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Appro,ved for Release: 2019/10/23 CO3193802 ed/44-p ' V - 1 TJP-3-Lotlf-A4-:� � v /111' ff 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) I DOCUMENT NO, ------_-__ e, '1% NEXT REVIEW DATE: ADUATTHE:ekl._�_% 0-21 g EVIEWER. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. y D DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS 0/ 1 /./4�1 fj 90#31;10.3 E ETT- f 11/157.4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 z CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 19 August 1956 Copy No. 1 0 5 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Approved for R�lease:�r 207971r0/23 C03193802 NSW. CONTENTS 1. ARAB REPORTS ON SOVIET VIEWS OF LONDON CONFER- ENCE (page 3). 2. BLOC TECHNICIANS REPORTED ASSISTING EGYPTr �p DEFENSE PREPARATIONSage 4). 3. KING SAUD THREATENS TO RESUME PR7SURE ON BRITISH OVER BURAIMI (page 5). 4. ARAB MINORITY OPPOSITION TO NASR (page 6). 5. EGYPTIAN-JORDANIAN MILITARY PLANNING INDICATED (page 7). 6. GROWING POLITICAL TENSION IN HONDURAS (page 8). 7. POSSIBLE COUP IN COLOMBIA 19 Aug 56 * * * * (page 9). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 � Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Noe *eV 1. ARAB REPORTS ON SOVIET VIEWS OF LONDON CONFERENCE Comment on: Shepilov's formal support of Egypt's 12 August proposal for an enlarged Suez conference indicates that Moscow, at such a conference, would support a limited form of "inter- national supervision" for the canal if it met the conditions of the Egyptian proposal. Moscow apparently looks to the conclu- sion of an international agreement which would include a pledge by Egypt to continue the operation of the canal in keeping with the provisions of the 1888 Convention, and which would be de- posited with the United Nations. 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 P-SEC Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 2. BLOC TECHNICIANS REPORTED ASSISTING EGYPTIAN DEFENSE PREPARATIONS Comment on: Soviet and Czech technicians have directed the placement of antiaircraft guns for de- fense of Cairo, Alexandria and the Canal Zone, Such assistance would be in line with as- cirra rt pQ vian Df limited, indirect aid in the Suez crisis. Other Egyptian defense preparations in- clude the virtual completion of the defense � -stimated brigade-size unit centering on the main road junction west of Cairo. Regular army troops have taken over from the national guard and reserve troops. The piers of the Nile River bridge leading from Cairo to this perimeter have been prepared for demolition. Another de- fense position is under preparation east of Cairo in the vicin- ity of Almaza airfield and the international airport. gyptian forces in the Canal Zone include units equal to possibly one and a half infantry divisions, plus a tank battalion, large paramilitary reserve forces and permanent coastal defense. the emphasis thus far has been on improvising t e aetense o the Canal Zone and the delta from the military resources exist- ing there, plus mobilization of a paramilitary reserve. Signif- fticant redeployment from the Israeli front is not believed to have occurred. 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TORSEGRE-74 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Nue Approved for Release: 20797110/23 C03193802 Imo 3. KING SAUD THREATENS TO RESUME PRESSURE ON BRITISH OVER BURAIMI Comment � Saud probably feels that chances for a compromise favorable to him on Buraimi � are improved by Britain's preoccupation with the Suez issue. On 10 August, Saud requested Washington to advise London that it must recognize the right of the Saudi g in Buraimi. Saud'g desire to attempt to exploit British difficulties may have been increased by a report from his representative in Lebanon that Britain had recently sent arms and explosives into Saudi Arabia to promote unrest. 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 -T-QP-SEeREI Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Nirof 4. ARAB MINORITY OPPOSITION TO NASR Charles Malik, former Lebanese am- bassador to Washington, expressed opposition to Nasr's tactics in a conver- sation with the American counselor of embassy in Beirut on 14 August. Malik insisted that Nasr does not represent all Arabs and must not be permitted to succeed. There were, he said, both n n anti-Western Arabs and the West should not be deluded by the seeming unanimity of the current Arab clamor in favor of Nasr. In Damascus, Kikran Jirajian, an Arme- nian member of the Syrian parliament, voiced similar opinions to an American embassy officer, He said Nasr was leading the Arabs to ruin and made a plea for Western solidarity. Syrians as a whole, he maintained, do not wish union with Egypt. Comment Malik as a Christian and Jirajian as an Armenian have expressed sentiments which are probably shared by some independent elements through- out the Arab world. These elements lack leadership, and may be expected to remain acquiescent while anti-Westernism domi- nates the scene. The mass of the population, inspired by Arab nationalism, is strongly behind Nasr. 