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August 11, 1956
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AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ve ffidi07/0/.4 # " V107/3/1/1/74 SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Re12.171:-2MiaLig 1 9&�07/7e/ye 4 ,,e, /1 0 0 ,j If,/ C- 11 August 1956 oo 0 r,/ o 00 Copy No. 105 ej 3.5(c) 0 0 3.3(h)(2) 00 0 0 .4/ CURRENT 00 BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO INTEL LIGENCE .13---------",/ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. yr CI DECLASSIFIED 00 e-i CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS.2SoCzet_ NEXT REVIEVV DATE: y Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 W?.L;CRET CONTENTS 1. INDIAN ROLE IN SUEZ DISPUTE (page 3). 20 BRITISH LABORITES OPPOSE GOVERNMENT'S "SWORD RATTLING" (page 4). ITARY MOVEMENTS IN THE SUEZ CRISIS (page 5). 4. SYRIAN AMBASSADOR URGES EGYPT TO COMPROMISE ON SUEZ (Top Secret Eider) (page 6). 5. SAUDI ARABIAN AND IRAQI OFFICIALS OPPOSED TO INTERRUPTION OF OIL SHIPMENTS TO WEST (page 7). 6. ALGERIAN REBEL IF. ADE 14 nuT7NES PLANS OF RESIST- ANCE MOVEMENT ) (page 8). 7. HUNGARIANS REPORTEDLY TO REHABILITATE DEPOSED PR8MIER NAGY (page 9). 11 Aug 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAEL SITUATION (page 10) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 -TOP SECRE7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 1W tIW / Tquirr 1. INDIAN ROLE IN SUEZ DISPUTE ndian officials in Cairo have told the ritish that the best reply which can e expected from Nasr to the invitation o attend the London conference is an ian willingness to attend a conference jointly sponsored by Britain and Egypt with a new list of invitees to be negotiated through diplomatic channels. Such a conference would discuss "matters arising out of national- ization of the canal," without any advance reference to "inter- nationalization." The Indian position is that internationali- zation should not be imposed on Egypt and that if an interna- tional authority is established for the canal, it should be com- posed of small powers with Egypt as chairman. Comment India has been in close touch with Cairo on the Suez issue. While India is expected to "speak for Egypt" at the London conference, New Delhi has thus far carefully re- frained from doing anything that might commit it irrevocably to either side of the controversy. The suggestions given to the British by the Indian officials in Cairo may he New Delhi's first move to as- sume the role of mediator, 11 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -T-OP�SEeRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 .4� CONFIDENTIAL 2, BRITISH LABORITES OPPOSE GOVERNMENT'S "SWORD RATTLING" A right-wing Laborite leader has in- formed the American embassy in London that he and a "vast majority" of Labor Party members are strongly opposed to the government's "sword rattling" on the Suez issue. He insists that any forceful action to be taken against Egypt should be "clearly in conformity with the UN charter:' The embassy recalls that in this connection, � Hugh Gaitskell in his speech on 2 August also stated that any solution must be consistent with the UN charter. Comment With the exception of the London Times and the conservative weekly. Spectator, the responsible British press has deplored the government's position that force might be used if necessary. A British poll taken between 4 and 6 August , shows that only 33 percent of those questioned would favor tak- ing military action if Egypt refuses to accept the decision of the 16 August London conference. 11 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 SECRET� Noe 3. EGYPTIAN MILITARY MOVEMENTS IN THE SUEZ CRISIS After several days of apparent inactivity, Egypt has responded to the threat of Brit- ish and French military intervention by partially regrouping its forces to strengthen the defense of the Suez Canal and the delta areas, While Egypt's action appears to in- dicate an intention to resist foreign military intervention, it is also necessary to support Cairo's assertions that it will not bow to threats of force. Although the major part of the Egyptian forces continues to be deployed in the Sinai area, some troops and a substantial quantity of armor are reported to have been withdrawn from the peninsula and the Israeli front. An increas- ing amount of antiaircraft and field artillery and armor has been observed west of Cairo, in the Alexandria area, and in the Western Desert. This redeployment reflects the Egyptian belief that any attack outside the canal zone would be through the Western Desert--either overland from Libya or over the beaches west of Alexandria. Egypt has instituted partial mobilization, and the call-up of the National Guard, the "Palestine Libera- tion Army," and youth battalions�comprising the newly pro- claimed National Liberation Army--has been widely publicized. e forces is slight. 