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/131/0 3 r /4 /) CURRENT / INTELLIGENCE ./z BULLETIN reo 7 # � / Ye /7z Release: MT.J.T3Lc�319,)*97- 10 August 1956 Copy No. 105 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. CI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DAtE: AUTH: HR 70-2 DAT s-?Jszl REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY % #/rr: r177-5 77e k WWI 07. / Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Nod Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 -in C rt. CI VP Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 CONTENTS 1. USSR ACCEPTS WESTERN INVITATION TO LONDON CONFERENCE (page 3). 2. SOVIET OFFICIAL PROMISES AID TO EGYPT IN CASE OF IATAg ) (page 4). 3. PINEAU PROPOSES THAT ATOMIC ARMS BE MADE AVAIL- ABLE TO NATO (page 5). 4. HONDURAN LIBERALS REPORTEDLY PLAN ANOTHER REVOLT ) (page 6). 5. RUMORED SHOOTING OF ECUADORAN ARMY CHIEF MAY PROVOKE CRISIS IN ARMED FORCES 1 (page 7). 6. COALITION GOVERNMENT REPORTEDLY AGREED ON IN LAOS ) (page 8). 7. COMMUNIST PARTICIPATION IN FINIsnsTunnwiRATMENT REPORTED UNDER CONSIDERATION (page 9)0 * * * 10 Aug 56 �THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Approved for- Release: 2019/10/23 63-193795 1. USSR ACCEPTS WESTERN INVITATION TO LONDON CONFERENCE The Soviet note accepting the invitation to the London conference makes numer- ous reservations to the conference as proposed. The USSR urges postponement of the conference until late August, if only to allow time to invite the new participants the Soviet Union proposes. The note strongly supports Egypt's position, terms as "inadmissi- ble" threats by Britain and France, and is in harmony with Prime Minister Nehru's statement on 8 August. It invites � Asian and neutral powers to oppose the British proposal and support Nasr. � Moscow probably will attempt to hamstring the conference at the outset by challenging its competence to deal with the problem. The note states that the conference as presently constituted "cannot in any way" be regarded as au- thorized to take "any decisions whatever" affecting the Suez Canal. It suggests instead that the USSR considers it "most expedient" to discuss such problems within the framework of the United Nations. In its proposal, Moscow names 22 addi- tional states to be invited to the conference, including the seven Satellites, Communist China and ten Moslem countries. Moscow may introduce the question of the status of other waterways at the conference. The note asks why the Western declaration at London singled out the Suez Canal from the "sea straits and canals of no smaller imno - tance." 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Approved for Rele�a;e72-65/10/23 C03193795 I - lope: '119 2. SOVIET OFFICIAL PROMISES AID TO EGYPT IN CASE OF WAR comment In the event of Western military action against Egypt, the USSR probably intends to give Egypt political and economic support, including arms; and it is possible that Communist pilots already in Egypt on a training mission might be used to man some of the aircraft Egypt has received from the bloc. It appears less likely, how- ever, that Moscow would dispatch "volunteers" to Egypt except in an advisory, noncombatant capacity. 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 � Trit)-7errr-P-Pg.Z Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Approved for Release: 203 47672 3 C03193795 Noy? 3. PINEAU PROPOSES THAT ATOMIC ARMS BE MADE AVAILABLE TO NATO French foreign minister Pineau feels that the best way to meet both German and French worries over possible British and US troop reductions in urope wou e o make quantities of tactical atomic weap- ons available to NATO. Pineau reportedly feels that this action would confirm that NATO is still the bulwark of Western defense and that there is no intention of letting its armament become obsolete. A ranking Foreign Ministry spokesman on 6 August quoted Pineau as having made these statements in his conference last week with British foreign secretary Lloyd. Comment Pineau's suggestion may indicate a ma- jor evolution in the official French po- sition on the desirability of permitting West German armed forces to have access to atomic weapons. Such a change is possible in the light of French concern for the maintenance of the NATO shield in Western Europe. Most of France's NATO divisions have been diverted to North Africa, and there is a possibility of British withdrawals in connection with the Suez crisis. Paris, however, can be expected to op- pose the release of West Germany from restrictions on its right to manufacture atomic, biological, and chemical weap- ons. 