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7///,,,,ZZ/ZZ/ZZZZ/ZZ/ r= Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 TOP SLCRET *Tve 26 May 1958 Copy No. 140 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. nor'_ NO C AN2 N n.Ass. I : )I-� ::1:1 c; CI IANGIEID TO: TEIviept &WC L? NEXT rEv;Evi DATE: AU TH: 70 DATE TOP SECRET REVIEWER: Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 _ _ _ _ _ 011111% TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 L THE COMMUNIST BLOC Soviet test vehicle launching on 24 May; for Guided Missile Intelligence Committee statpmpn+ nap page 1. Khrushchev considered guiding force behind Soviet attacks on Yugoslavia. IL ASIA-AFRICA Lebanon - Government forces make gains in new military attacks against opposition. Chamoun may be ready to drop second-term ambitions. Nasir planning to reduce power of some Syrian officials. Indonesia - Djakarta forces may land near dissident capital of Menado shortly. Sukarno considering possible cabinet changes. 0 French-Tunisian armed clashes lead to new demands that French withdraw to Bizerte. Morocco likely to step up its demands for French withdrawal. IIL THE WEST Showdown on General de Gaulle's return to power expected soon. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 , ZVX Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 TOP SECRET A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 26 May 1958 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Soviet missile launching: The USSR launched a probable IdBM test vehicle on the Tyura Tam missile test range at 1031 GMT (0631 EDT) on 24 May. the vehicle reached the vicinity of the impact area on 1, ) Kamchatka Peninsula. The last previous ICBM test vehicle firing occurred on 4 April 1958. For statement by Guided Missile Tntell-tgence Committee, see Page 1. Page 1) Bloc-Yugoslav dispute: The Yugoslav ambassador In Moscow has expressed the opinion that current Soviet policy toward Yugoslavia was initiated by Khrushchev. He rejects the idea that Khrushchev is subject to pres- sure either from within the Soviet leadership or from without. Ambassador Thompson accepts this appraisal, with the reservation that the Chinese Communists may \ , l) have influenced Khrushchev's policy toward Yugoslavia. V Peiping's summary of the Chinese Communist party con- gress, which ended on 23 May, endorses Soviet policy toward Yugoslavia and expressly cites Khrushchev's leadership. Khrushchev's routine birthday greetings to Tito, while conciliatory in language, do not suggest any Soviet concessions. (Page 2) II. ASIA-AFRICA Lebanon: Following a showdown between President Chamoun and army commander General Shihab, government Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 TOP SECRET Nie forces have launched a military offensive and have taken Halba and Balabakk. Fighting broke out in Sidon on 25 May. A UAR news agency quotes the first military com- muniquds from an alleged "Free Lebanese Government." President Chamoun may be ready to abandon his ambitions for a second term, but he is determined to complete his present term of office. Foreign Minister Malik will pre- sent Lebanon's charges of UAR intervention to the UN Se- curity Council on 27 May. (Page 3) (Map) United Arab Republic: Nasir may soon begin a series of moves aimed at reducing the authority of Syrian Vice President Hawrani and other officials in the Syrian sector of the UAR who have shown signs of independence from Cairo. Nasir will seek to avoid any dramatic showdown, and will probably maneuver to bring about changes grad- ually by undercutting Hawrani's support and increasing the power of Interior Minister Sarraj. (Page 5) *Indonesia: Central government paratroop and amphib- ious landings near the dissident capital of Menado appear to be imminent. In Djakarta, President Sukarno is con- sidering several plans for reorganizing the cabinet. He appears likely to accept a plan calling for the dropping of some leftists and the retention of Djuanda as prime min- ister. (Page 6) *Tunisia-Morocco: The clash between French and Tunisian military units, which began at Remada on 24 May, has continued. French air force units from Algeria re- portedly bombed Tunisian positions on 25 May. French diplomatic officials have apparently. accepted President Bourguibals demand that France promise to withdraw its forces to Bizerte, but _there, is some doubt that lo- cal French �military leaders in. Ttuxisia will comply. Morocco is likely to continue pressing for immediate with- drawal of French troops, especially from eastern Morocco. (Page 8) (Map) 26 May 58 DAILY BRIEF ii Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 � Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 CO3192927 TOP SECRET I I I. THE WEST *France: The conflict between civil and military au- thority in France will probably come to a head today in the special session of the National