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pproved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609/ WA- &JAL/a-4A A. CURRENT '#1 INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 15 September 1957 Copy No. 136 g '3.5(c) r 3.3(h)(2) V / $ / r;() GI-If',.NGL: iN CLAz>o. DOCUMENT NO. _ GI ,r,.-jj; C1-.IANID 10: 1:7_441 Is 0 ALITH: 140 // , 4 /4 // � / / / / _REVIEWER: DATE. - - OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET / ZffA Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 %If Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Niise '4.01 1442.- CONTENTS . TURKISH AIR FORCE MAKING "WARTIME" PREPARATIONS (page 3). � 7 ,0 2. SHAH OF EKS BACKING FOR STRONG RESPONSE TO USSR[ (page 5). Q-42 3. TOP YUGOSLAV LEADERSHIP MAY BE DIVIDED OVER RAPPROCHEMENT WITH USSR age 6). XI) 4. INDONESIAN ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE ENDS (page 7). Ao 5. GREEK FOREIGN MINISTER PROPOSES COMMONWEALTH STATUS FOR CYPRUS (page 8). 6. RESURGENCE OF RUMORS 7_F_A_CTP WITHIN THE ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT (page 9). 02-- 7. NEW CURBSLOWS flCTINE IN. INDIAN FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES (page 10). 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Niroi 1. TURKISH AIR FORCE MAKING"WARTIME" PREPARATIONS The Turkish air force is concentrating com- bat-ready squadrons and a considerable rvf onmha t qunnlies on quantity the Syrian border, general ill wui towa..11, Syria pervades the Turkish air base at 13aiikesir, combat-ready pi- lots and aircraft have been assigned to fighter-bomber squad- rons for movements to Adana in southern Turkey. Crews and aircraft remaining at Balikesir are on a wartime alert. Anti- aircraft emplacements at Balikesir have been camouflaged and the gun crews placed on a 24-hour alert. Support units are en Merzifon Esenboga sir Eskisehir � o TURKEY 15 SEPTEMBER 1957 ter-Bombers 31 Jet Recon 73 Piston Transports =Planned Deployment 290 mites Diyarbakir �Gaziantep IRAQ 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin 70914 Page 3 �T-rjP�SECALET� Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Refeiie7-26 671 --/10 C03190609 New,* Nue route to Adana, and the aircraft and crews are on a 45-minute stand-by alert for movement to Adana. approximately 300 napalm containers and "mix" being loaded for shipment, along with quantities of 250-pound fragmentation bombs. Comment The total planned deployment of the Turkish air force will result in the transfer of four F-84 squadrons and two F-86 squadrons to bases in southern Turkey, thus increasing Turkey's air strength in that area from approximately 70 jet aircraft to over 200. The scheduled deployment of Turkish army units to the vicinity of the Syrian border is also under way. Twenty medium tanks of the 5th Armored Brigade passed through Gaziantep, about 75 air miles east of Iskenderun and about 40 miles north of the Syrian border, Ion 10 September, No unusual troop activity has been reported. 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 _- Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 *al 2. SHAH OF IRAN SEEKS BACKING FOR STRONG RESPONSE TO USSR Comment on: he Shah of Iran was greatly disturbed y Soviet Marshal Vershinen's recent hreatening remarks in the Soviet press n which Iran was included among those ountries where alleged American bases could be knocked out by medium-range eapons. The Shah indicated to Ambas- sador Chapin on 12 September that he is ready to issue a sharp rejoinder if assured "concrete military backing" from the United States. He further indicated he might be prepared to allow American bases in Iran if his analysis of Soviet reasoning leads to a re-evaluation of Iranian defense policy. The Shah said he might even request intermediate range ballistic missile installations. While he stated Iran would not withdraw from the Baghdad pact if increased American military aid were not forthcoming, the Shah said he would be forced to re-deploy Iran- ian military forces on the basis of Iran's own defense interests. The Shah probably is genuinely concerned over Soviet intentions regarding Iran, but is also trying to ex- ploit the tension in the Middle East to obtain substantially in- creased American military aid. 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SEER-ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 3. TOP YUGOSLAV LEADERSHIP MAY BE DIVIDED OVER RAPPROCHEMENT WITH USSR the Yugoslav Communist party is moving toward a crisis over the extent and direction of improvement in Yugo- slav-Soviet 'relations. even prior to the Hungarian revolution, Vice President Kardelj, backed by the Slovene and part of the Croat central committees, was nyInnearl +n +hp pIttPnt of rannrochement. Khrushchev's tougher internal ru e, coup e Tito's "pro-Soviet course," must be distasteful to Kardelj and the more "Westernized" sector of the party. Comment Kardelj, the party's leading theoretician, has been Yugoslavia's most outspoken critic of the Kremlin and may be more suspicious of the present Soviet leaders and their objectives than Tito. Differences among Yugoslav leaders over the long-term effects of a grow- ing rapprochement between Belgrade and Moscow would ex- plain the recent postponement of the Yugoslav's seventh party congress from November to next April. on the basis of their talks with Yugoslav leaders eiBFgicte earlier this month, Yugoslavia is moving closer to the USSR, especially on international issues, and that the major significance of the Tito-Khrushchev talks in Rumania was Tito% agreement not to "provoke matters" in Eastern Europe. 