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October 24, 1957
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,ozz. "ro v ed for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 APIVM CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 24 October 1957 l,opy DOC,I.JMENT NO. N'..7) CHANGE IN CL DECLASSIFIED C 1-I.4Nr.;ED TO: NEXT REVIEW DA TE� HA - - DATE/0 NO. _. REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Pr fr TOP SECRET f 13S 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 01Ilk 404 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Noe CONTENTS 1. SOVIET MARSHAL ROKOSSOVSKIY TO COMMAND TRANS- CAUCASUS (page 3). 2. ISRAELI VIEW OF EGYPTIAN TROOP MOVEMENT TO SYRIA (page 4). 3. POLITICAL UNREST IN JORDAN &IL 4. SITUATION IN LAOS (page 6). (page 5). 5. CZECH REGIME CRACKS DOWN ON "HOOLIGANS" (page 7). 6, GUATEMALAN ARMY NULLIFIES 20 OCTOBER PRESI- DENTIAL ELECTION (page 8). 24 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 -Nor/ 1. SOVIET MARSHAL ROKOSSOVSKIY TO COMMAND TRANSCAUCASUS Comment on: Soviet Marshal Konstantin Rokossovskiy, former Polish defense minister and most recently deputy defense minister of the USSR, has been appointed commander of the Transcaucasus Military District, which borders Turkey and Iran. He replaces Army General Fedyunin- skiy who was recalled to Moscow, according to a 23 October broadcast from Tbilisi. The appointment of a Soviet marshal known by the West to be a competent field commander may be intended to demonstrate Soviet determination to support Syria. Only four of the USSR's 18 military districts had been commanded by marshals. The Transcaucasus Military District is one of the smallest, normally garrisoned by two armies of four divi- sions each, and commanded by an army general. Because of its proximity to the Middle East, it ma now warrant a com- mander of Rokossovskirs stature. 24 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 kJ 1.4 A..1 Nue 2. ISRAELI VIEW OF EGYPTIAN TROOP MOVEMENT TO SYRIA Israeli political circles interpret the landing of Egyptian forces in Syria as an indication of the submissiveness of Egypt and Syria to orders from Mos- cow The Soviet plan, in the Israeli view, is to create in Syria a police force suitable either for maintaining the "new order" within Syria or for en- tering a neighboring Arab country which allegedly might be threatened by "a Western aggressor." Israel does not believe that the USSR will undertake anything against Turkey or that the Syrian army, even if reinforced by Egypt, is capable of seriously threatening the Turks. This analysis is in line with a statement on 21 October by Prime Minister Ben-Gurion that "it is no longer local forces but mainly powerful external forces that are aggravating tension in the region." 24 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 vais, Nogg 3. POLITICAL UNREST IN JORDAN Cotnment on: The government of Jordan is seeking to turn the recent resignation of six oppo- sition deputies to its advantage during the next two months by having more co- perative legislators elected to replace hem. Operating under martial law, the ashim-Rifai government should be able o force the election of the government's andi dates, despite popular opposition. Subsequently, the government plans to introduce a new elec- tion law designed to make possible the election of a still more cooperative legislature. A new cabinet shake-up on 22 October suggests that the government is preparing stiffer internal controls to counter popular hostility. Interior Minister Madadha has relinguished his duties as military governor general and minister of defense in order to concentrate on combating subversion; Army Chief of Staff General Majalli has assumed the additional post of military governor general; and Akif Fayiz, only cabinet representative of the militant �Bedouin whose support ensures King Hussayn's control of the army, has become minister of defense as well as minister of agriculture. Jordan also continues to be plagued by its inability without outside financial assistance to maintain its army, which alone keeps the King's pro-Western regime in power. Saudi Arabia's postponement of subsidy payments has compelled the minister of finance to request an immediate emergency advance payment of $3,000,000 from US aid allo- cations in order to meet 25 October payroll and operating re- quirements of the Jordanian army. To divert public attention from these diffi- culties, the Jordanians are against complaining to the UN about Israeli activities in the contested Jerusalem area. 24 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SITCT?FT Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 003190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 *we. 4, SITUATION IN LAOS Comment on: Nero Laotian government and Pathet Lao negotiators have signed an agreement setting forth the details for re-estab- lishing royal authority over the two Pathet-held provinces and forming a coalition government, according to an official broadcast on 22 October. This development moves the two sides closer to final settlement, and implements the intention of the as- yet-unpublished communique agreed on by Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma and Pathet leader Souphannouvong. While details of the agreement reached by the negotiators have not yet been published, the royal government's original bargaining position already contained major concessions. It envisioned a 50-50 division between Pathet and royal administrative and technical functionaries and the retention, at least temporarily of the village "people's representatives." The agreement, therefore, probably places the Pathets in a good position to frustrate government orders at the grass-roots level. In preparation for the settlement, the National Assembly has already enacted both a civil liberties law and an amnesty demanded by the Pathets. The assembly has also enacted a law aimed at restricting future Pathet sub- versive activity, but strict enforcement of the law is problemat- ical. Souvanna plans to enlarge the present six- man cabinet on 25 October, but has assured American officials that Pathet representatives will not be included at this time. He anticipates that a coalition government will be established in early November. He appears to have seized the initiative while the restraint previously exercised by conservative ele- ments led by Interior Minister Katay is conspicuously absent. 24 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 ,SFCRFT Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 V A. -111.0.0L4.1. I it 1..CAJLI V1101 *11 5, CZECH REGIME CRACKS DOWN ON "HOOLIGANS" Comment on: Czechoslovak Minister of Interior Rudolf Barak publicly charged on 21 October that a recent increase in youthful "hooli- ganism" is subversive and implied that members of Western diplomatic missions had played a role in its organization. A street brawl in Prague on the night of 12-13 October resulting from the arrest of two drunken sol- diers apparently precipitated a country-wide roundup of youths regarded as potential troublemakers. A Prague newspaper reported on 22 October that 105 youths had been arrested in Prague, and added that police had identified 344 gangs com- posed of over 2,000 hooligans throughout the country. High-level government action against un- disciplined youth was probably prompted by fear of a repeti- tion in Czechoslovakia of the Warsaw student demonstrations of early October. Allegations of Western influences are in line with other accusations of espionage and sabotage which the Czechs have directed against the NATO nations since Sep- tember. 24 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 rflTsfl?Tfl7WTTA T. Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618 6, GUATEMALAN ARMY NULLIFIES 20 OCTOBER PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Comment on: Late on 23 October, the Guatemalan army under Defense Minister Colonel Juan F. Oliva, ordered the 20 October presidential election nullified, Oliva acted under strong pressure from army colleagues, some of whom are demand- ing that a military junta rule the country, and after violent popular demonstrations and a growing general strike protesting what defeated presidential candidate Ydigoras Fuentes claimed to be a rigged election, Oliva is concerned with possible adverse United States reaction to his move and seems anxious to re- tain a semblance of constitutionality, stopping short of an out- and-out military coup, Reportedly, interim president Luis Arturo Gonzalez is to remain the figurehead president until new elections can be called in the indefinite future, Army pressure for a military junta may, however, prove irresisti- ble, In any event, Oliva is likely to remain the strong man and the government firmly anti-Communist, though probably moving closer to the political right. Ydigoras, who claimed to have been de- frauded of victory in the 20 October election by the adminis- tration political machine, won overwhelming support from the country's urban, politically conscious minority. The adminis- tration candidate, Miguel Ortiz Passarelli, won a majority of the votes only by virtue of the control of the government ma- chine over illiterate Indian voters in rural areas. 24 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190618