAE1 SITUATION (page 11) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECR-ET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 003193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 1.../7 Nue 1. NASR OPPOSED TO INDIAN AS WELL AS WESTERN PROPOSALS ON SUEZ Comment the Egyptian regime has been dismayed to learn that no government at the con- ference supported the precise terms of the Egyptian posi- tion. Although the Indian plan as finally proposed was ad- justed to meet some of Nasr's objections, it retained fea- tures which, the Egyptian presi- dent could not accept. It thus appears that Nasr now is probably seeking a way to open negotiations which will not commit him to accept either the Western or the Indian plan even as a basis for discussion. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 I k-11_,V.IIMI vq1.1 2. EGYPT MAY OBTAIN SUEZ PILOTS FROM USSR Ln Egyptian newspaper on 22 ugust offored Soviet pilots for the canal should British nd French pilots resign. Cairo reportedly recognizes that the pilot shortage is its most serious immediate problem in operating the canal, and almost certainly would utilize Soviet personnel if other nationalities are not available. new pilots must have second-mate papers and eight to ten years' experience. The Suez Canal Company previously required captain's papers and ten years' experience. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 003193807 *owe 3. LARGE MILITARY MOVEMENT NOTED NEAR CAIRO A large movement of armor began in the Cairo area on the afternoon of 23 August, according to the American military attache in Egypt. This move- ment, which has so far involved mainly the transfer of over 100 tanks and self-propelled guns and other vehicles toward the pyramids defense area and to an encampment about 14 miles southwest of Cairo, followed several days of relative inactivity. The attache reports that as of 24 August large numbers of troops were not yet in evidence but that the military activity in general had an air of urgency. Comment Redeployment of Egyptian armor at this time suggests that the Cairo regime is taking the possibility of military action against it more seriously than it has heretofore. There have been reports that the regime has become convinced that the United States is now prepared to accept British and French military ac- tion if necessary to achieve Western objectives in the Suez dispute. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 �SEeRErT� Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 003193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 �41.? 4. BRITAIN CITES GROUNDS FOR REFUSING RESUMPTION OF TALKS WITH MAKARIOS Britain's 26 August announcement that it had "irrefutable" proof of Archbishop Makariost personal direction of Cypriot terrorism was intended to fortify its re- jection of EOKA's demands that British representatives resume negotiations with Makarios by midnight of 27 August. o onia ecre ary Lennox-Boyd stated that a captured diary of EOKA leader "Dighenis" showed Makarios had pro- vided money for smuggling arms into Cyprus for the terror- ists. Should terrorism resume following the 27 August deadline, the British plan to proceed with seek- ing support for a constitution may be considerably delayed in favor of intensified efforts to widen the gap between the terrorists and the Cypriot population. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 1 .g.1101 *our 5. LEADERS OF ITALIAN SOCIALIST PARTIES REPORTEDLY REACH UNDERSTANDING "ON ALL PROBLEMS" According to the French Press Agency, Democratic Socialist leader Saragat met with Italian Socialist Party chief Nenni in Savoy, France, on 25 August. On his return to Rome on the same day, Saragat reportedly made the following statement to the independent newspaper, La Stampa: "The talks with Signor Nenni were extremely cordial and thorough. They ended with positive results. We examined the basic aspects of .a foreign policy and a domestic policy with a social and democratic basis. We reached an understanding on all problems." La Stampa reportedly added that Nenni had agreed that ItalWforeign policy must be carried out within the framework of solidarity of the Western democratic powers, and that a united Socialist party would never form a government with the Communists. His refusal to make an open break with the Communists after the local elections in May, when both Socialist parties showed gains, caused the Democratic Socialists to break off negotiations toward reunification with Nenni's party. He subsequently is said to have stated there was no need for announcing such a break, because the unity-of-action pact was apistorical document which no longer existed. /Saragat had urged the Italian government to inves- tigate possibilities of obtaining the support of Nenni Socialists 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Nra, following the latter's gains in the 1953 national elections. � He subsequently appeared to resume his attitude of skepti- cism toward Nenni's good faith but has been under pressure from elements in his party who urge reunification. A reunification of the two Socialist� parties would bring about a government crisis, since the Nenni So- cialists and the Liberals refuse to participate in the same cabinet. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 .s.fERigr. Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 ...Agrt-INT: 'yowl Niue POLISH GENERAL PURGED UNDER STALIN TO COMMAND SECURITY FORCES General Waclaw Komar has been appointed commander of Poland's Internal Security Forces, the most important assignment the Polish regime has yet entrusted to anyone purged during the Stalinist era. Komar's 'restoration to a responsible position suggests that other for- mer officials who have recently been rehabilitated, such as ex-party secretary general Gomulka and former deputy defense minister Marian Spychalski, may also be given positions of authority. Komar now heads a 40,000-man corps re- sponsible for quelling resistance and guarding important eco- nomic or strategic installations. He will, however, probably be subject to close supervision. His pydecessor, Brigadier General Juliusz Huebner, is now under ecretary of state of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which controls the security forces. Komar, former head of army intelligence and later quartermaster general, is Jewish and was arrested late in 1952 during the anti-Zionist drive and charged with im- plication in a plot to overthrow the Communist regime. Komar was in prison until early this year. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 %La 7. GENERAL STRIKE IN ECUADOR REPORTEDLY PLANNED FOR 31 AUGUST Ecuadoran president-elect Ponce is se- riously concerned by reports that a general strike is being planned for 31 August by anti-Conservative groups. Comment Camilo Ponce's narrow victory in the 3 June presidential election--in which he received less tha/30 percent of the popular vote--was followed by increasing-plotting, an attempted military up- rising on 6 August, and an attempt to prevent congressional certification of the election by a short-lived boycott of con- gress by two anti-Conservative parties. The small Ecuadoran Communist Party apparently has not made any significant con- tribution to recent political unrest. Ponce's inauguration is scheduled for 1 September. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807 CUOVil Mirrtfti447 411110' Vif � THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 26 August) Nothing of significance to report. 26 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 CONFJEFENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03193807