Assembly. The French gov- ernment probably can no longer try to maintain the fiction that Paris controls the situation, and may be forced to de- cide that there is no alternative but to request General de rnifitc, fn (lc-me to Dower. General Salan has told an emissary from Pflimlin that unless the premier re- signs on 26 May, the military in Algeria will move against France. The dissidents claim support would come from the French army in Germany and from armored units near Paris. Admiral Auboyneau, commander of the Mediterranean fleet, on 25 May announced his support for the Algerian military. The French Communist party has ordered its members to be ready for a general strike call. (Page 9) 26 May 58 ,, ,,, ��� � \ , DAILY BRIEF iii � Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 I la" .)11,1111.:, Ns, Nftei I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Soviet Test ICBM Firing on 24 May 1958 At 0631 EDT (1031 GMT) the USSR launched a vehicle on the Tvura Tam missile test ranffe , the missile was probably an ICBM test vehicle which reached the vicinity of the impact area. The Tyura Tam guided missile range has been active on practically every day since 17 May in practice sessions preparatory to a launching attempt. Indication of the im- minence of an operation was strengthened by the presence at Tyura Tam range head of three specific indicator type aircraft. The operation continued through a normal countdown sequence with the hourly alerts indicating some slight fluc- tuations in time lost and gained. The entire operation reached zero time at 1031 GMT, a net gain in countdown time of about one-half hour or a seven and one-hall hour countdown. Evidence is firm that a launching occurred, that the vehicle reached the Kamchatka area, and that it probably was an ICBM test vehicle. The previous ICBM test vehicle firing was on 4 April 1958. --TOP-SECRET 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 imreNnir,r, Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Bloc Dispute With Yugoslavia The Yugoslav ambassador in Moscow has told dip- lomatic colleagues that he does not believe there has been conflict within the Soviet hierarchy over policy toward Yugoslavia. In his opinion, this policy was inaugurated by Khrushchev personally and has been fully backed by the party presidium. He rejected the idea that Khrushchev is subject to pressure either from within the Soviet leader- ship or from without--the latter apparently referring to Communist China. Ambassador Thompson supports this appraisal, with the reservation that he thinks the Chinese Communist posi- tion may have influenced Khrushchev's Yugoslav policy. Possibly to suppress speculation that the Chinese were backing Stalinist opponents of Khrushchev on the issue of Yugoslav revisionism, Peiping has pointedly endorsed the role of Khrushchev personally. In its summary of the pro- ceedings of the Chinese Communist party congress held be- tween 5 May and 23 May, Peiping approved as "necessary and correct" the steps taken toward Yugoslavia since 1954 by the Soviet party central committee "headed by N. S. Khrushchev." The proceedings at the congress show no retreat from the blanket condemnation of the Yugoslav party program ex- pressed in Peiping's 5 May blast at Belgrade. On 10 May, however, the Chinese Communist foreign minister expressed the opinion that government-to-government relations would not suffer as in 1948. 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Al% NI* EDITEERANEAN SEA Beiru Sayt ad Din* id n . Damascu's � rr. ("7) Halba � Al Normal ..\"? a \ � Balab.akk LEBANON� ISRAEL ( � Horns' SYRIA 80525 2 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 TOP SECRET II. ASIA-AFRICA- The Situation in Lebanon Lebanese President Chamoun's "ultimatum" to Army Chief of Staff Shihab on 23 May succeeded in evoking from Shihab a plan for more decisive military action against in- surgent forces in Lebanon. Shihab's subsequent regrouping and redeployment of Lebanese security forces, including the formation of a mobile reserve, apparently have resulted in substantial gains for the government. Unconfirmed reports indicate that government forces have recaptured Balabakk and gained full control in Halba, and that insurgents are flee- ing across the Syrian border. Street fighting which erupted in Sidon on 25 May has ended in a truce. The army's plan also involves conclusive operations in Tripoli where, explosions de- stroyed the city's water tanks on 24 May. The already tenuous unity of the government, however, is threatened by an internal crisis. A compromise proposal that Chamoun abandon his attempt to obtain constitutional changes permitting a second term for himself has been pre- sented by Parliamentary Deputy Raymond Edde. The cabinet reportedly met in emergency session late on 25 May to consider the proposal, and several ministers are believed to have threatened