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rApproved for Release: 2 0r1 9/1i2/10 0 / / / /./ CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 6 July 1957 Copy No 136 / 3.5(c) / 3.3(h)(2) / / / 0'1 0 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. TOPS /4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 4104 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 ApprovIed for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 CONTENTS . DENUNCIATION OF PUI7ED SOVIET LEADERS BECOMES SHARPER (page 3). I) 2. USSR ORDERS CONCESSION ON cOMPULSORV DELIVERY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS (page 6). 66. CHINESE COMMUNIST RESPONSE TO SOVIET PURGE (page 7). 06. TOP-LEVEL YUGOSLAVS TO VISIT USSR US EMBASSY COMMENT&OT REPORTED UNREST IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA (page 9). 6. SITUATION IN EAST INDONESIA (page 8). (page 10). Ait) 7. EGYPT ARRANGES ',GIFT" OF ARMS TO LIBYAN ROYAL GUARD (page II). 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 -^ CONFIDENTIAL 1. DENUNCIATION OF PURGED SOVIET LEADERS BECOMES SHARPER Comment on: A rising note of harshness has begun to appear in denunciations of Malenkov, ICaganovich and Molotov in the press and mass meetings. Some of the charges are assuming an aspect which could provide the basis for criminal proceedings against them. The actions of the purged leaders have been variously described as "criminal" and "traitorous," and the army newspaper Red Star has reportedly accused them of playing into the hands of "the enemies of the state," and of "undermining the defensi- ability of our country." Reports that the ousted trio are under house arrest in Moscow and that a commission has been set up to pre- pare criminal charges against them are unconfirmed. Although the purged party leaders have been stripped of their government posts since the 3 July announcement, they are still nominally party members. Their retention in the party has been cited in one Moscow broadcast as proof that Stalinist methods have been rejected, and this is a consideration which would tend to restrain the hand of the victorious IChrushchev faction. On the other hand, the purge victims may still have considerable prestige and some remnants of political support Short of expulsion from the party or criminal pro- ceedings, a campaign of denunciation and a turnover of party of- ficials at lower levels may not be enough to cancel out such influ- ence. (See following pages for composition of the new party presidium,) 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 !lank 711TY17 Ink 1r1711. Trrty A I Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 tlf. rirr 11A14 COMPOSITION OF THE NEW PRESIDIUM CPSU CENTRAL COMMITTEE Full Members Other Party and/or Government Poste (*denotes government post) Aristov, Averky B. Belyayev, Nikolai 1, Brezhnev, Leonid I. Bulganin, Nikolai I. Furtseva, Yekaterina A. Ignatov, Nikolai G. Khrushchev, Nikita S. ICirichenko, Aleksei I. Kozlov, Frol R. Kuusinen, Otto V. Mikoyan, Anastas 1, 6 July 57 Secretary, Central Committee. Mem- ber, Central Committee Buro for RSFSR. Secretary, Central Committee, Deputy Chairman, Central Committee Buro for RSFSR. Secretary, Central Committee. *Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers. Secretary, Central Committee. 1st Secretary, Moscow City Party Com- mittee. Member, Central Committee Buro for RSFSR. 1st Secretary, Gorky Oblast Party Committee. 1st Secretary, Central Committee, Chairman, Central Committee Buro for RSFSR. 1st Secretary, Ukrainian Party Cen- tral Committee, Member, Central Committee Buro for RSFSR. 1st Secretary, Leningrad Ob- last Party Committee. Secretary, Central Committee. *1st Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers. Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -CONFIDENITAT Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 CONFIDENTIAL A Full Members Other Party and/or Government Posts (*denotes government post) Shvernik, Nikolai M. Suslov, Mikhail A. Voroshilov, Kliment Ye. Zhukov, Georgy K. Candidate Members Kalnberzin, Yan. E. Kirilenko, Andrei P. Korotchenko, Derayan S. Kosygin, Aleksei N. Mazurov, Kirin T. Mukhitdinov, Niritdin A. Mzhavanadze, Vasily P. Pervukhin, Mikhail G. Pospelov, Pyotr N. 6 July 57 Chairman, Party Control Commission. Secretary, Central Committee. *Chairman, Presidium, Supreme Soviet (titular chief of state). *USSR Minister of Defense. 1st Secretary, Latvian Party Central Committee. Member, Central Committee Buro for RSFSR. 1st Secretary, Sverdlovsk Oblast Party Committee. *Deputy Chairman, Presidium USSR Supreme Soviet. *Chairman, Presidium Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet. *1st Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers. 1st Secretary, Belorussian Party Cen- tral Committee. 1st Secretary, Uzbek Party Central Committee. 1st Secretary, Georgian Party Central Committee. *USSR Minister of Medium Machine Building. Secretary, Central Committee. Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 rvr1 rimirrvirriunrir A Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 111. IMIJIN 1 A 2. USSR ORDERS CONCESSION ON COMPULSORY DELIVERY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Comment on: Compulsory agricultural deliveries to the state from private plots will be abol- ished next January under a Soviet decree of 4 July. This concession had been pro- posed by Khrushchev on 22 May. In the recent central committee resolution ousting Malenkov, Molotov and Kaganovich, they were charged with opposing this "press- ing measure" of vital importance. This incentive measure is part of the pro- gram to overtake the United States in per capita meat, milk and butter production in the next few years--a program which the ousted faction allegedly opposed. The final paragraph of the agricultural decree referred to this program and emphat- ically stated "there can be no doubt that this task will be ful- filled." Khrushchev feels that these obligatory de- liveries can be eliminated because they now are only a small part of total deliveries to the state, and should be done away with in order to "create a better political atmosphere in the farm areas." Meat deliveries from privately owned livestock,, which constituted 23 percent of total meat deliveries to the state in 1952, will fall to only 10 percent in 1957, according to Khru- shchev. During the same period, milk deliveries from privately owned cows will have fallen from 31 percent of the total to 7 per- cent. Khrushchev presumably feels that this meas- ure will work to increase total output. In his 22 May speech, Khrushchev indicated that the collective farms would make up for the former compulsory deliveries from private plots. Never- theless, the USSR will be unable to achieve Khrushch est livestock production goals. 