11 Aug .56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 003193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 TOP SECRET '44.0 4. SYRIAN AMBASSADOR URGES EGYPT TO COMPROMISE ON SUEZ Syrian ambassador Zeineddine in Wash- ington told the Egyptian ambassador I7 that a compromise solution on the Suez Canal dispute "would be in the best interests of Egypt; The Syrian diplomat warned that Egypt should ex- ert every effort to avert "the catastrophe of a lopsided war." Zeineddine advised a compromise provid- ing for (1) Egyptian management and sovereignty over the canal and (2) establishment of an international commission located outside Egypt which would investigate the freedom and safety of navigation of the canal "from time to time." The commission's reports would be reviewed by a committee of those nations invited to the London conference. Comment reflect a real tear of Western military intervention, as well as fear that Soviet support for Egypt would not be suffi- cient to counter Western action. 11.Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Tor SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 TOP SECRET 5, SAUDI ARABIAN AND IRAQI OFFICIALS OPPOSED TO INTERRUPTION OF OIL SHIPMENTS TO WEST Comment on: by high Saudi Arabian and Iraqi government officials suggest that their governments would oppose ef- forts to interrupt the movement of revenue- producing oil to the West. Ambassador Wadsworth says Saudi deputy foreign minister Yusuf Yasin on 8 August conveyed his government's disapproval of any attempt to halt the flow of oil. �Yasin recalled that at the time of the Palestine �war, Saudi Arabia had been urged to stop shipment of oil, but had not done so. The Saudi government is reported to have tightened security measures at oil installations and threatened to imprison oil workers in the event of work stoppages. 11 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 'Nil ill SECRET 6. ALGERIAN REBEL LEADER OUTLINES PLANS OF 11:1VOTOT A 11,TOV, ILATITTV1UTV Ben Bella reiterated his determination to accept nothing short of complete independence for Algeria and implied that it would have to be granted to the government- in-exile which the Algerians plan to establish in the near fu- ture. Several states have already promised recognition, ac- cording to the Algerian leader. Ben Bella revealed that nationalist lead- ers had recently held secret talks with a representative of the French government. The negotiations were indecisive, hivrnd were broken off when the Suez crisis arose. Comment Ben Bella's appraisal of the present strength of the Algerian resistance ap- pears to be somewhat exaggerated, particularly with respect to the quantity of arms and ammunition available to the rebels. if a solution is not found for the Algerian problem by the end of August, the Algerians plan to establish a government-in-exile either at Damascus, Amman or. Cairo. In the present inflamed state of opinion in the Arab world, it is possible that at least some of these states may have promised to recognize such a regime. II Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 T.__ SECRET 0�1 7. HUNGARIANS REPORTEDLY TO REHABILITATE DEPOSED PREMIER AGY The Hungarian party central committee_ has decided to rehabilitate former premier' Imre Nagy, This action will reportedly take place following Nagy's admission that he committed certain errors during his tenure in office. � Comment Previously Nagy has refused to engage in self-criticism, and the party as recently as mid-July reiterated that he was guilty of rightist deviation. However, the increase in power of the moderate elements among Hungarian Communists and the removal of Nagy's primary oppo- nent, former party first secretary Rakosi, may have opened the way for Nagy to regain political influence by admitting some past errors and promising to work for party unity. Nagy is a, Moscow-trained Communist who has been active in the movemen since World War I, During his premiership from July 1953 to April 1955, he inaugurated policies which are similar to many of those demanded by the moderate faction today. His return to public life would be viewed by the moderates as favorable to their efforts to speed liberalization and should also be welcomed by the public, which looks back on the Nagy era as the best of all past Communist regimes. r 11 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794 � Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794- -T012-SEeRET 11 Aug 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 777-S]EalET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03193794