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 eer Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 low 4. HONDURAN LIBERALS REPORTEDLY PLAN ANOTHER REVOLT Comment Honduran chief of state Lozano assured the American embassy on 6 August that "everything is under control," but admitted that up to 300 rifles and a few machine guns were missing from the barracks after the attack. A state of emergency is still in force in the capital area and the army continues on alert. Lozano, appar- ently confident that order has been restored, on 9 August de- creed the long-planned election of a constituent assembly for 7 October. The north coast was quiet during and after the 1 August fighting in Tegucigalpa. The Liberals are strong- est in this area, however, where resentment over the regime's probable efforts to dictate the results of the coming election may prove explosive. Lozano, who is not popular, wants to form an assembly which will elect him constitutional president of Honduras for a seven-year term. 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 5. RUMORED SHOOTING OF ECUADORAN ARMY CHIEF MAY PROVOKE CRISIS IN ARMED FORCES Rumors that a popular Ecuadoran army commander, Colonel Humberto Garces-- reportedly arrested for implication in the Portoviejo uprising of 6-8 August--has ead to unrest in the armed forces and possi- bly an attempt to thwart the official declaration of president- elect Ponce's victory on 10 August or prevent his inauguration. President Velasco appears determined to supervise Ponce's peaceful accession to power. Prompt govern- ment action in suppressing the Portoviejo revolt has 'tended to augment Velasco's prestige. Serious armed forces defection, or congressional rejection of the election results on 10 August, might lead Velasco to try to perpetuate himself in office. 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 rr Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 'Nine 6. COALITION GOVERNMENT REPORTEDLY AGREED ON IN LAOS Comment on: Chinese Communist and Viet Minh radio reports claim that the Laotian government and the Pathet Lao reached agreement on 8 August to form a coali- tion government and to hold supplemen- tary general elections for the purpose of filling additional seats in an expanded na- tional assembly. Although this report is as yet uncon- firmed by the Laotian government, prior to the commencemen oriiegon tions, Premier Souvanna Phouma was thinking of increasing the number of Laotian provinces from 12 to 16 in order to admit more deputies into the assembly as a means of facili- tating the establishment of a government which would include "two or three Pathets:' It is possible that a cabinet position will be offered to a high-ranking Pathet, possibly Prince Soupharmouvong. Meanwhile, a senior French official in Indochina anticipates that a "distinctly neutralist" Laos will result from the present negotiations and that all foreign ad- visers will be asked to leave. He believes this will mean the closing down of the French military base at Seno. 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 -T-OP-Ps-FeitPT Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Cf Pr, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Nome 7. COMMUNIST PARTICIPATION IN FINNISH GOVERNMENT UNDER CONSIDERATION Communist participation in a new all- party coalition government is being urged by the Agrarian Party in the event the current deadlock in the Finnish cabi- net causes the government to fall, Cleavage be- tween the Agrarians and the Social Democrats, who constitute the coalition government, has prevented the cabinet from cop- i with the serious problem of inflation and may, lead one party or the other to resign from the govern- men The Social Democrats adamantly oppose any national coalition that would include the Communists, but the Agrarians argue that the presence of Communists would "do no harm" and might be advantageous in the event of talks with the USSR on the return of part of Karelia to Finland. Comment The Agrarians and the Social Democrats, with 53 and 54 seats respectively, have a slim majority in the 200-seat Finnish parliament; the Finnish People's Democratic League (Communist) has 43 seats. Be- cause of the impasse in the government over the economic situ- ation, the cabinet may fall, but the Agrarians may find it diffi- cult to include the Communists in any new government because they are distrusted by a large segment of the people and because most parliamentary representatives of the smaller bourgeois parties, which have 50 seats, oppose such a move. 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 �SECRETApproved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795 Noe THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 9 August) The American embassy in Lebanon re- ports that the wave of popular support for Nasr now sweeping the Arab states indicates a far more belligerent and uncompro- mising attitude than previously. Even Christian elements in Lebanon, who may privately have reservations about Nasr, have joined the chorus for Egypt. The embassy warns against under- estimating the popular acclaim and support for Egypt in the area and the resulting emotional reaction which increases Arab in- transigence on the problem of accommodation with Israel. 10 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193795