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September 14, 1957
ArAleArAle Tit Cr T., Arl TIL T' PT A, AP 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608rd3,4 CURRENT � INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 14.September 1957 Copy No. 136 Derr;Utila',1 NO. t]() :;.MGE 1;.:1 CLAS3. TO: I REVEV,1 DATE: DATE. .REVIEWER: - � OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 NNW Nu00 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 642_ (1) - CONTENTS CONTENTS 1. INDICATIONS OF SOVIET PROBABLE ICBM LAUNCHING (page 3). 2. 3. LIMITED Lritini-n-43.P OF ISRAELI FORCES NEAR SYRIAN BORDER (page 4). CALL-UP OF EGYPTIAN RESERVES REPORTED (Top (page 6). )1-4) 4. SYRIAN AMBASSADOR SEES FIRMER SOVIET LINE TOWARD WEST ) (page 7). 0-t 5. BULGANIN NOTE TO TURKEY (page 8). 6. SOVIET POLICY ON PRODUCTION OF MODERN WEAPONS (page 9). 7. SOVIET PARTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE PLENUM MAY BE IMMINENT (page 10)0 8. AUSTRIANS PUSH PLAN TO GIVE CREDITS TO POLAND THROUGH OEEC (page 11). 9. JAPAN APPROVES EXCHANGE OF TRADE MISSIONS WITH PEIPING (page 12). 10. HATTA SETS CONDITIONS FOR RE-ENTERING INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT (page 13). 11. THAI ARMY CHIEF DEMANDS PHIBUN'S RESIGNATION (page 14). 12. VIOLENCE IN ECUADOR THREATENED BY FORMER PRESI- DENT'S RETURN (page 15). 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 4%4 1. INDICATIONS OF SOVIET PROBABLE ICBM LAUNCHING 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019T12/10 C03190608 %Noso 2. LIMITED BUILD-UP OF ISRAELI FORCES NEAR SYRIAN BORDER A limited build-up of Israeli forces within the "defensive zone" along the Israeli-Syrian border coincides with a larger assembly of forces including a reinforced armored-infantry brigade in the Eilabun maneuver area outside the defensive zone farther to the west. These developments were observed by the American army attach0 who made a reconnaissance of Israel's northern military command on 11 September. The LEBANON LA IC Bailey Bridge SYRIA 6ko JORDAN :Defensive Zone � Oil pipeline Main motor road � � Armistice Line Demilitarized Zone 1,a. IlifiS 110 *NrA. Sinop l'Harabul, TUR Kenya Ereti ,Taj Iskende5 _1.7...p.p. r�r: Btu6.. Cyprus (U. K) Tripol4 LEBANON Haifa ISRAEL) Tel Avuy G"%rs:Li' Amman JORDAN \ � iAl 'Auabah Horn Damascus Trab ria,g ero � SYRIA-\ Dayr az Zaw Ar fiutbah SAUDI AR ABIA Koh USSR N.. THU Jona Van � , ') � \ Khan* Hadithah eulaci � Karbala A � Oil pipeline Main motor road MILES 2?0 13 SEPTEMBER IL 70913 A 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 "SEGRETT Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 'N11110 attach�elieves, however, that these movements, along with maneuvers to be held in the Eilabun region on 17 and 19 Sep- tember, are precautionary. The attach� party was prohibited by Israeli military police from proceeding beyond Hulata into the demilitarized zone south of Lake Hula. The army attach�t- tributes this to an Israeli desire to hide military preparations possibly in the vicinity of the controversial Bailey bridge over the Jordan River. In the opinion of the attach�the Israeli de- fense force will maintain a defensive attitude for the present, although, as currently deployed in the Syrian border area, it is capable of limited offensive action. Comment The Israeli troop movements appear to in- volve a redeployment of troops already on active duty. Israeli army strength remains at about 55,000, augmented by about 25,000 quasi-military personnel in border settlements. The Israeli maneuvers scheduled for 17 and 19 September will include a parachute brigade. These exer- cises and the build-up reported by the attach�re probably di - reedy related to Israel's determination to complete the drain- age of Lake Hula by enlarging the Jordan River channel within the demilitarized zone. Syria reportedly has demanded that Israel cease this activity. The "defensive zone" on either side of the Israeli-Syrian border was established by the armistice agree- ment of 1949 between the two countries. Under its terms each side is permitted to maintain in the zone only military forces of a specified size and strength. Tanks and armored vehicles are excluded. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved TEn7Rele3s7:2317/72/10 C03190608 Nue "IMO 3. CALL-UP OF EGYPTIAN RESERVES REPORTED The Egyptian army has ordered 411 reservists recalled to active dutyJ Included in the call-up are all men who com- pleted compulsory military service within the past five years. Plain-clothes police in Alexandria are stopping men in the streets and demanding to see their military certificates. If the individual is shown to be a reservist, he is taken to the nearest police station and then sent to Cairo. The Egyptian Interior Ministry has in- structed the Alexandria government to reorganize civil de- fense and to conduct air-raid drills. Comment Recall of reserves would complement other Egyptian precautionary measures which reflect uncertainty over the intentions of Turkey, Israel, and the Western powers regarding Syria. While Egypt has no organized reserve corps, unorganized trained reserves are be- lieved to number about 40,000. Egyptian ground forces have been maintained at about 99,000 men, including 759500 in the rprnilar army 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 I Tcroil 4. SYRIAN AMBASSADOR SEES FIRMER SOVIET LINE TOWARD WEST Reference: Soviet policy as manifested in the London disarmament talks and in the 3 September notes to the Western powers on the Middle East represents a "stiffening" toward the West0 the factors un- derlying this "increased firmness" are the "stabilization of the internal situation" in the USSR and Eastern Europe, the "success" of the ICBM test, and a desire to reply to Western moves in the UN General As- sembly on Hungary. this firmer line can be expected to lead to an increasingly