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 SECRET Nue 4. INDONESIAN ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE ENDS Comment on: he Indonesian national round-table con- erence concluded on 15 September and ppears to have succeeded in arresting at east temporarily the trend toward national ragmentation. The final resolution ap- roved the recommendations formulated y the various subcommittees, welcomed e Sukarno-Hatta statement of willingness o cooperate, and stated that "normal re- lations between the central government and the regions have been restored on the basis of the constitution and existing law, as is appropriate in a constitutional state." Premier Djuanda announced that the confer- ence's decisions would become the "guiding principles" for the government. He also stated that a joint committee representing both the government and the regions would be established to deal with all future problems. The measure of the conference's success re- mains to be determined. It is still by no means certain that Djakarta will be able, even if willing, to meet the financial and political demands of the regions. In addition, there are no indi- cations of progress toward meeting regional demands for the re- moval of Chief of Staff Nasution and for the reduction of Commu- nist power and influence. All available information strongly suggests, moreover, that Sukarno and Hatta are as far apart as ever despite their platitudinous statement agreeing to cooperate. Although the conference has made Sukarno aware of the magnitude of regional discontent, there is little reason to believe he is prepared to make any significant concessions on such demands of Hattap and the regional leaders as revising his con- cept of "guided democracy," repudiating his Communist support, or giving Hatta a position of real leadership in the government. 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Release: 2019/12T1FC03190609 bald No, 5. GREEK FOREIGN MINISTER PROPOSES COMMONWEALTH STATUS FOR CYPRUS Comment on: Greek Foreign Minister Averoff suggested to NATO Secretary General Spaak on 11 Sep- tember as a possible solution of the Cyprus dispute that the island become an independent m mber of the S�llish Commonwealth for 20 y3ars, after which time its status might be reconsidered. This plan has some chance of being accepted, although the Turks would probably resist it as merely a first step toward enosis. Athens may be proposing this solution to avoid a UN resolution that might preclude eventual union of the island with Greece. Athens now feels the Cyprus dispute has weakened the eastern flank of NATO's defenses and sees the need of improving relations with Britain and Turkey. The Greek government may also fear an adverse effect on its domestic sup- port unless some progress is made toward a settlement of the Cyprus dilemma during the forthcoming session of the UN Gen- eral Assembly. Implementation of the commonwealth proposal would offer a chance fel:r passions to cool. permit British reten- tion of base rights, and allow the British to keep the pro-Commu- nist element; uAl the isl,zmi under control. 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Release: 201_9/12/10 C03190609 Negri 6.. RESURGENCE OF RUMORS OF A COUP WITHIN THE ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT Comment on: Within the past few days z a resurgence of rumors of a coup within the Argentine government to oust President Aramburu in order to continue the provisional regime in office beyond the 1 May date on which he has repeatedly promised to turn over the government to elected authorities. The rumors al- lege that a coup would be supported by various military offi- cials who believe that oil development through foreign assist- ance is a prerequisite to improving the country's acute economic plight and who fear that the constituent assembly--bogged down by political maneuvering at Santa Fe--may nationalize oil and electric power resources and so frustrate the needed oil devel- opment. Aramburu evidently felt compelled to counter these rumors on 11 September by informing the press that his recent absence from work was because of flu of government dissension should not be heeded. ,the denial was interpretec1 in opposition quarters as an indication that for the moment Aramburu has won out in an internal struggle with Vice President Rojas and others trying to postpone indefinitely the general elections scheduled for 23 February. Various demonstrations--which may lead to violent clashes�are scheduled for 16 September, the second anniversary of the revolt against Peron. The Peronistas,who are outlawed as a party, have asked their followers to wear black arm bands on the 16th. 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 --rErEeftEr� Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609 �.../ 1. JIL. 1.11-KJI-31. I Z. *re 7. NEW CURB SLOWS DECLINE IN INDIAN FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES Comment on: The latest figures of the Reserve Bank of India suggest that the measures adopted by the Indian government to halt the decline of its foreign exchange reserves are beginning to take effect. These reserves, which declined by approximately $18,000,000 a week from the beginning of the current fiscal year in April to mid- August, declined by an average of only $8,225,000 a week during the past four weeks, and now stand at the equiva- lent of $792,500,000. Beginning late in 1956, the Indian govern- ment adopted a policy of placing increasing restrictions on nonessential foreign exchange expenditures which culminated in a complete ban on the licensing of consumer goods imports during the third quarter of 1957. While the large backlog of such goods already contracted for prevented these measures from taking immediate effect, they should be able to hold the rate of decline near that of the past four weeks for the next few months. This slowdown in the rate of decline will, if continued, enable the government to postpone until early 1958 asking parliament to lower the required reserve level be- low $630,000,000. India, however, will still seek large-scale foreign loans for the estimated $1,billion it needs for essen- tial imports to fulfill the hard core of the Second Five-Year Plan (1956-61). 15 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 lef9A71IDEM3FAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190609