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Alk EONFIDEN-T-I-A-fr 3, CHINESE COMMUNIST RESPONSE TO SOVIET PURGE Comment on: The Chinese Communist Party, in a cable to the Soviet party on 5 July, responded favorably to the purge of the Soviet presidium. Peiping's brief message thanked the Soviet party for having informed the Chinese, through Ambassador I'mlin, of the resolution on the "antiparty group of Malenkov, Kaga- novich and Molotov." The cable expressed Peiping's confi- dence that the action "will help unite and consolidate" the Soviet party, and concluded with an affirmation of continued Sino-Soviet unity in the common cause. Peiping has already publicized the full text of the Soviet party's resolution on the purge, and an ex- tended Chinese treatment of it will probably be forthcoming. The purge can in part be plausibly presented by Peiping as Soviet action along lines with which the Chinese have been in agreement and along which they had encouraged Moscow to proceed further. Peiping has agreed with Moscow on the need for correcting Stalin's errors, and in the past year has suggested that it would welcome the removal of remaining exponents of those errors, both in the USSR and in the Satel- lites. 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 eli-INTETTTIVATorr A Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 WINP LULA 112114 4. TOP-LEVEL YUGOSLAVS TO VISIT USSR Comment On 5 July, a spokesman for the Yugoslav �Foreign Secretariat confirmed press re- ports that vice presidents Kardelj and Rankovic would "holiday" soon in the USSR. He said it was a "quite normal assumption" that they would have meetings with Soviet leaders. Tito, apparently with foreknowledge of the purge, decided to avail himself of the new situation in the hope of easing the strained relations between Moscow and Belgrade which he has generally attributed to the presence of Stalinists within the Kremlin. Belgrade has main- tained that, among the Soviet leaders, Khrushchev is the most sympathetic to its position. It is unlikely that the Yugoslays will concede on any of their basic ideological views which have brought them into conflict with the USSR. More likely, they hope that Khru- shchev will agree to their validity. The initial official reaction in Belgrade to the purge is that it comes "not as a sensation but as a logical step in present-day development in the USSR and world socialism." Realization of the agreement for rapprochement reached by Tito and Khrushchev in 1955 now is hailed by the Yugo- slays as possible. 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 413V-111TFAT�T471-11 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 4 5. US US EMBASSY COMMENTS ON REPORTED UNREST IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA Press reports in London, maintaining that discontent in Czechoslovakia is ap- proaching the rebellious mood in Poland just before the Poznan riots, are greatly exaggerated, in the opinion of the American embassy in Prague. The embassy notes, however, a growing feeling among the pop- ulation that internal and external pressures will force some evolutionary changes in the Czech regime's Stalinist inflexibil- ity. In addition, anti-Soviet feeling has grown since the USSR's intervention in Hungary last fall. Since last October, the Czech regime has been concerned over liberal tendencies and has adopted various policies and measures designed to curb revisionist expressions. The embassy does not believe the antiliberal speeches at the re- cent central committee plenum reveal "extreme" nervousness over internal disaffection as some reports have stated, since the regime has reacted similarly before. On the other hand, the new purges in Moscow will undoubtedly encourage liberal ele- ments. The embassy believes, nevertheless, that the catalytic conditions necessary to transform active disaffec- tion into rebellious temper do not presently exist. In particular, Czech economic conditions are better than those in Poland, and the considerable and continuing press debate between conserva- tive and liberal elements which has been noted in Poland and elsewhere has not been observed in Czechoslovakia. On the con- trary, Czech intellectuals have reacted in a dispirited way to stern regime warnings against revisionism. 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 vie 6. SITUATION TAT V. Agrr mrrtrykrnacT Comment on: Indonesian army chief of staff General Nasution and the Djakarta government have suffered another setback in their attempts to resolve East Indonesian dis- sidence, led by Lt. Col. Sumual. "Gov- ernor" Manoppo of the province of North Celebes on 3 July declared that his area, "tired of waiting" for economic relief from Djakarta, will attempt to become econom- ically independent by engaging in its own barter trade of copra, spices and coffee. This announcement, which gives quasi- official sanction to long-existing smug- gling activities, follows by several days General Nasution's most recent peace- making trip to Celebes. Sumual, former commander in East Indo- nesia, reportedly declared the establishment of the North Celebes Province on 20 June following Djakarta's failure to accede to his plans for a volitical redivision of East Indonesia. Nasution "deeply regretted" Sumual's deci- sion to set up this administrative area and stated, "I should make it clear...the province be given legal standing." it is doubtful that Nasutio any mg s or o using force to overcome Sumual, and army headquarters personnel in Djakarta are wondering how Nasution can extricatehimelf from the present situation without loss of face. 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 L. Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016 TOP SECRET A 7� EGYPT ARRANGES "GIFT" OF ARMS TO LIBYAN ROYAL GUARD Comment The royal guard is a unit of the Cyrenaican Defense Force (CYDEF), a provincial mil- itary organization independent of and often at odds with the Lib- yan central army, whose equipment is largely furnished by the United States and Britain. In giving equipment to the guard, through the assistance of the pro-Egyptian al-Shalhi, the Egyp- tians appear to be putting new effort into their program support- ing potential antigovernment elements in Libya. More direct subversive activity resulted in the ejection of their military at- tach�ast November. 6 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 're-% n Irv, T1 VT' Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189016