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Publication Date: 
July 3, 1957
Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 (At' �, y z CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3 July 1957 Copy No. Q... N.!0. iN 1.1 TS NEXT F5IVEWuct 7 DATE 136 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY st.61 This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the. meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. TOPS ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Aftlk Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 CONTENTS KISHI'S TRIP TO ITS NOW VIEWED MORE FAVORABLY IN JAPAN (page 3). CIA'S POSITION AS PHILIPPINE PRESIDENTIAL CONTENDER WEAKENING (page 4). 3. INDIAN ECONOMIC SITUATION DETERIORATING RAPIDLY (page 5). 4. PLAN TO ASSASSINATE GUATEMALAN PRESIDENT REPORTED page 6), 3 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Art. -CONFIDENT-ME 1. KISHI'S TRIP TO US NOW VIEWED MORE FAVORABLY IN JAPAN Reference: Japanese prime minister Kishi was met at the Tokyo airport by the largest crowd ever to graet a returning Japanese digni- tary. The general Japanese reaction is considerably more favorable than indicated by the newspapers. Influential political commentators are in nearly unanimous agreement that Kishi achieved a moderate but nevertheless real success; that the public as a whole recognizes this; and that Kishi's own prestige has been enhanced greatly by the trip. The press continues to express doubts and reservations as to what Kishi actually accomplished, but seems to agree that he performed a difficult and trying task very well. The embassy comments that the defensive tone of the papers sug- gests that they are somewhat embarrassed by their earlier ex- cessive criticism and also sense that they have not been in line with "national sentiment" on the trip. The embassy notes that even Kishi's critics have recognized that he probably has no peer among present-day Japanese leaders in the complicated business of "getting along with Americans." 3 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 1-11-Virrfr7ITINTrilr 4 Ir Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 IL4U/Tir /.1-FEA.LN 1.1./11.4 vir air 2. GARCIA'S POSITION AS PHILIPPINE PRESIDENTIAL CONTEND Comment on: There are increasing signs that Phil- ippine president Garcia is running into serious difficulties in his fight to gain the Nacionalista Party's nomination to succeed himself. Party chairman Rodri- guez reportedly is encouraging other Nacionalista aspirants to run in the hope of improving his own prospects for candi- dacy by splitting party ranks at the convention scheduled for 27-28 July. Party leaders are said to be concerned over the lack of popular enthusiasm for Garcia evident during recent campaign tours. Influential senator Laurel, whose son ap- pears the strongest contender for the vice-presidential nom- ination, states he is pessimistic over Garcia's chances for election in November against the probable Liberal Party slate of Yulo and Macapagal. Laurel, who asserts that the Nacion- alistas now have less than 50 percent of their vote-drawing power in 1953, says that his son will withdraw as a vice-pres- idential candidate and that he himself will announce his candi- dacy for the presidential nomination on the Nacionalista ticket if it appears at the convention that Garcia cannot win the nom- ination. Rejection of Garcia would deepen the party's cleavages and probably cause him to run as an independent. Meanwhile, leaders of the Liberal Party, which is now scheduled to convene on 20-21 July, are consid- erably heartened by the Nacionalistas' internal difficulties, and their optimism is reflected in increasing predictions of success in November. 3 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -C141V-r4nFAT-Tt4�. Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Ask �SECRET 3. INDIAN ECONOMIC SITUATION DETERIORATING RAPIDLY Comment on: The Indian economic situation is deteri- orating rapidly and the country is facing a crisis which will test its political sta- bility to the utmost, according to Ambas- sador Bunker. He states that the tension caused by this de- velopment has recently become noticeable among government leaders in New Delhi. Despite import restrictions imposed late in 1956, which have reduced consumer goods imports sharply, the foreign exchange reserves--which are falling by nearly $20,000,000 a week--are only about $155,000,000 above the $840,000,000 required for currency backing. The government fears that any reduction below this level will start a financial panic and cause a flight of capital. However, it apparently has decided it must take this risk, as the value of outstanding let- ters of credit will cause a continued foreign exchange drain for six to ten months. In a further attempt to stem the foreign ex- change decline, the government on 1 July slashed imports even more drastically. While New Delhi recognizes that these new restrictions will cause unemployment as well as further infla- tion, it believes it must continue its program of rapid industri- alization if India is eventually to overcome its economic prob- lems. Therefore, Finance Minister Krishnamachari will probably try, during his planned trip to the United States this autumn, to fill a large part of India's $1.2-1.3 billion foreign exchange gap. 3 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 111-1LIU, Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011 YLitiL CL -7C- 4. PLAN TO ASSASSINATE GUATEMALAN PRESIDENT REPORTED Comment on: An attempt to assassinate Guatemalan president Carlos Castiln Arms has been planned for 3 July, The attempt is planned to coincide with the liberation celebration commemorating Castillo's entry into Guatemala City following the overthrow of the pro-Communist Arbenz regime in 1954. The government reportedly has been ad- vised of the plan but does not know the identities of the plotters, except that one is believed to be from outside the country. Discontent among air force officers has re- portedly increased considerably since the death of Colonel Carlos Sarti in the abortive 24 June coup. Sarti was to have assumed the temporary pres- idency of Guatemala if the coup had been successful0 air force elements believe that the situation is delicate and that the government could be overthrown at any minute. Castillo was able to thwart the 23-24 June attempt partly because he had prior knowledge of the plans, and it is probable that foreknowledge will also enable him to control events on 3 July. 3 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 .c1-47Rvi Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03189011