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Approved for Release: C03193802 5. EGYPTIAN-JORDANIAN MILITARY PLANNING INDICATED Comment increasing Egyptian-Jordanian military co-opera- tion. Although Jordan is not a member of the Egyptian-Syrian:- Saudi military alliance, recent Syrian-Jordanian agreements have resulted in the formation of a joint operations staff which reportedly would function under the over-all direction of the Arab joint command in Cairo. 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 r-frrf Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 '911irof NEW 6. GROWING POLITICAL TENSION IN HONDURAS US charg�'affaires Pool, following a 17 August visit with the chief of state, does not believe Lozano, who suffered a stroke on 11 August, is physically capable of providing the strong government now needed by the country. The decree under which Lozano has been ruling makes no pro- vision for a transfer of power. Members of the Honduran army's new � Defense Co-ordinating Command proposed to Colonel Carac- cioli, chief of the air force, on 14 August that they assume control of the government, according to the American army attach�Caraccioh reportedly had not given his answer by 16 August, but did discuss the problem with former president Galvez, strongly urging him to take control himself. The army is in an excellent position to assume power, but Galvez, who is now head of the supreme court, would give the regime at least some semblance of legality if he headed it and he would probably have the sup- port of most key officers. Foreign Minister Mendoza had told Pool on 17 August that General Abraham Williams, unsuc- cessful presidential candidate in 1954, is considering a des- perate attempt to seize the presidency and is spreading a story that Lozano is leaving the country on 21 August. 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Approved for Release72-51-9R0727C03193802 Yogi 7. POSSIBLE COUP IN COLOMBIA Comment on: Rumors that the president of Colombia's "Government of the Armed Forces" will be replaced soon by a military junta con- tinue to eireillatp in Tkru-rtho Some �.�44.L J.141 J. 1.1.11/U1 0 LLCu inweatea rresictent Rojas would merely be 71r-Pil_f7 share power with other military figures, state Rojas will be removed. General Gabriel Paris, minister of war, Admiral Ruben Piedrahita, minister of public works, and either Army Commander Munoz or Armed Forces Commander Duarte Blum have been reported as prospective junta members. Although the numerous opposition forces are relatively disorganized and there is no evidence of wide- spread military support for a coup, high Colombian military officials reportedly refused to deny or explain revolutionary rumors circulating in early August. Rojas, who took power with great popular acclaim in a quickly organized bloodless coup in June 1953, has progressively antagonized important elements such as the powerful Catholic Church, the two major political parties, man business ro st labor union. there Is a .gr& pupuiaroiieItnaildayiiipresident are num- bered. Any junta replacing him at this time would I probably be friendly to the United States. 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved - Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 --- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802 Nor( THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 19 August) A Jordanian army spokesman said an Israeli soldier was killed in a border clash when an Israeli patrol pene- trated about 100 yards inside Jordan in the Tulkarm area. (Press) The UN secretary general has sent his second message in two days to the Arab and Israeli governments urging ' precautions against cease-fire violations in unusually strong terms. At Hammarskjold's request the UN truce organization is preparing a report on recent border incidents for presentation to the Security Council The recenfoutbreak in daza is receiving wite coverage in Egypt, second only to the Suez issue. Egyptian presp sources believe that Israel is attempting to take advantage of thel Suez crisis, but Cairo radio broadcasts in Hebrew charged "foreign elements" were trying to create new trouble between Israel and the Arab states and hinted that the British might be involved. (Press) The American army attach�n Tel Aviv re- ports that the Israeli radio blames Egypt for the bus ambush on 16 August. According to the American embassy in Tel Aviv, the. recent incidents suggest that Fedayeen terrorists are operating from the Jordanian side of the Negev desert and that similar grolips are laying mines inside Israel from the Egyptian side of the desert. The embassy reports that Tel Aviv still appears to be reluctant to resume retaliatory action but that the government may be forced to take some action owing to the increasing number of casualties. The former Syrian chief of staff toldvthe Amer- ican army attach�n Beirut on 14 August that Lebanese commanding general Chehab was "reaching the end of the rope" over the failure of the West to supply military equipment and that Chehab might be forced to purchase Czech arms desniIte his desire to avoid any Soyiet 1 es -11 " el A e.d-.1 19 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10' SEGREZ Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193802