to resign if Chamoun did not accept the proposal. Two Sunni Moslem ministers had pre- viodsly resigned. Foreign Minister Malik will present Lebanon's complaint regarding United Arab Republic intervention in the Lebanese rebellion to the United Nations Security Council on 27 May. A canvass of the six nonpermanent mem- bers of the council reported on 21 May revealed that although all were prepared to support Lebanon TOP SECRET 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 TOP SECRET Nao if it submitted "a strong complaint," most preferred at that time to avoid a meeting unless "absolutely necessary." The member feared that discussion of the Lebanese com- plaint would stir up debate on other subjects such as Egypt's interference in Yemen and Algeria. ---7013--SE�RE-T 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Nape Nasir Showdown With Vice President Hawrani May Be Imminent UAR President Nasir may be readying for a show- down with Vice President Akram Hawrani and other Syrians in the UAR cabinet who have displayed too much independence of the Cairo regime. Nasir has said that he became "increasingly hostile" toward Hawrani during their recent trip to the USSR, according to a usually re- liable source. He plans to visit Damascus soon, after which he might take action to curb the influence of Hawrani and others. The conflict between Hawrani's social revolutionary ideas and Nasir's aUthoritarian�, opportunistic approach to solving the problems of the Syrian-Egyptian union has become increasingly apparent. Nasir's order for the aboli- tion of political groupings, including Hawrani's powerful Baath party, in order to insure his own freedom of move- ment in the UAR's northern region has met covert resist- ance from the Syrian leader. Also, Hawrani's persistent and open championing of an early move to confiscate much of the holdings of large landowners has violated Nasir's sense of political timing. The problem of putting checkreins on Syria's most ef- fective politician is a delicate one, and Nasir would prob- ably avoid giving the impression of an open break. If Nasir decides that Hawrani and other Syrians must be inactivated, however, he may either attack and eliminate Hawrani's sup- porters or allow Syrian Minister of the Interior Sarraj to increase his already extensive authority to such an extent that Hawrani will be effectively barred from exerting any influence on Syrian affairs. Sarraj is not popular among the majority of Syrians, but the strength of his control over the security forces appears sufficient to suppress any counter- move on the part of Hawrani's followers. 2 6 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 .C.41-1(L New %we. Situation in Indonesia The Indonesian Army is making final plans for its assault on the dissident capital of Menado. both paratroops and amphibious forces will be used and that small marine detachments and intelligence agents have already infiltrated the area to prepare for the land- ings. Menado to fall within three days of the attack. In Djakarta, President Sukarno is considering three plans for cabinet reorganization, although he will make no changes until after the defeat of the North Celebes dissidents. Sukarno will probably choose to reshuffle the Djuanda cabinet, ousting the leftists, since this choice would evoke less opposition than any other. The army, under Chief of Staff General Nasution, is continuing to press for a complete cabinet change, postponement of the 1959 gen- eral elections, and increased power for the executive branch of the government. Although Nasutionis plan probably would permit a settlement of the dissident problem, it would also invite considerable Communist opposition which non-army elements, including President Sukarno, may fear they could not handle. Communist party Secretary General Aidit has already stated, in a campaign speech for regional elections in Borneo, that postponement of general elections would be a "sin against the people." In Central Sumatra, reconstruction problems are be- setting central government administrators. Colonel Jani, war administrator for the area, told the assistant American army attache that trouble can be expected if the government "does not move and quit talking." Currently the problems are 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for iRelease: 26.19/08/20 C03192927 Now' Now,' mainly those of passive resistance to occupation officials and lack of local civil servants who fled with or were intim- idated by the dissidents. It is estimated, however, that the equivalent of four dissident battalions are still in North and Central Sumatra capable of waging guerrilla warfare indef- initely. Sumatran regionalism is now stronger than be- fore the revolt, and the basic obiections to the Djakarta re- gime remain. SECRET 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 #111% Co�nstantine ALGERIA 26 MAY 1958 