critical situation �in the Middle East and to "assiduous support from Moscow for the liberation movements in general and of Syria in particular." ;:tlement on 10 September was to offset Western moves in the the general purpose of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko's UN on the Hungarian question, to pressure the West on disarm- ament, and to exploit any differences that may develop among non-Communist powers. Gromyko's warnings to Turkey and the West against intervention in Syria were de- signed to repeat Moscow's Suez gambit and to place the USSR in a position to take credit for any relaxation of tension in the Near East0 despite the bellicose Soviet tone on the Middle East, Moscow's purpose is basically defensive and that the Russians are concerned that the United States will bring down the Syrian regime in a manner which would not only damage Soviet influence in the Middle East but possibly have serious repercussions on the Soviet position in Europe. Moscow could accept a peaceful change in Syria out that it would react strongly to the use of force even by Syria's neighbors if this were carried out in a manner to cause world opinion to consider the USSR weak and the United States strong. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 vine BULGANIN NOTE TO TURKEY Comment on: Premier Bulganin's note of 10 September to Turkish Prime Minister Mencleres, while suggesting Soviet concern over a possible Turkish attack on Syria, was largely designed to give impetus to Soviet attempts to distract international attention from the UN Gen- eral Assembly debate on Hungary. The note charged the West with assigning a "certain role" for Turkey in "the plans to unleash military ac- tion against Syria," and expressed "profound alarm" that Turk- ish leaders apparently favored the alleged plans. It repeated Foreign Minister Gromyko's veiled threat of the same day, ask- ing how the Turks would feel "if foreign troops were being con- centrated on their borders:' The note further warned, "in the interests of Soviet state security," of the danger that armed conflict "would not be limited to that area alone," but it avoided com- mitting the USSR to any specific course of action in event of hostilities. The Turks have been relatively unimpressed by Soviet threats before. The Ankara government has already stated that its planned troop movements are part of "regular" - maneuvers and will probably give a routine answer to Bulganin's note. On 13 September, according to press accounts, tha Soviat naval attache and a colleague in Istanbul were accused of es- pionage and asked to leave Turkey within 48 hours. The Turks will not, however, disregard the note as they weigh the consid- erations involved in any possible military moves toward Syria. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulltin Page 8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 '1�20, :ape 6, SOVIET POLICY ON PRODUCTION OF MODERN WEAPONS the USSR's progress in weapons technology is so rapid--especially in e missile --that some new weapons may not be placed in mass production. "What is new today," he said, "is old to- morrow." only those heavy bombers which are "absolutely necessary" have been produced. Soviet bomber output will give way entirely to missiles which will be "more economical and reliable." 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 No10 NNW 7 SOVIET PARTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE PLENUM MAY BE IMMINENT Twelve of the 16 Soviet ambassadors abroad who are affiliated with the party, central committee are believed to be in Moscow. Their presence in the capital may indicate the convocation of a central committee plenum. Khrushchev and Bulganin have been on vacation since mid August and if they have not already returned to Moscow, should be returning in a few days. a plenum was scheduled for August or September to deal with the activity of Soviet trade unions. It seems un- likely, however, that a plenum would be restricted to this ques- tion. Khrushchev may also review the results of his talks with Tito and the trips to Czechoslovakia and East Germany and ap- prove personnel assignments in the party and government in connection with the economic reorganization. More significantly, the meeting might take up the questions of the fate of some of the members of the '!anti- party" group and of Bulganin's status. Khrushchev may feel the need to create a new and stronger wave of popular indignation against the opposition, particularly the former adherents of Malenkov. Khrushchev may fear that Malenkov may become a rallying point for new opponents in the future. such a move may be necessary zeuiwserndepressed, cynical, and dis- trustful of the present party leaders. Khrushchev could go as far as to attack pub- licly all members of the opposition for complicity in Stalin's crimes and even bring them to trial, but he would run the risk of having his own complicity revealed. A trial would cancel out most of the benefits of his de-Stalinization campaign and could touch off a wave of terror that might be impossible to control. There have been rumors that Khrushchev may be under pressure by the army to set the record straight on the 1930 purge era, and a few pur ed arm leaders have been mentioned favorably re- cently. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 A. r Nee 8, AUSTRIANS PUSH PLAN TO GIVE CREDITS TO POLAND THROUGH OEEC Austrian Foreign Minister Figl has told American officials that he is dis- cussing with "other" countries plans for a multilateral extension of credits to Poland under OEEC auspices. Bonn has already indicated agreement in principle, according to Figl, and he expects that the question will be raised,at the mid-October OEEC min- isterial meeting. Figl stressed the relationship of his pro- posal to the problem of moving Poland closer to the "Western European community.." The Polish trade minister, who was in Vienna on 10 September, is said to have told the Austrians that Warsaw has decided to seek observer status in OEEC and full membership in GATT. Comment Figl has in mind using West Germany's huge European Payments Union surplus for credits which, for political reasons, Bonn could not directly offer to Poland. Some Vienna officials hope that Austria can play a vital role in central Europe, and probably expect trade benefits as well from this idea. Yugoslavia has participated in a limited observer status in OEEC since February 1955, the only Com- munist country to maintain ties with the OEEC. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 -CONFIRENTIAL� Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 ALA! -M-4.1. I A 'ke e 9. JAPAN APPROVES EXCHANGE OF TRADE MISSIONS WITH PEIF'ING Comment on: e Japanese government has taken a major step toward normalizing rela- tions with Communist China by paving the way for an exchange of permanent trade missions and offering certain diplo- matic privileges to five members of the Chinese mission. Tokyo's decision follows increasing pressure from Peiping, which has stressed the possibilities of lucrative trade in order to induce Japan to normalize relations with the main- land. The Kishi cabinet, in response to pres- sure from business and political interests, has waived finger- print requirements for the five Chinese, offered them the use of secret codes and freedom of travel within Japan, and ex- empted them from customs duties and taxes. There is considerable doubt, even among Japanese, that the Chinese Communists will be able to sub- stantiate their claims on Sino-Japanese trade possibilities because of a shortage of foreign exchange and goods desired by the Japanese. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Nine Nel 10. HATTA SETS CONDITIONS FOR RE-ENTERING INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT The American ambassador in Djakarta has been reliably informed that former vice president Hatta's conditions for co- operating with President Sukarno call for the elimination of the National Council, replacement of the present cabinet by a presidential cabinet, and cessa- tion of all "nonconstitutional activities:' The ambassador comments that these conditions, submitted at a private� meet- ing between the two leaders on 11 September, are obviously unacceptable to Sukarno. If Hatta persists in his demands, the ambassador sees "no prospect of any present solution of the main problem confronting the conference which everyone agrees is a restoration of the Sukarno-Hatta relationship." Comment Hatta's conditions, which he has always maintained, are aimed at the heart of the "guided democracy" program which Sukarno has uncompro- misingly put forward as the only solution to Indonesia's prob- lems. The dissident leaders at the national round-table con- ference are insisting that the Sukarno- Hatta joint leadership be re-established. The fragmentary and perfunctory accounts of the conference's progress suggest that the deliberations have been inconclusive, and that neither the government nor the disaffected regional leaders have come forward with significant concessions. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 SECRET 'U- i1 THAI ARMY CHIEF DEMANDS PHIBUN'S RESIGNATION Thai Army Commander in Chief Sarit has demanded that Premier Phibun re- sign and that a new leader be elected "according to established constitutional procedure." He also called on General Phao to resign as chief of police. The American army attache has been reliably informed that the premier has indicated he would not quit under duress. Sarit has reached "the point of no return" and will resort to an armed coup d'etat if no other means can be found to oust Phibun. The source feels that the army chief now has sufficient support to overthrow the govern- ment but must act soon or lose some of this following. Comment Sarit could bring about the downfall of Phibun's government through a no-confi- dence vote in the assembly. However, the assembly is not scheduled to meet until next Thursday and he may fear delay. In refusing to resign, Phibun is probably calculating that Sarit will not resort to a military coup to achieve his aims. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608 SECRET 12, VIOLENCE IN ECUADOR THREATENED BY FORMER PRESIDENT'S RETURN Comment on: The Ecuadoran government may be threatened by widespread violence de- veloping from extensive public demon- strations planned for former president Velasco's return to Guayaquil about 14 September. A key rVelase7 supporter has stated, that Velasco has enough military backing for a coup to restore him to power. he left- ist but non-Communist Concentration of Popular Forces-- the strongest opposition party, headed by demagogic Carlos Guevara--is cooperating in demonstration plans designed to test public reaction for an attempt against the government. Furthermore, the Ecuadoran ambassador to the United States advised Ambassador Ravndal on 12 September that Velasco had substantial support among the military and was returning for the sole purpose of overthrowing President Ponce by rev- olution. Ponce's regime, which has become in- creasingly more stable since its inauguration last September, is believed to retain the loyalty of the key officers in the armed forces and has taken measures to cope with possible disturbances. The government's security problem is complicated by a strike at an American-owned oil company near Guayaquil which Com- munists are attempting to spread. The anti-Ponce and Commu- nist-oriented Confederation of Ecuadoran Workers--the nation's principal labor organization--may also attempt to move against Ponce by calling a general strike. Its national congress opens in Guayaquil on 17 September. 14 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03190608