TUNISIA �ENCH TROOP DISPOSITIONS IZERTE MATEURt 13000 Bone � TUNIS -- 2850 �MIEDJ E Z EL BAT3 420 - SFAX � - 680 1 700 IN AREA REAVDA Miles 290 TRIPOL ITANIA L I BYA 80525 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 CVPDE"T` Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Pressure MOTIrits in Tunisia and Morocco fortcracuation Of French Troops The fighting which broke out on 24 May between French and Tunisian military units at Remada in remote southern Tunisia--the second clash within three days--seems certain to evoke new Tunisian demands for the immediate total evac- uation of the 22,000 French troops from the country. Pres- ident Bourguiba indicated last month that he might revoke the concessions made to the Anglo-American good offices mission that he would negotiate a new arrangement for the continued use by France of the base at Bizerte. Dourguiba is reported to have threatened to protest to the_UN Security Council if the French do not promise to regroup their forces at Bizerte, and French diplomatic officials have apparently acceded to his request There is some doubt, however, that French mil- itary leaders in Tunisia will comply. The 24 May clash, in which five French soldiers were killed and 14 wounded, was precipitated by the efforts of the French units at Remada--which on 18 May surrounded two Tunisian roadblocks some 25 miles outside their base--to retain control of certain caravan routes which may be used to transport arms into Algeria. The Tunisian Government claims that the French Air Force bombed and strafed Tuni- sian positions the morning of 25 May. The same day, France lodged a formal protest with the Tunisian charge in Paris, Bourguiba extended the state of emergency existing in the border provinces to include all of Tunisia, and anti-French demonstrations were held at Bizerte and Mateur. The Remada incident probably will also result in new pressure in Morocco for the evacuation of French troops there, particularly those in eastern Morocco which the Bal- afrej government on 14 and 20 May urgently requested Paris to withdraw. French Foreign Minister Pleven told American Embassy officials in Paris on 23 May that the desired with- drawal was "not possible under present circumstances." Af- ter the establishment of the Algiers Committee of Public Safety on 13 May, a Moroccan Foreign Ministry official con- ferred with officials in Tunisia. He informed the American Embassy in Rabat that he had been impressed by the identity rf views between hic government and that of Tunisia. SECRET 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 errnrr Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Nor' NNW III. THE WEST The French Crisis (as of 0200 hours) The 26 May special session of the National Assembly will probably bring to a head the conflict between the civil and military authority in France. The government in the next few days may be forced to choose between risking wide- spread civil unrest and setting the stage for an orderly take- over by De Gaulle. It seems unlikely that Pflimlin's efforts to treat the Corsican and Algerian situations separately can succeed, and any steps he might take against "sedition" in Corsica will risk provoking an open split in the military in France or even its complete alienation. There is a strong possibility that Gaullist supporters in France and Algeria might use the special session to make an all-out bid for Gen- eral de Gaulle's return, particularly since parliamentary support for Pflimlin is wavering. Gen- eral Salan told Pflimlin's emissary that =less the premier resigned on 26 May, airborne troops would launch an attack on Paris. He claimed that they would be supported by French army units in Germany and two armored units outside Paris, and that French security forces have been won over to the side of the Algerian junta. The admiral of the Mediterra- nean fleet has announced that he fully supports the action of the army in Algeria. Public sentiment in favor of the general is apparently increasing. The Communist Party has told its militants to be ready for a general strike. A number of observers now believe that while Communist and Socialist militants may offer some strong resistance initially, their ability to get broad support from the rank-and-file of either party appears to be limited. --SECRET-- 26 May 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927 Now" DISTRIBUTION THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Office of Defense Mobilization Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Operations Coordinating Board Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Administration The Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Commandant, United States Marine Corps The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director United States Information Agency The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/08/20 C03192927